"A Day That,"

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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby H » Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:47 am

Fozzer wrote:I often wonder if a Woman (female) ever started a disastrous war which results in so much death and destruction ...or is it only us stupid Blokes (males) that always persist in doing it?

Men start wars...Women go shopping for shoes.
Well, if you condsider statistically, as per lesser historical population, there have been women to bear claim to that charge (then, of course, the other one usually starts it even if they didn't know it).
Iroquois men had the added incentive to treat their wives well; the women's council decided whether or not to go to war -- you might be getting her a new pair of shoes (moccasins) from your enemies' feet, providing you won the battle. Men don't always start the wars but, more often, fight them -- and females have often been associated with the cause: Helen of Troy (originally of Greece) and Marc Antony's woes had a major assist with Queen Cleopatra.

Then, I may not be so apt to overlook their part. It's been determined that there's a genetic curse passed to the females in my family: labelled bipolarism, or manic depressive. I'm aware that most females are not so dangerous but my sister nearly killed me more than once, twice nearly so with my dad; my life makes some soap operas seem normal, even mediocre.
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby FlexibleFlier » Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:22 am

I often wonder if a Woman (female) ever started a disastrous war which results in so much death and destruction?

Seldom, too be sure, but check out Queen Boudica: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudica

If I remember my history correctly, at one time the women in ancient Athens went on strike to try to keep their men from going to war. It didn't work, of course...

The strongest case against war I ever read was "Johnny Got His Gun" by Dalton Trumbo. It was so powerful that even though a movie of it was eventually made, Trumbo was named by Joe McCarthy's HUAC and blacklisted in Hollywood for many years. He continued to write screenplays under various pseudonyms and with studios using front men for him. He was eventually given credit for his work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalton_Trumbo

What I find most interesting regarding war is that some behaviors we called monstrous in our enemies we call heroic in ourselves. Like most of life, it's about where you're sitting.
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Anthindelahunt » Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:12 pm

Will we the extremely advanced Ape ever grow out of this
savage madness? NOOOOO! Look what is happening arount the world
and ask ourselves,Are we really Civilized?

There are a lot of people in the world who are decent caring folk, :) but
a lot of insane nasties live here.

Wishing all my Friends Here at Sim V a very safe Holiday period.

Warmest Regards

Anthin. :)
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Jetranger » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:30 pm

as the Duke once said , War is for a bunch of Rich Bastards with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do !

that and their trying to be somebody at the expense of everybody else and they think nothing of it !!

now with that being said, get the hell outta my way, I got some enemy to go kill !!!

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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Anthindelahunt » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:59 pm

Thanks Jetranger.

The Duke was the best. I have always been able to imatate his voice,
which usually sends people into fits of laughter. OK Pilgrim,
were goig to war.

Btw,He is sorely missed.

Big Arnie is the closest replacement to John Wayne.

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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby H » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:09 am

FlexibleFlier wrote:...check out Queen Boudica...
Considering that her daughters and she had been, in effect, 'legally' raped, she had a cause to her madness.
However, as a military general, her madness ruled. Her army, as it was, had the Romans surrounded. Even when greatly outnumbering them on such occasions, it amazes me that one submits their own troups to battle. You have their supply lines cut off and yours definitely aren't. It may quicken the results to use slings and archers from a distance but an outright assault would still result with unnecessary losses of your own (especially in this case, whereas the Romans were well-trained soldiers versus a huge armed mob).

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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Hawkeye07 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:49 am

Generals have rarely given a damn about sending troops to their deaths needlessly. As long as the general got another medal for his bravery & daring the common soldier's life mattered little. For insanity at it's best read about the last day of WWI, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Even though a cease fire was going to be in effect at that time the idiotic Entente generals (French, British & American) ordered attacks that morning! But here's an ironic twist, it's a quote I collected some time ago.
"This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what? By the grief of one dog."
~ Napoleon Bonaparte


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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Fozzer » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:24 am

FlexibleFlier wrote:
I often wonder if a Woman (female) ever started a disastrous war which results in so much death and destruction?

Seldom, too be sure, but check out Queen Boudica: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudica

I was thinking of good Queen Boudica when I started this post, but then remembered that she was merely defending her territory against the invading Romans, and I couldn't think of any other Woman who actually started a war, like all the Blokes seem to do with such ease!

Paul..... :mrgreen: ...!
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Jetranger » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:38 am

I often wonder if a Woman (female) ever started a disastrous war ????

Well let me tell ya,,, my Mother could sure start a hellva war when she wanted to, man I tell ya, she didn't take any gruff off anybody !!

When I was little, like in yesterday - back in bout' 1968 , I watched my mom pull a Gun on the Mayor of our town and order her off her property and the mayor went too, right down the driveway, never came back either, my mother didn't like that ol' wench anyway !

Can women start wars , ha,, I'd say they've started more than a few only they call it something else - believe its called DIVORCE !!! :D :dance: :hand:
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Fozzer » Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:16 am

Jetranger wrote:I often wonder if a Woman (female) ever started a disastrous war ????

Well let me tell ya,,, my Mother could sure start a hellva war when she wanted to, man I tell ya, she didn't take any gruff off anybody !!

When I was little, like in yesterday - back in bout' 1968 , I watched my mom pull a Gun on the Mayor of our town and order her off her property and the mayor went too, right down the driveway, never came back either, my mother didn't like that ol' wench anyway !

Can women start wars , ha,, I'd say they've started more than a few only they call it something else - believe its called DIVORCE !!! :D :dance: :hand:

.... :lol: ... :lol: ... :lol: ...!

They terrify me to the extent that I have made a concentrated effort to avoid them entirely, for the past 40+ years, following my release from two of them in succession!.... :dance: ...!

I now live in an environment of utter peace and tranquillity!....on my own....surrounded by all my Toys...(none of them inflatable, I promise!).... :D ...!

Females can seriously shorten your life... ;) ...!

Paul.... :mrgreen: ...!
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby FlexibleFlier » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:17 pm

I often wonder if a Woman (female) ever started a disastrous war ????

In a way, we might say that women start many - most?, all? - wars. Consider, if you will, the case of Helen of Troy. What I'm suggesting is that men may often go to war to prove something to women: you know, "Me big strong savage guy will take care of you." Or maybe, "Me big strong savage guy will take you away from other big not-so-strong savage guy." There is definitely a Rule-of-the-Jungle thing still going on, wouldn't you say?
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Anthindelahunt » Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:49 pm

I think I will stay out of this. Too hard basket.
I always thought I understood Women. I really
don't have a clue.

Anthin. :shifty: :think:
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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Hawkeye07 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:38 pm

"There is definitely a Rule-of-the-Jungle thing still going on, wouldn't you say?" There definitely is. I've told our offspring many a time that it all boils down to "He with the biggest stick rules." Now the biggest stick can obviously be anything, money, authority, a higher place in the pecking order of the company you work for, whatever. As one of my favorite TV series says... It all comes down to Leverage.


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Re: "A Day That,"

Postby Webb » Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:07 pm

July 16, 1945 - The United States demonstrates a nuclear weapon

July 26, 1945 - US President Harry Truman issues the Potsdam Declaration

We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction.

August 6, 1945 - To paraphrase "Gladiator", Unleash Hell

September 2, 1945 - Japan surrendered

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" - Sen. John Blutarsky

You know, this used to be a helluva good country. I don't understand what's gone wrong with it. - George Hanson, 1969

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