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Postby garymbuska » Fri May 19, 2017 9:50 pm

I thought I would pass on some news concerning Windows 10.
I recently had an update for Windows 10 and it was another major update as you PC restarts several times during the process,
After it finished the update I tried to launch FSX (BOXED VERSION) and was surprised when I got a message stating it was not Activated.
I said what!!! but sure enough there was no multiplayer selections available which is a sure sign that it is not activated.
I tried the repair option but no good, So I had no choice but to uninstall and reinstall FSX.
Than I discovered there was some major changes made There was no longer a control panel in the menu and the way that the uninstall works now is really different.
Than I had another shock as FSX was not listed to be uninstalled. I than tried Revo uninstaller and it was not there either, so I wound up putting in disk 1 of FSX and chose the remove option which did the trick
I now have FSX up and running again But be care full when applying this update as it could do the same thing to anyone.
I have no idea as to why it did this
By the way FSX was not installed anywhere on my C drive it was and still is on my B drive
it is my under standing Windows 10 will update everyone's system over the next few days. no idea as to how you can prevent this from happening but you might want to back up any scenery airplanes missions or any thing else on FSX before you run the update.
:shock: :o
Gary M Buska
SYSTEM Specs ASUS P8Z68 V/GEN 3 mother board: INTELL I7 2600k 3.48 ghz Quad core CPU with Sandy bridge: 12 Gigs of 1800hz ram:
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Postby Sinkrate » Sat May 20, 2017 2:59 am

This might help if you don't want the updates.

https://forums.simviation.com/phpBB3/vi ... 0#p1294230
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Postby garymbuska » Mon May 22, 2017 7:24 am

Sinkrate wrote:This might help if you don't want the updates.

https://forums.simviation.com/phpBB3/vi ... 0#p1294230

If you chose not to apply updates for your windows 10 you are asking for more problems than you can imagine. With the new viruses that are going around now not installing updates would be like walking into a gas filled room than light a match.
The latest viruses are specifically attacking window 10 system that do not have the latest updates. Ransom ware is now becoming a popular thing. Ransom ware is exactly what you think it is some one plants a viruses on your system that will destroy it within a time frame unless you pay them some money. I work for a huge manufacturer and our IT department is telling us to make sure your windows 10 stay up to date.
Gary M Buska
SYSTEM Specs ASUS P8Z68 V/GEN 3 mother board: INTELL I7 2600k 3.48 ghz Quad core CPU with Sandy bridge: 12 Gigs of 1800hz ram:
GTX 950 OVER CLOCKED: 2 Gigs Ram Windows 10 Home 64 bit Operating system. 750W Dedicated modular power supply. Two Internal 1TB hard drives 1 External 1TB 3.2 USB hard drive. SAITEK Cessna flight Yoke with throttles.
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Postby Sinkrate » Mon May 22, 2017 9:40 am

If you chose not to apply updates for your windows 10 you are asking for more problems than you can imagine.

That might be true if you rely solely on Microsoft for your malware protection. Personally, I don’t. They are a major perpetrator of malware as far as I’m concerned!

If you want their updates, you will have to put up with their B/S as well. ‘You pays your money and takes your pick’ as the saying goes! As you will no doubt be aware, having your programs on separate drives is no good if they mess with your registry.

What will you do when they decide they no longer want to support Win 10 - as with Win XP etc? Upgrade to their next crap O.S. and endure even more B/S???
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Postby garymbuska » Mon May 22, 2017 11:01 am

Sinkrate wrote:
If you chose not to apply updates for your windows 10 you are asking for more problems than you can imagine.

That might be true if you rely solely on Microsoft for your malware protection. Personally, I don’t. They are a major perpetrator of malware as far as I’m concerned!

If you want their updates, you will have to put up with their B/S as well. ‘You pays your money and takes your pick’ as the saying goes! As you will no doubt be aware, having your programs on separate drives is no good if they mess with your registry.

What will you do when they decide they no longer want to support Win 10 - as with Win XP etc? Upgrade to their next crap O.S. and endure even more B/S???

Quite true indeed. I agree with you 100 % but there are only two other choices you can use a MAC which at this time no one has messed with YET!!! or do nothing at all. This is the first time I have ever had a problem after an update
Who knows it could have been a glitch or something they missed. But you are also correct it does not matter where you put a program if someone or something changes your registry you are sunk.
I use Malware Bytes along with Norton even though Norton is a resource hog it stops me from going to unwanted web sites and nails about 95 % of malicious attacks I run MALWARE BYTES at least once a month
I also have an ISO back up of my windows just in case. I already had to use it once because of a problem I ran into earlier which was my fault.
But like I said what else can one do. :think: :
Gary M Buska
SYSTEM Specs ASUS P8Z68 V/GEN 3 mother board: INTELL I7 2600k 3.48 ghz Quad core CPU with Sandy bridge: 12 Gigs of 1800hz ram:
GTX 950 OVER CLOCKED: 2 Gigs Ram Windows 10 Home 64 bit Operating system. 750W Dedicated modular power supply. Two Internal 1TB hard drives 1 External 1TB 3.2 USB hard drive. SAITEK Cessna flight Yoke with throttles.
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Postby Sprocket » Tue May 23, 2017 11:15 am

Sinkrate wrote:
What will you do when they decide they no longer want to support Win 10 - as with Win XP etc? Upgrade to their next crap O.S. and endure even more B/S???

This is NOT how W10 will go forward.

I quote from a 2015 bulletin : "In fact there won't be a Windows 11 at all – just new updates that add extra features to Windows without changing the name. Some of those will come month by month, others will be collected into larger updates that bring multiple features at once."

This means that w10 will always remain W10, but instead it will continually be updated to and for, the latest technology, fight the latest viruses and malwares and such, on an ongoing basis.

By stopping your "updates", AND KEEPING IT OFF, you will eventually end up with a defunct OS, behind the times, all of your own making.. :naughty:


Read more here: http://www.techradar.com/news/software/ ... 10-1299629
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Postby garymbuska » Wed May 24, 2017 6:41 am

Sprocket wrote:
Sinkrate wrote:
What will you do when they decide they no longer want to support Win 10 - as with Win XP etc? Upgrade to their next crap O.S. and endure even more B/S???

This is NOT how W10 will go forward.

I quote from a 2015 bulletin : "In fact there won't be a Windows 11 at all – just new updates that add extra features to Windows without changing the name. Some of those will come month by month, others will be collected into larger updates that bring multiple features at once."

This means that w10 will always remain W10, but instead it will continually be updated to and for, the latest technology, fight the latest viruses and malwares and such, on an ongoing basis.

By stopping your "updates", AND KEEPING IT OFF, you will eventually end up with a defunct OS, behind the times, all of your own making.. :naughty:


Read more here: http://www.techradar.com/news/software/ ... 10-1299629

You are 100% correct I knew when Windows 10 was first released that Microsoft was not going to release any other versions but just update Windows 10 when new technology and better ways to do things came out.
The last update i got is what Microsoft is calling the Creator updates. you have to go over your security decisions as to what you want and do not want to allow. It is possible that I made a mistake and turned something on that was off or the other way around or it was some kind of glitch who knows. I was trying to let people know that this Creator update will eventually up date everyone who is currently running Windows 10
This is going around just like the original Windows 10 did a few systems at a time and is supposed KEY WORD HERE to be tailored made for each user based on your installation .

Just be careful is all I am saying. 8-)
Gary M Buska
SYSTEM Specs ASUS P8Z68 V/GEN 3 mother board: INTELL I7 2600k 3.48 ghz Quad core CPU with Sandy bridge: 12 Gigs of 1800hz ram:
GTX 950 OVER CLOCKED: 2 Gigs Ram Windows 10 Home 64 bit Operating system. 750W Dedicated modular power supply. Two Internal 1TB hard drives 1 External 1TB 3.2 USB hard drive. SAITEK Cessna flight Yoke with throttles.
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Postby Sinkrate » Wed May 24, 2017 8:21 am

When Terry Myerson was trying to explain why the version of Microsoft's operating system after Windows 8 wasn't called Windows 9, he said the name had to match how different this new release of Windows would be. "We're at an inflection point," he explained. "We're at a point where we carry forward all that's good in Windows and step across into a new way of doing things – a new Windows. Because we're not building an incremental Windows, the new Windows is Windows 10."

Oh really? We were previously told that it was to avoid confusion with Win95 & 98!

Having worked in ‘middle management’ for many years, I can smell B/S a mile away (lord knows, I’ve had to swallow enough of it), so Terry Myerson’s comments wash over me like a script from 'Drop The Dead Donkey'!

If it allays your fears, I run thee back-up computers with different versions of Windows:

Win 2000 – never missed a beat.
Win XP – ok, eventually, after three service packs and n(x+1) updates.
Win 7 – still at the evaluation stage but looks reasonable.

All have third party malware protection of course.

Win 10 is still an experiment for me as I continue to learn how to defeat the inbuilt bloat and malware. If they ever release a cut-down version that has just the basic OS with no crapware, it would probably be my weapon of choice. If it were possible to download just the OS security updates for Win 10 without the other crap, then I would have no objections to that. No such luck though.

I first came to Win 3.1 from the Atari ST and thought that I had stepped back into the Stone Age. The ST could do more with 1GB RAM than the PC with 4GB.

I later moved up to Win 95 (were they really serious – what a joke!) and Win 98, which was an improvement on 95, but how could it not be?

Win 2000 was, and still is, the most stable OS I have had since the ST.

Win XP was probably Microsoft's most successful OS after the initial teething troubles – too successful in fact, so it had to be killed!

Vista? Don’t even talk to me about Vista! The very thought of it sends me into a Meldrew meltdown!

Windows is like the everlasting light bulb – quite possible to make, but would kill its own market. That’s why I don’t think we will ever see anything decent from Microsoft – billionaire’s gotta eat; right?

OK, I appreciate that this is probably not the right forum for a Windows rant, but after years of Microsoft’s B/S - I’M AS MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE! :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby zeus981 » Thu May 25, 2017 1:52 am

I have the metered connection set to ON and what pisses me off is that everytime I get an update it sets it back to OFf without letting me know.
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Postby zswobbie1 » Thu May 25, 2017 2:33 am

Sinkrate, Just move to Linux or a fruit, if you are so unhappy!

I far prefer an updated operating system that is constantly being updated, as well has having the latest security upgrades as well.
We all know that there will be no Windows 11. Windows 10, as previously mentioned, will be constantly upgraded/updated as new functionality is added. So we will always have the latest version, optimised for current & future hardware & software.
Malware in Windows 10? Huh? Never found anything yet.
Windows killing it's own market? Tin foil hat syndrome.

As fro the comment that billionaire’s gotta eat; right...... lol, All this 'Bill Bashing'....
You do know that he is the most successful businessman on this planet, his Trust has changed so many lives, he has not been involved in Microsoft's daily business activities for many years.

But, thanks for the rant. I hope you feel better now, & good luck with your transition to either Linux or that deciduous product. (I'm sure there are also many billionaires amongst their directors that also gotta eat!)
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Postby Sinkrate » Thu May 25, 2017 7:57 am

Malware in Windows 10? Huh? Never found anything yet.

You may be just the sort of customer Win 10 was designed for. If you like features such as Cortana and Microsoft Edge, then fair enough – it must suit some people and good luck to them. My complaint with it is that it is such a hassle to trim down for people who don’t want all Microsoft’s bells & whistles.

But, thanks for the rant. I hope you feel better now, & good luck with your transition to either Linux or that deciduous product. (I'm sure there are also many billionaires amongst their directors that also gotta eat!)

I have Ubuntu on my win 2000 computer in a dual boot configuration but to be honest, Win 2000 has never let me down so Ubuntu hasn’t seen much action. Still, it’s a comfort to know it’s there, just in case. I might end up installing it (or perhaps Mint) on my Win 10 PC as well. As I said, it’s still at the experimental stage.

If Lunus Torvalds is a billionaire then he has my blessing – he has never ripped anyone off; all Lunux distro’s are free, so he has earned his place in Heaven (if you believe in that sort of thing) as far as I am concerned. Bill will probably have to sneak in through the back door when no one is looking. Not sure about the fruiters; they might have to get in line behind Bill! :lol:

BTW, appologies for the typo in my previous post. The Atari ST had 1MB of RAM (the size of a floppy) not 1GB. In fact, that was the upgraded model; the basic machine only had 1/2MB, and it had windows before Microsoft ever “invented” it for the PC. I still have my old ST but don’t use it now – too many computers and too little time! I just can’t bring myself to throw it away though.
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Postby Sinkrate » Thu May 25, 2017 9:03 am

I have the metered connection set to ON and what pisses me off is that everytime I get an update it sets it back to OFf without letting me know.

Hmm, strange. :think: If your Ethernet connection is set to metered, you shouldn’t be getting updates – are you sure you’ve done it right?

If you switch metered off in order to get an update, you will have to go through the process of switching it back on again to avoid further intrusions. A PIA I know but what else can you do? Wouldn’t it be nice if Microsoft included a switch within Windows that allowed you to get security only updates automatically, but choose whether or not to get the other stuff? Will they ever include that as an update??? :pray:
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Postby ftldave » Thu May 25, 2017 9:03 am

If you admire Linus Torvalds, then one must wonder what is going through your head. He's been the perfect example of what's wrong with the Linux community, a real prick. See The Register story: A Compendium Of Abuse. Maybe part of that is cultural. I don't know about the Finns (Torvalds was born in Helsinki), but I know Russians and other Slavs tend to consider civil behavior to be "fake politeness", too. People in other countries do not think or act like people who live in the west, IMO.

Those of us who work in the IT industry know that desktop Linux (read the words again - desktop Linux) has been in slow decline since 2008, the so-called "Year of Linux" that never happened, when Windows Vista tanked during its release. Linux had its chance to become more popular then, but the opportunity was missed. Infighting and wars between Linux developers, pointless competition, and the pitiful Linux community's "it's okay to be rude to everyone" culture, has made the number of Linux desktops less than a rounding error compared to Windows and OS X. Even Google wants to move away from the Linux kernel for future Android versions. So much for the "Android is Linux" silliness.

Would we have had Microsoft Flight Simulator, if not for the Microsofties, nor Microsoft Train Simulator? Uh, probably not. Windows, with its hundreds of thousands of software programs, running on thousands of different pc devices, has been the most successful computer operating system in history. I, for one, wouldn't want to go back to DOS days. Sure, people who work at Microsoft, like at all big corporations, are compelled to do very, very stupid things, all too often lately, it seems. That comes from authority-driven hierarchies always, history shows. But give credit where it is due. They've done great things which have benefitted all of us who enjoy simulation programs.

Heck, even Vista ran okay once it got its service pack! :lol:

Read the list, below, written by a fellow who likes Linux but who is truthful enough to recognize the reasons why it's a poor choice for desktop computers.

11 Reasons To Avoid Linux
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Postby Sinkrate » Thu May 25, 2017 9:52 am

Read the list, below, written by a fellow who likes Linux but who is truthful enough to recognize the reasons why it's a poor choice for desktop computers.

I agree with a lot of what John Morris has to say about Linux. It’s not for everybody for sure, whereas most people can use Windows. I use it as a back-up OS in case Windows fails. It’s true that Windows has the most support from third party software manufacturers.

Not sure about the comments on The A Register – I don’t know Torvalds that well personally. I still applaud him for making Linux a free, open source OS though. FREE is the operative word when comparing software. Of course you can get better applications by paying the earth for them, but not everyone wants to.

As for Vista running okay, well you were a lot luckier than me matey! Perhaps it was a hardware thing, but I just had never-ending problems with it! :( Bad old sad old days now best forgotten! :whistle:
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Postby garymbuska » Fri May 26, 2017 7:46 am

The biggest factor with any OS is the hardware and the drivers they need to be able to run correctly. This is why old operating systems stop working because there is no driver for some hardware you just bought.
Granted you can still use any operating system you want but just do not expect any new equipment to run on it. Third party vendors are always improving there equipment which means that there will be a new driver for it and the older your OS is the least likely it will have the driver it needs to work correctly.
Even if the hardware comes with a driver the odds are it will not work on the older OS
So yes Microsoft has you over a barrel but any OS is the same way so choose your poison !
At some point in time 32 bit operating systems will be a thing of the past as for now 64 bit is the way to go but there are not a lot of 64 bit programs out there right now but that can change quickly
Gary M Buska
SYSTEM Specs ASUS P8Z68 V/GEN 3 mother board: INTELL I7 2600k 3.48 ghz Quad core CPU with Sandy bridge: 12 Gigs of 1800hz ram:
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