Flight gear vs FSX

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Flight gear vs FSX

Postby Modlerbob » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:58 pm

Now that I finally have FSX running the way it should I have become less interested in trying to get Flight gear to work. My biggest problem is trying to master two different keystroke formats. I have been using some form of microsoft flight simulator since it was first released and I have finally memorized most of it's key commands. This makes me curious as to whether anyone has created a key mapping layout that matches FSX.

I can't see where FG is any improvement on FSX except that it is freeware.
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Re: Flight gear vs FSX

Postby pete » Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:01 pm

FG is open source, free and open to potentially unlimited development. But humans tend to be followers and that's mainly why FSX rules for now.

But as time goes by who knows - ???? FG has huge potential, as has FSX (as it is also open source)

One thing for sure. There is a demand for a realistic (as far as we can make it) flight simulator for home/personal use. By millions.

My advice is - always keep Flightgear on the back boiler ready to fire up when you fancy a change of air.
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Re: Flight gear vs FSX

Postby Modlerbob » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:19 am

I think for someone like me who has little or no interest in learning the actual steps required to start up the engines on a simulated aircraft this program will not catch on in popularity. Having to learn a completely different keymap for every different airplane is a bit too much. The developers of Flight Gear should create a keymap and joystick controls that mimic those in FSX. Also a lockable forward view that a button push will snap back to.
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Re: Flight gear vs FSX

Postby paragon » Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:11 pm

I am on dial up so I got the FG disk and loaded it on my computer. It did not start up on the first try and had to go to the forums to set up the correct "paths" to get it to work. I also got the Aircraft Disk but cannot get them to load in the simulation. I guess I need to take a computer programming class. It is VERY frustrating, you would think you could just transfer the aircraft from the disk to the game. For now I'm staying with my fs2002 on my old XP machine. I may get back to FlightGear later.
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Re: Flight gear vs FSX

Postby zswobbie1 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:45 am

I just downloaded Flightgear today & installed into my laptop just to see..
Well, the install went fine. I ran it & all seems good.
I have not spent much time on it, as this laptop is VERY basic, but the program runs & flys.
I also downloaded the big aircraft file as well, but not installed anything as yet. The planes go into the Data folder.
When I have time, I'll load this onto my bigger (FS9 & P3D) machine.
What about scenery? Any South African stuff?

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Re: Flight gear vs FSX

Postby TheNoobestNoob » Wed Dec 30, 2015 8:24 am

FSX gives me 100+ FPS while FG just lags. I do commend FG for its VCs tho.
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Re: Flight gear vs FSX

Postby BavonWW » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:33 pm

The plane to fly is the Flight Gear Boeing 707.. It is a dream come true and free. The start-up is a world of it's own. Even the auto-start takes a good three minutes! You have to really fly it and a crew (CP and FLT Engineer) would be useful. I'm starting teaming up with others myself.
Needs good graphics, mucho memory and fast CPU then it will blow your mind.... Just a shame that support is so thin...
Take a look take the effort. The Tupolev is also marvellous as are a couple of the military fighters. But the 707 takes the crown!
I use both but a lot of my FSX stuff is Pay-ware which helps but that FG 707 still gets in the top three!
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