Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

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Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby papituwall » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:08 am

Does anyone remember FSW? or no aircraft, no flight simulator.

I try to support Dovetail. I acquired FSX-SE and FSC. The arrival of FSW for me is positive and the sim works properly in my PC below specifications.

IMHO Dovetail is not handling correctly the issue of aircraft compatibility with FSX, which is fundamental to the success of a simulator.
Prepar3DV4 has demonstrated that the conversion of FSX to 64 bits allows the airplanes to be mostly compatible. The recent announcement of another simulator FlyInside, whose sales argument, is that can load “hundreds of FSX airplanes”, confirms what I say.
There are many comments on simulation forums that Dovetail do not have contact with addon developers, which aggravates the problem.
And another very important point, the free developers have an important role in the success of a simulator.

At the moment I can say that in many simulation circles there is no more comment on FSW that has been relegated by P3D V4 and I think that if Dovetail do not react quickly, will lose the market of the actual flight simulator users who are the ones who most demanded the 64 bit simulator.

My concern is about aircraft compatibility (sceneries are mostly compatible). I'm not concerned about if the actual FSW scenery is a FSX scenery with Orbx faded textures, that can be improved, for me it is not critical at the present development stage of FSW.

Concerning Aircraft Dovetail seems to be working in a bubble. But see how FSC has been discontinued.

No aircraft, no flight simulator.

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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby zswobbie1 » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:39 am

I really cannot understand the above post...
FSW is exactly what they said it is.. a early access incomplete beta version, free to those that had Flight School, & is, being a beta, at a discounted price, as advertised with limited aircraft & scenery at this stage.

It is not being sold to compete with the likes of P3D or even XP11.
DTG have been completely transparent that they are partnering with their users to improve their game, & have already released 2x updates.

I think the preferred forum to lay complaints, or to vent frustration would be the DTG site itself.
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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby zswobbie1 » Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:51 am

Have a look here for the correct forum, & news that there will be an update 3.
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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby papituwall » Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:29 am

This notice has been posted previously in Dovetail forum.

As I clearly say, I'm not worried of the program at this stage, my only concern is aircraft compatibility, when two other developers have been successful. For the rest I am satisfied with FSW.

But if I had not posted this, nobody was remembering here FSW... Something to think about
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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby Daube » Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:38 am

Aircraft compatibility is not really a problem in fact.
As long as aircraft makers are able to produce new aircraft for this new sim, it is absolutely NOT a problem if you can't use the old planes from FSX or FS9.

No, the real problem is that Dovetail is making it difficult for addon makers to produce anything. First of all, the SDK are not available yet. And then, their pricing policy is not attractive at all.
Because of this, even though the product is still in alpha stage, most addon makers have already shown their lack of confidence or motivation to produce anything for FSW.

And now, P3Dv4 has killed FSW.
No matter what FSW will try to bring, P3Dv4 is what the community was looking for. "Community" encapsulate both the simmers AND the addon makers of course.
Just look at what is happening: not only do the simple (no external gauges) addon work out of the box, but ALL the addon makers are already updating their products for P3Dv4 at full speed.

The community has made the choice already. This choice is P3Dv4 and XPlane11.
(And P3Dv3 for those who want to keep using FS9 planes).
FSW is left alone in the dark for now. Unless they bring some unbelievable features and performance improvements (I mean, we can always dream, right?... :lol: :lol: ), that sim is just as dead as MS Flight.
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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby papituwall » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:28 pm

I was not able to expose the crude reality as you have described. I agree with your description and the FSW failure is not only because aircraft.

But aircraft compatibility should not be neglected in the short term.

1- The FSW or P3DV4 aircraft are FSX derivatives, nothing new, flight model, interior and exterior file models etc. But for P3DV4, developers (free and payware) dont need to make a big investment in case of a non fully compatible aircraft. They wont re-create an FSX existent aircraft from zero. Sometimes a new installer and that's all. Good for the business. Don't forget that P3DV4 is partly installed in 32bit.

2- The community that has spent money in aircraft can use most of them in P3DV4. If in the future there is something really different to FSX, the community will upgrade.
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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby OldAirmail » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:09 pm

I haven't been paying attention to Dovetail, because I've been using P3d for a couple of years.

But I seem to recall two different software developers complaining about Dovetail REQUIREING developers to sell on Dovetail's site first, with the possibility of selling on other sites "later".

It that is true, and remains the case, then I see little future for the sim. MS Flight tried something similar, and died a quick death.

Personaly, although I'm not interested in buying it, I'm hoping that Flightsim World DOES grow into a big deal.

Another problem is that if it costs to much for the software tools, many just won't be interested in developing for it.
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Re: Does anyone remember FLIGHTSIM WORLD?

Postby papituwall » Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:33 am

Daube has explained the situation crearly.

I'd like the success of FSW, but they must react quickly. They have the advantage of not needing a discout "academic" license...
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