Optimizing storage space and performance

FSX including FSX Steam version.

Optimizing storage space and performance

Postby TransportFan2014 » Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:03 am

So, after a long hiatus due to priorities and the old laptop not being sustainable, I opted to re-enter FS at some point in the future (precisely FSX:SE), with 96% of my older add-ons, coupled with a bunch of newer releases and stuff that I have tried finding in the past without luck, with a bigger laptop in terms of storage (480GB storage; 235GB available and 8GB RAM). Though, I am setting up all my add-ons now to avoid nasty surprises when I have the sim installed.
Would be nice to know if it is possible to:

1) locate the OOM patcher since the previous links I searched on the internet are all dodos by now.

2) Relating to #1, I am planning to load up the simulator with a lot of aircraft types, so I wonder if it is optimal for me to localize the Virtual Cockpit panels of some aircraft to a specific folder (specifically, having the default 737-800 and the 18 TDS 737-700s utilize the same interior model and VC-panel; in this case the one equipped to the Crescent Heights BBJ, similar situation among the 777s and the entire load of A320-series). So far I know how to alias 2D panels and sound packs, but not sure about VC panels. All for the purpose of minimizing the storage I use since the same laptop I intend to run FSXSE on is also used for other work-related purposes until I have my older computer refurnished with bigger RAM, then I can move all my other work matters to that other laptop and reserve the current one for FS use.

Thanks in advance. I am not in that much of a rush to re-install FSX-SE yet though in my Windows 10 laptop to avoid nasty surprises, additional other input will be nice.
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Re: Optimizing storage space and performance

Postby Dave T » Sat Sep 09, 2023 5:10 pm

Just install it a modern laptop should have no difficulty running FSX.

Run it without any modifications and see how it performs, add ORBX and other stuff later.

Bonus of using FSX is some developers have recently released ex-payware aircraft for free for FSX, plus a lot of great freeware planes available too.

Install it and enjoy it.
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Re: Optimizing storage space and performance

Postby hertzie » Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:15 am

As I am retired and on holiday quite much, I have always my beloved FSX Acc. with me on my WinX laptop (16GB RAM (was 8), 237GB space). Very soon I noticed: 1) you never have enough RAM and 2) you never have enough space. For the more aircraft you put in to fly, the slower the sim loads and works. So I managed to get more RAM (16GB) and I bought a separate 1TB harddisk. On that separate HD I put a copy of my FSX Acc. and most of my aircraft and extra scenery. And yes, it takes some time to copy a plane or an airfield from my HD to my C:/FSX, but I know that when something's happening with my FSX Acc. I have a perfect working backup and a quick loading FSX.

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Re: Optimizing storage space and performance

Postby Sprocket » Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:25 am

Some interesting reading related to this topic:

https://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb ... rrors.aspx

"When FSX crashes with an error message saying that your computer has run out of available memory (commonly called an “OOM” in the sim community), it’s actually talking about VAS, not physical memory like the amount of RAM in your system. Customers who have huge amounts of RAM like 16GB or 32GB are often baffled by this message for good reason – they certainly aren’t running out of physical memory. Microsoft probably should have made the error say “The application has run out of virtual address space.” instead of the vague “memory” term."

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Re: Optimizing storage space and performance

Postby papituwall » Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:07 am

To save space you can easily have only one panel (or other file) and add it to several aircraft via Simbolic link:

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