Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

General discussion about payware add-ons

Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby ozzy72 » Fri Jun 13, 2003 12:38 pm

Hmm. The eternal debate. I have to say that there are many talented people in both the freeware and payware depts. I think ultimately you have to decide for yourself "is it worth my money?" and "how badly do I want it?".
There is an article on this at, under Op-Ed.

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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Blade » Fri Jun 13, 2003 2:49 pm

There is a problem that payware designers don't understand, there is also a VERY LARGE group of minors in the FS world, maybe more than adults although I'm not sure. The problem is that these minors don't have credit cards or checking accounts, the more expensive products get, the less they will be bought. I am thinking of going payware after I finish the F-4 and another a/c. But when I do it won't be 25-30 bucks, are payware designers nuts, you pay almost 1/3 the price of the sim for a A/C you only fly once or twice in a while. IF I go payware my planes will be 5-10 bucks, nothing expensive, and I'll except cash to ;) then email the download link for the plane, which of course I will change everyday to keep wood be hackers from stealing it  >:(

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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Fly2e » Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:06 pm

WAHH WAHH WAHH... How many Freeware add-ons are there???????? Thousands. I am sure you can find something you like. For the people who like to spend money, have the money, and do not mind paying the money, let us enjoy our toys. I DO NOT mind paying somebody $20 bucks for software that most likely took a designer alot of time and effort. If I do not want to buy it,...I don't. It is that simple. At least I know with most payware that after downloading the is going to work!
I can't believe people are actually complaining about this. There are not many things in life for free.......except the THOUSANDS of addons here alone at SimV or have you gotten to used to it.
Alot of us are not rich, but for those of us who demand the best, I personally do not mind visiting the payware sites, seeing whats new, reading up on it and possibly purchasing it.
This weekend is Fathers' Day, hell, where's my credit card.....I am of to the Lago Site!!!    ;D    ;D

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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Oz » Fri Jun 13, 2003 5:32 pm

I can't believe people are actually complaining about this.

Well, its our opinion after all and we do live in a free world  ;)
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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Lurch » Fri Jun 13, 2003 9:46 pm

Well,I would love to pay only 25 or 30 bucks for a plane,but,with an exchange rate or roughly 8 to 1 I land up paying about 200 bucks for a plane.Also,as far as I know,FS2002 Pro is (or was) about $70,I would have killed to pay cost me 1000 bucks.At this exchange rate I am going to soon have to turn to robbing banks to be able to get any more add-on's ;Dj/k
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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby asnamara » Fri Jun 13, 2003 10:34 pm

also when you say paywares designers spend huge amount of time to produce these paywares... It is MASSIVE amounts of time, many thousand hours on a 30$ payware... I myself got FS2002 Pro for about 55USD (110 singapore $)... Those paywares are half the price of FS2002 itself.. And i bet that the FS2002 developing team spent way more than double the hour of payware designers... (correct me if i'm wrong).. Although we all have to live with it, and i personnally won't mind to much, not everybody has money to throw out the window (good thing there are freewares ;D ;D ).

Also about blades' comment about minors.. I'm an adult now, but i wasn't a few month ago ;D ... There's nothing more frustrating than begging your parents for days for a single freakin' freeware.. Most of the time they willl refuse... So keep in consideration the young ones ;) ..
And yes, i do believe the majority of the people posting in this forum are under 18... we had a post about it long time ago 8)... maybe we should make a poll :P  ::)

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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby SilverFox441 » Fri Jun 13, 2003 11:06 pm

Scale is the problem.

MS sold many tens of thousands of copies of FS...but the payware designer will only sell to a very tiny percentage of those FS fliers.

So while MS makes a lot of money on the copies they sell...the payware guy doesn't do nearly as well.
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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Blade » Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:22 am

I think by the end of the summer it'll be time for me to get a job lol.

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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Monkey_Dude » Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:04 am


Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Fly2e » Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:12 am

Posted by: Oz Posted on: Jun 13th, 2003, 6:32pm
Quote:I can't believe people are actually complaining about this.  
Well, its our opinion after all and we do live in a free world    

I am sorry, i just felt like venting alittle. I guess it's a touchy subject. I guess it is easier for the older people in these forums to get this stuff, so I apologize.

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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby SilverFox441 » Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:46 pm

No need to apologize about it.

I can understand quite well how frustrating it can be to not be able to get some of the cool payware...I didn't even have a credit card myself until about 4 months ago and couldn't order anything. :(

You just have to understand the payware does fill a niche in the FS world. Very few can afford all the great stuff available, but most can afford one or two selected pieces. If you are one of the few that can't even afford the one or two...sorry.

I know that sucks. Hopefully your situation will change and you can add a few choice pieces.
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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby planespotter » Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:53 pm

I was once foolish to complaining about payware files. But to repeat what was already said, you get what you pay for. ;)

I wanted high quality military planes, the only way I could get those were to purchase them. What kills me is people complain about payway aircraft yet see no issue to upgrade to the latest and greatest Video card usually costs around $300 USD if not more.

Others have to have the whole HOTAS, cougar costs over $400 or the Yoke and peddal system which I'm assuming must be more than that.

This is no longer just a game but a hobby. Try taking up skiing or golf and see how expensive everything is. I had to stop skiing due to the climbing cost of the ski ticket, gas and everything else.

If you can provide good freeware for those who can't/won't purchase payware then good for you. But I for one am glad there are companies stepping forward producing HIGH QUALITY Military AC for my simming pleasure  8)

just my opinion, not attacking anyone else's
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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby Whitey » Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:14 am

The only time I can affored payware is when I get money for something.  Right now, I'm all out. ::)  Being too young to work isn't all fun and games...after the summer holidays I'll have to study for hours every night if I want to pass all my Highers and then study Aeronautical Engineering.  And I'm not going to charge people
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Re: Paywares.. Paywares and more Paywares..

Postby planespotter » Sun Jul 06, 2003 11:27 pm

Also the Lago products, you only have to look at them to see that they wipe the floor wit most military freeware planes...but NOT ALL of them!  The DSB Eurofighter and I3D B-1B for example.

Whitey, the B-1 was only freeware because they didn't have enough info on it to make it as detailed as the rest of their fleet.

Lago & I3D is making what the community wants and is asking for, HIGHLY DETAILED Military aircraft. The freeware guys aren't making them  ;)
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