Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

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Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby Moach » Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:13 pm

i was pretty stunned when i saw it, X-Plane 10 is looking quite promising right now, look:  :o

amazed yet?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-8e8-9y ... re=related

default craft preview:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qDhY6Pj ... re=related

i just wanna take this opportunity to say two words that i believe sum up every request we could possibly make -- "top that!"  ;D

seriously, if MS manages to measure up to the advanced features and incredible looks of XP10, whilst still making it "all-welcoming and fun for everyone" such as they have mentioned, we shall have one seriously awesome simulator at hands  ::)

i guess it doesn't hurt to point out how MS is definitely NOT ALONE in the FlightSim business - and it's got some pretty hard ground sky to cover if they wanna be still "on top" by the time "Flight" hits the shelves  :D

needless to say - but i feel it's impossible to overstate this - "Flight" MUST be able to run [glow=yellow,2,300]SMOOTHLY[/glow] at top-settings on viable hardware existing at the time of release - X-Plane, as far as i've flown it, has a far superior looks-to-performance ratio, and that's NOT something that MS can afford to overlook anymore...

and as for us sim-pilots,  we have nothing but to gain from this situation - ain't a little competition a grand motivation?  ;)

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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby BrandonF » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:18 pm

Was it just me, or did that first video stutter quite a bit? Nothing in it really "shocked" me. You can make FSX look just as good as far as most of the details go. I think Flight and XP10 are both trying to appeal to different audiences, too. Flight is to the same hardcore flight sim fans along with beginners and the average person. X-Plane 10 seems to be more for the expert simmers and real world pilots. Both sims have great potential, but I don't see myself ever switching to X-Plane.
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby Spindrift » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:47 pm

"Amazed yet?"

Ermmm... no.... I've tried X-plane (well, the demo. Ran great!) and it's just, well... OOGLY. No offense to fans but it really looks like FS2000 on a bad day. :D I WILL however concede that JRollons aircraft models are pure works of art! MS won't have a hard time making Flight Prettier, but boy, if they can match that level of detail for default AC *whistles* 8-)

[smiley=beer.gif] And yes, a little healthy competition is good for everybody!
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby New Light » Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:01 am

   Well, if it looks and performs as well as seems to demonstrate in the snippets, I might be switching. As I've said in other posts, if screenshots are FS's main objective, then they should call it what it is, an "Aeronautical Photoshop" with a side note that states something to the effect of "Oh, and, by the way, you can 'fly' the airplanes too..."

   Screenshots are a wonderful subdiscipline of the many other subdisciplines and interests within FS, but the title "Flight Simulator" seems to leave the "flight" "simulation" in the background. Once, all bugs, patches, and buying all of the associated programs along with a pc that will run the program smoothly and properly, FS9 & FSX are very nice looking and the "flyability" is very nice.

   FS does seem to faulter in some major areas as far as "flight" "simulation" is concerned, some of which are proper and fully functional panels for the correct aircraft, fully functional avionics, ATC and emergencies. Again, the title, FS, seems to be a bit misleading - simulating flight is a somewhat of another subdiscipline of the program, not the main objective of the program. Of course, the new program name of "Flight" might be the first sign of admittance that FS is not really a "flight simulator".

   If X Plane 10's panels look and perform as good as the they seem on the snippets, I'll have to take a serious look at the program. I, as well as many others have had many of the same complaints and wishes for FS. We even have a section devoted to "Wish Lists" for the new program. Will MS put out a good and well tested program? Or will we still have the same ole, tired avionics, panels, ATC, etc., with A LOT better trimmings? Time will tell...

   Believe me when I say that I'm not a real pilot (4 hours in a C150M), but, I do try to "fly" as close to "by the book" as possible. I started from the very beginning in the Cub and built my flight skills from there, and have learned to "fly" somewhat decently in more powerful single engine aircraft - not great by any means - but good enough to want to do things right. My current pc allows me "fly" FSX with all settings on 100% and still be silky smooth without stutters and such. Right now, I'm happy with FSX, but it was a painful and expensive path to get everything to work correctly. I'll see what "Flight" offers verses X Plane 10 when the time comes. It may be a pos, and it may deliver...

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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby Spindrift » Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:29 pm

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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby Moach » Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:19 pm

from what i've been reading, the "vanilla" package leaves much to be desired... BUT.... for addon developers it's a FAR more interesting platform than MSFS... it's THAT MUCH more versatile...

it allows addons to add a lot more to the overall experience... and they claim their API is easier to deal with (which in comparison to the FSX SDK, doesn't really require much to achieve)...

i think we're almost at a turning point... if XP10 delivers as much as it promises, then for the first time, MSFS will have a true competitor to worry about... specially if they continue with the GFWL-down-our-throats concept, which already seems to be reason for a lot of dirty looks

at the moment, FSX and XP-9 is still a dispute that most claim will favour the former - yet in the aspects where XP does prevail (which are mostly simulation-wise features), it does so by a longshot... ::)

right now, if I were mr. Austin, i'd be aiming to invest a lot into covering all that FS fans expect of a sim, such as the awesome aircraft models with 3D cockpits, the built-in ATC engine... i'd even go as far as developing a FSX-to-XPlane aircraft converter, so users can migrate the immense FS addon-base to XP10  ::)

i think this is a critical point for both sides... if XP-10 delivers best right now, it has a good chance of taking over the flightsim community :o
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby skoker » Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:13 pm

They would need to severely need to increase texture quality for me to consider it at all.
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby New Light » Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:30 pm

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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby Moach » Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:52 am

one thing that i REALLY appreciate about X-Plane is the way the developers talk openly and straight-up to their public...

while M$ has some *urgh* publicity chump write up a perfectly generic piece of rambling on vaguely how they intend to approach the development of "flight", which sounds like a fishy sales pitch and tells us a whole lot of nothing as to what's REALLY going on - the XP10 crew has no holdbacks into blogging highly technical details on EXACTLY what they're doing, how it's going, and why they're doing it they way they are....  ::)

heads up, M$ - people DO NOT appreciate being "publicit'ized"... when you treat us like that it feels like politicians making vague promisses in a way they can "fine-print" themselves out of the heat, WHEN they don't deliver  >:(

we wanna hear details from the development team, how are they addressing the performance bottlenecks that plagued FSX? how are they employing (if at all) new DX11 GPU  capabilities? - what new simulation features they're working on?

we DO NOT care for the dumbed-down, sugar-coated, "everything we do is perfect" salesmens spew of a P/R team who very likely have no idea what FS is all about!

look alive! - i advise you M$ folks in the most friendly of ways - treating folks like this is why EA is the most hated/pirated game company out there... M$ is not far behind on that aspect - and should a tie between Flight and XP-10 arise (highly likely, from what i read on their dev-blog), ppl could very well go with the guys who are "not evil" for a change  ::)
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby Spindrift » Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:12 pm

[quote]one thing that i REALLY appreciate about X-Plane is the way the developers talk openly and straight-up to their public...

...the XP10 crew has no holdbacks into blogging highly technical details on EXACTLY what they're doing, how it's going, and why they're doing it they way they are....
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby FuturePilot » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:40 am

I haven't been excited about X-Plane ever since I tried the demo. To me, the graphics are still better in FSX, but the main problem I have with X-Plane is the controls... to me the airplanes don't look like they're flying, they look like some two year old is holding them playing...

Of course, I would be thrilled if it did motivate MS but I don't think it needs to to keep it's audience.  ;)

X-Plane looks like Graphics-wise they should be looking pretty good in a few more versions...
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby JSpahn » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:53 am

Hey guys all the information out there for XP 10 is kinda misleading right now, for instance nobody on the XP side of development has the completed product right now and the majority of the screen shots are from XP 9 showing specific features due for XP10. I suggest looking at everything linked below to get a better idea of whats in store for XP.

As far as ATC and default airport buildings, which in my opinion was a major drawback of XP, they will be implemented in this release. Also a major update of the weather system. I have to admit i am skeptical in regards to the new weather system....but wont know until the final release what it will be like ...



http://xplanescenery.blogspot.com/2010/ ... ne-10.html


Here are a few movies showing the new global lighting system:
http://xplanescenery.blogspot.com/2010/ ... video.html

And they are focusing on Multi-Core processing, good thing cauz i got an i7:
http://xplanescenery.blogspot.com/2010/ ... on-10.html
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby BAW0343 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:02 am

I'm a die hard MSFS fan and never considered switching to XP....

Until now.

After looking at those videos and reading what people have wrote, my plan is to switch to the simulator that fill what I consider the minimum requirements for the next gen of FS:

1. ATC that's more in depth then the FSX default system. It would be nice to declare emergencies but not necessary. However, as an aspiring ATC myself It would be nice to see some more real world procedures take place. For example, if one of these sims implements actual separation between aircraft, then they have a big leg up IMO. FSX IFR flights are a nice feature.. but 99.99% of the the the ATC warn me about hazardous aircraft in 2 specific situations that don't matter to me anymore. 1. When they aren't a threat. Standard separation is 5 miles horizontal and 1000 ft. vertical. If I'm at FL320, I don't give a crap what the guy at FL280 is doing. and 2. After it's already passed me. At least 50% of my traffic advisories are off. Had it been an actual situation I would be long dead before ATC got around to telling me about it.

2. Decent graphics. I run FSX medium to medium low for ground textures and slightly higher for everything else. I feel this is a fairly good standard as a base. The biggest drawback for XP10 so far is the graphics I've seen in the videos. Looks too FS2002 or 90's era console gameish for me. Of course, the videos are preliminary so no real judgement has been made just yet. I just don't want to feel like I took a step backward.

3. Improved flight model. Something we've always wanted. I think it's about time we got it, right?

4. Detailed and fairly accurate aircraft. So far since I became a Flight sim enthusiast, MSFS has impressed me with some of their aircraft and the systems therein. Of course for every model they've nailed, they messed up 3 others. So far from the video from XP10 the default look AMAZING. As long as the systems work as well as they look.

5. AI of course. I've replaced FSX AI with WOAI and it's quite nice. Hopefully something like that comes up for XP and MS Flight.

I figure since I've become used to FSX and its now technically the "old" version of FS we can use it as a base to compare the newcomers to. I have little doubt in my mind that MS Flight will blow XP10 out of the water with the graphics, however, if that's all they have to offer there's a good chance I'll be switching to XP10 if they model the flight environment as well as they seem to be. MSFS has had a long run. It's time they upped their game and stopped trying to impress us with eye candy. Beautiful eye candy it may be
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby DowninFlames » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:05 am

From my experience with X-Plane 9 it's like flying MS2002 birds over Orbx terrain.
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Re: Looks like "Flight" is in for some tough competition....

Postby JDB » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:42 am

Well I hope that MS Flight does has some stiff competition. There are a large number of simmers who will never be able to experience it because MS do not intend to roll out the online service to a large swathe of Asia and Africa. It has been hard enough to get FSX in these regions, but now we face a total lockout. :'( :'(
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