Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

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Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby papituwall » Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:00 am

Claims in the last update of MSFS about spikes everywere. Voted 417 times.

https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/af ... ddl/338732

This is my experience:

People is reporting spikes but in the case of river Ebro in Spain the strange elevation of the river like a channel is a spike of 800 KM.
Just mention that in the first version of P3D v5 was the contrary, the river was sunken in a canyon of 800 Km.



I have being defending till yesterday Asobo and MS policy in regard MSFS, but this mistake of not having control previous to update is unforgivable.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby striker » Sat Dec 26, 2020 1:42 pm

Biggest mistake is having to download the latest 'update' before you can 'play' even though that might take 30 mins ...... so you forget it ......

..then followed by not so easy (yet) output of freeware planes.
This is no way 'microsoft flight simulator'. It's 'asobo flight simulator'

There are a lot of these terrain mess ups all over
I've seem pits so deep you can't see the bottom and towers in random places 400 stories high
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Bofredrik » Sat Dec 26, 2020 2:00 pm

I have not bought the new program and maybe it was the right decision.
I wait a year at least to see if it is better.
FS2004 and FSX is fine for me until... :violin:
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby papituwall » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:37 am

Frankly speaking, I started as alpha tester a year ago, and I was so impressed by the visuals that later I was not able to play with the other sims (X-plane, P3D and DCS).
After only a month of beta they began selling the unfinished simulator, we paid to be beta testers.
After 4 months this is still a beta, and seeing the progress, MSFS is so comprehesive that will be a beta for years,
Depending of the use of the simulator I'll suggest buying or not this sim, assuming that is a milestone and has great future and in order to learn how it works. My reccomendations assuming that you have a capable PC, in my experience a high end one is not needed. This is a summarized list, if anyone needs more information, I'm available here.

Buy if:

You fly VFR with light aircraft.
You are not willing a complex aircraft.

Don´t buy if:

You fly helicopters (not available yet).
You want a complete inmmersion in a close to reality simulated aircraft.
You fly Aibus or Boeing like a "professional pilot". Take into account that at 30.000 ft the terrain vision is not better than the FSX-P3D or X-plane.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Canuck1955 » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:03 pm

Did you ever get the impression you are being used as a guinea pig? Glad I decided to hold off buying this in August. I'll stick with FSX thank you.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby papituwall » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:54 pm

No specially as guinea pig, because in alpha for my use of the sim MSFS showed better than others as I have said.
I think MSFS is a milestone, i reccommend to by for the average simmers, but maybe the development team is small for this big project, the risk involved is if as per today is at 60% of total target, to progress coud be impossible an then fail.

The spikes and river walls problem has been solved by community faster than for the developer (5 days and no explanation).

https://flightsim.to/file/5167/scenery- ... -1-12-13-0
https://flightsim.to/file/5198/elevatio ... -the-world
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Sinkrate » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:50 pm

Are we getting the message yet? It's rubbish guys, absolute rubbish! :whistle:
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby expat » Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:54 pm

Sinkrate wrote:Are we getting the message yet? It's rubbish guys, absolute rubbish! :whistle:

People should go deep back into the FSX forums..........I am getting deja vu every time I read a post in the FS2020 forum :lol: :lol:

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1. Captain, if the problem is not entered into the technical logbook.........then the aircraft does not have a problem.
2. And, if you have time to write the fault on a napkin and attach to it to the yoke.........you have time to write it in the tech log....see point 1.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Sinkrate » Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:05 am

People should go deep back into the FSX forums..........I am getting deja vu every time I read a post in the FS2020 forum :lol: :lol:


Yes, FSX was rubbish too, but at least it didn’t force you to go online just to start it; it didn’t force you to download the service packs before you could continue to use the program, and it didn’t take so bally long to load it each time! It seems to me that we are becoming increasingly used to being taken for a ride by software companies as they exert more and more control over how we use the products that WE HAVE PAID FOR!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

GRRR... OMG, you've started me off again. I'll have to take a vallium and have a lie down now.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Daube » Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:01 am

Guys, while MSFS does take quite a while to load (like, 2 minutes or so... wow....), let's remember that there are updates only once every few weeks. It's not like you have to download an update each and every time you want to start the sim, as some of you make it sound like.
Updates are releases once in a while and it's announced in advance.
I am quite happy to see the sim keeps being updated on a relatively frequent basis.

Concerning these scenery spikes, the devs have quickly acknowledged the problem and a fix should be released alongside the next world update (UK?), if I'm not mistaken.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Sinkrate » Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:42 am

Concerning these scenery spikes, the devs have quickly acknowledged the problem and a fix should be released alongside the next world update (UK?), if I'm not mistaken.

So what about the water then? Will they ever learn that water does not flow uphill? There is no point in trying to produce detailed scenery if it is no more realistic than a 3 year old's painting! :lol:
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Daube » Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:16 am

If you're talking about the water going up the walls on the shores, that bug was introduced with the first world update and it's LOD related, from what I've read on the MSFS forums.
I don't know when that one will be fixed though.
The good thing is, contrary to FSX, we actually have some tools to notify Asobo about bugs, and the forums allows for "voting" to rise the priority of some bugs in a list which is checked by Asobo.
I'm sure you voted there already, so now we can only wait.
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Sinkrate » Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:16 am

The good thing is, contrary to FSX, we actually have some tools to notify Asobo about bugs, and the forums allows for "voting" to rise the priority of some bugs in a list which is checked by Asobo.
I'm sure you voted there already, so now we can only wait.

My point is that it’s such a glaringly obvious fault it should never have been allowed past QC in the first place. If a company cares so little about the quality of its product, I don’t think any amount of voting is likely to make any impression on it. Asobo / Microsoft clearly do not give a flying Pheep what their customers think, they’ve got our money…job done! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby hansb57 » Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:24 am

Sinkrate: :angry-chillpill:
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Re: Unforgivable Asobo MS mistake

Postby Sinkrate » Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:59 am

hansb57: How can you chill when you’re going down with your tail on fire?

Actually, the Valium is starting to work now; I wash it down with a glass of whiskey and a can of Stella and my feelings towards Asobo are starting to mellow. Still hate Microsoft to hell though; I think I’d need LSD before I could see them in a good light!!!

Is anyone else starting to go stir-crazy during lockdown?
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