The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

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The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby DieStaffel » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:58 pm

Early in 2007, there was a discussion between many of the website hosters of flight simulators and it was agreed to put CFS1 and FS98 to bed.
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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby Ridge_Runner_5 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:00 am

Can I buy some crack from you? Or borrow your time machine?
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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby denishc » Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:03 am

 All good things must come to an end and its been a good ride while it lasted.  When did CFS1 hit the market?  About 1997 or so, we've had almost ten good years!  How many other flight sims or computer games have had such a life span in their original form?

 There still are followers and designers for CFS1.  The forums here at Simvation and Sim-Outhouse prove that.  I believe that CFS1 will survive for awhile yet and that somewhere, someone will have a site dedicated to CFS1 and FS98.

 But I also believe the flight sim genre itself is in trouble.  When CFS1 was released back in 1997 there were atlease six other flight sims on the market at that time.  Today there are only two producers of flight sims (does "Strike Fighters" or the re-release of the "Battle of Britian" count?).  And even though MS has said it will continue to support the flight sim genre there has been no CFS4 or FS2006.

 On top of that its become increasingly more difficult to build aircraft for the user accessable sims.  AF99 was no cake walk but you could still build an acceptable aircraft with it.  

 The only bright spot for flight sims may lay in a recent poll taken here at Simviation, that asked the age of those visiting Simviation.  I was surprised that many were in their late teens and early twenties.  We can only hope that these young people will carry the torch........and keep CFS1 flying for awhile longer.  
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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby DrRedskwirrell » Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:31 am

Early in 2007, there was a discussion between many of the website hosters and it was agreed to put CFS1 and FS98 to bed
2007 eh? many website hosters eh? hmmm, lol. There was me thinking the Zone had just decided to pull it and announced at the end of last year (2005).

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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby james007 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:21 am

In my Opinion CFS1 was and is one the great Sims of all time. As matter of fact it gave me  the most thrillings experience in its early years.

Its down fall was not its age but its inability to be upgrade as other communitties have been able to do to with other Sims.

Sure it did have significant upgrades but enough to keep afloat. Another short comming was the lack of a good easy Mission Editor. Some of us figure it out but the majority did not. So you have  may have hundreds of availble for it you but can cannot use them appropiatly in the Sim.

Another is not having a Danymic Campaign Generator.
Believe or not Lowengrin Dynamic Campaign Generator and the ability to fly on line is what is keeping Pacific Fighter/Forggoten Battle afloat.

If it had this capabilities it would still a heck of Sim competeting with CFS2 and CFS3 and the rest of them.

I for one have no intention of uninstalling it. As long as I have enough Hard drive space I will keep it in my PC.
It is still fun to fly and a great Sim for begginers.

Just remember this Guys. This Sim was and is a classic. I would keep the CD around just in case one day you would want to expierience how it felt to fly with one of the first great Sim dedicated to World war two Aviation.

I would also Keep all it upgrades and Camps in a CD backup CD just in case you have desire to fly in this great Sim one day.

PS. Its only dead if you Guys decide that it is dead!

This has been only a opinion

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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby H » Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:36 pm

It is still fun to fly and a great Sim for begginers... This Sim was and is a classic... I would also Keep all its upgrades and Campaigns in a CD backup just in case... Its only dead if you Guys decide that it is dead!. James007
Et tu? 8)
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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby denishc » Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:51 pm

Early in 2007, there was a discussion between many of the website hosters of flight simulators and it was agreed to put CFS1 and FS98 to bed.

 As I recall didn't Simviation think of closing it FS98 forums several years ago?  But public uproar caused them to change their minds.
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Re: The final moments of CFS1 and FS98

Postby DrRedskwirrell » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:29 pm

Sry, no idea. I started out playing FS98 offline but only went online with CFS1.
Is Simviation one of the websites to host Flight Simulations then? Apologies if they do, this is the first I've heard of it.
How can I get to the games rooms so I can try it?
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