The demise of the PC?....

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The demise of the PC?....

Postby Fozzer » Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:19 am

In my very large family, I remain the only one left to be still using a large Tower Computer!

All the others have long ago abandoned their Desktop Computers to a landfill site, in favour of their Tablets and Mobile Phones!

They even play games on their iPhones now!

A walk into their houses now reveals no trace whatsoever of a Desktop computer and all its associated hardware and software!

A family photo now adorns the space where the computer used to be!

My Children and Grandchildren demonstrate that they can now display the same information on their i-phones that I can on my enormous tower computer and monitor!

They now all carry their computers around in their pockets...and handbags!


I still retain my gaming tower computer for surfing the 'Net and playing games, having been familiar with the layout, and use, of the Windows operating system and browsers displayed on my "large" computer monitor, over many years....Since 1980 (Sinclair Spectrum)... :D ...!

...and still have no use for the contract cost and use of a Mobile Phone...(I use a land-line 'phone for calls, and carry a cheap pay-as-you-go Mobile Phone only for Motor-Bike breakdown recovery services).

So, Chums....are you still in love, like me, with your Desktop/Tower computers?.... :D ...!

Paul....what is a "Laptop"?...... :? ....!

..... :lol: ....!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby Steve M » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:41 am

I hope towers are around for a while yet. I like large screens and can replace parts in a tower, not so easy with a device. :geek:

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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby pete » Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:34 am

I still find if I want to work, write or do proper research - the big screen will be what I stick with - let alone simming. Even online shopping -- the phone screen is just way too small.
Remember mobile phones got so small and now they're getting big again ..... ;)

The kids at school and university work on notebooks/laptops and tablets with separate keyboards (which is still a PC) .. You can't really work properly on a phone or tablet without keyboard ...

I use my little tablet (which I won) for puzzle games. My phone for calls, text communications, navigations, reading gmail and the odd bit of news and weather & other apps ... , etc ..... but when it comes to anything serious - big screen and proper keyboard is king. When voice recognition gets good I may go with that ..
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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby pilotwin7 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:51 am


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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby Fozzer » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:06 am

The other thing that I dearly love, in conjunction with my BIG tower computer; is my my BIG QWERTY keyboard, with its REALLY BIG mechanical keys.... :dance: ...!

Trying to type a long E-Mail, or type a long Post on a Forum (like this), is a pain in the bloody neck, finding and tapping tiny numbers and letters on a tiny plastic screen, on a tiny Tablet or tiny Mobile Phone!

...and then...just try and edit it, when you have made various errors along the way!.... :shock: ....!

...been there ...tried it...gave up!

Its a pain that I'm not prepared to suffer... ;) ...!

...and what about that lovely, fluffy, computer MOUSE, which you get with a desktop/tower, which you can drive all around your really BIG Monitor screen, and do all sorts of lovely things with!... :D ...!

Paul The Big QWERTY Keyboard Man....with a little fluffy Mouse!.... :mrgreen: ...!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby Hagar » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:36 am

I prefer my laptop & rarely use my tower PC nowadays. It's a bog standard laptop with integrated graphics which came with Win 8.1 installed. I installed all my faithful software with no problems - including FSX + Acceleration which runs perfectly well for what I use it for, probably better than on my desktop PC. Don't know what all the fuss is about. :P :violin:

However, I can't get on with that stupid finger-pad & purchased a wireless mouse to use with it.

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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby Fozzer » Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:32 am

The main reason why I upgraded from my previous Intel dual-core Desktop computer to my present Intel i-7Tower computer with all its replaceable hardware, was to obtain the necessary very fast Central Processor and high-end Graphics Card, to make it suitable to play all my crates of various Computer games which I have collected and stored since 1980, running flat-out, with everything maxed!

I have always been a bit of a Gamer, and well as a Browser!.... :D ....!

It takes up a big space in the corner of my Living Room, with all its cables and stuff, but it generates enough extra heat to supplement my gas central heating during these cold Winter months!

...and it does the job required of it without complaint.... :D ...! my invincible Inter-Planetary Star Fighter, equipped with Photon Torpedo's, saving the World from advancing Aliens... :dance: ...!

...its what I do.... ;) ...!

(Its all in the know)... :whistle: ...!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby Phyllo » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:56 pm

Currently, I'm using a laptop but now that I restarted virtual flying again after a break of almost 20 years (the house is built, the kids grown...), I think of buying a tower again with all the nice hardware to run FSX smoothly. Like SSDs for Win and FSX - and of course other software as well.

I agree that typing on a glass surface is not convenient, I would never write an e-mail on it or post in a forum like here using a phone or a tablet. A real keyboard with real keys is vital to me.

It may be an age thing and younger people don't mind but I think it is also a loss in haptics to have more and more things simply flat and smooth instead of feeling different keys like plastic on a "real" keyboard and rubber on a phone and such. I guess that will also have some effect on those who only use touchscreens everywhere.
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Re: The demise of the PC?....

Postby Tug002 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:29 am

I too still like the tower and a good keyboard. In fact my cell phone is so old it still has a QWERTY keyboard. I do have a laptop but rarely use it.

Keep smiling
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