CAB file question

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CAB file question

Postby Romflyer » Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:13 pm

I am trying to change the background bmp on a gauge which is stored within a CAB file, I am using WinRAR on my computer so my CAB files look like any other zipped (RAR) file.....I am unable to modify the contents of a CAB so I tried unpacking the contents of the cab, replacing the desired bmp, and then I tried to re-package the folder with winRAR, change the file extension to CAB, and place it back into my gauges folder........didn't work.
If anyone has any insight on how to change the background bmp on a gauge then your help would be much appreciated.

BTW: I am using FS9, and I am using panel studio but panel studio doesn't seem to allow me to change backgrounds on gauges.....within a cab
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Re: CAB file question

Postby dave3cu » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:39 pm

Look in your FS9 install for a file, Cabdir.exe. I believe it's in the main FS9 folder. This is a command line program that packs and unpacks .cab files. An easy way to use it.....

Create a new folder anywhere on your computer (desktop for example) and copy Cabdir.exe to that folder. To unpack a .cab, copy the .cab to the new folder and then drag and drop the .cab file onto Cabdir.exe. It will be unpacked to a folder the same name as the .cab file. To repack after editing just drag and drop the folder onto cabdir.exe. It will pack the folder to a .cab file with the same name as the folder.

Tip: FS will use the unpacked folder the same as the .cab file. So you can test your changes without having to repack the folder each time. Simply copy the folder to the original gauge location. Rename the original .cab file or move it to a safe place.
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Re: CAB file question

Postby Romflyer » Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:27 pm

Excellent Dave!!
Thank you very much, that sounds like exactly what I am needing to know.
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Re: CAB file question

Postby stephan » Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:38 am

I used that program several times back a while,and it worked perfectly,and me being me,I forgot where I saw that program after having not used it for a while.Thanks to this forum post,I am aware once again where to find it (and I have looked for over a year and a half for it on my flash drives and hard drives). Thanks troops!

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