Radio frequency not available

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Radio frequency not available

Postby Demious » Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:46 am

I noticed a couple of times already that I get send to a radio frequency that end with .43 or anything with a 3 at the end, however the radio only takes steps like .40 .42 .45 and I cant set it manually to the .43 as requested.
I can of course do it with through the ATC, but that wouldnt be the true way to do it.
Can anyone tell me how to set the radios to a .43 frequency by using the knobs on the panel, as it would be done in the real world?
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Re: Radio frequency not available

Postby DaveSims » Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:29 pm

Aviation radios don't really use a .03, it is actually .025.  For example the frequencies available would be like below:


Many radios don't show the .005 increment, and simply show as a .02.  For some reason flight sim is rounding up to .03.
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Re: Radio frequency not available

Postby Demious » Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:05 am

Yes, I know, that's why I'm a bit confused about what happens here, I also havent seen it before.
I'm used to series like: .100 - .125 - .150 - .175 or as radios with just 2 decimals will read: .10 - .12 - .15 - .17

However, with that particular flight, yesterday, ATC asked me to switch to, as you say, a rounded up figure of .130 (as was shown in ATC window) which is not in the sequal as the radios allow me to choose from and when I choose either .12(5) or .15(0) I cant call the station I'm handed off to. So if I want to keep the flying experience as it would be in the real world, without the switch option in the ATC-window, I wouldnt be able to contact the next station.

Now I'm a bit confused about what's happening and how to handle it. Is this a bug that can only be overcome by using the switch option in the ATC window? Or is this a real world thing and can I trick the radios to still be able to contact the station by using the .125? Or is there and option that enables me to indeed choose the .130?
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Re: Radio frequency not available

Postby Demious » Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:37 am

Yet another weird thing I noticed. I get handed off to London Centre on 118.475, but in the ATC appears 119.925
Hello Manston Approach!
Again I cant perform the actions given to me and have to rely on the ATC-window to correct the error.
Is there any way to correct these bugs?
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