Airports in FS9

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Airports in FS9

Postby BE58D » Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:17 pm

I'm not really sure where this belongs, but I'm doing a journey in FS9 to various areas in The United States... I've come across quite a few airports that aren't to par! mis-aligned taxiways (and I'm not talking just a little bit), parallel runways that are off-set at opposite ends, incorrect runway numbers/headings. Had one today, when I went to select a runway (uncontrolled field)... it gave me the option to select between four runways (one each direction) when in reality there is only two runways (one each direction), graphically it was correct... but it too was also one that has incorrect runway numbers/headings!
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Re: Airports in FS9

Postby christopherbritton » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:56 am

That's a pretty common problem is FS9 and still a bit in FSX. Its an easy fix if you have a bit of patience though. All you need is ADE, to edit the airports. I would recommend using satellite background images to properly align everything. It makes it so much easier.

- Chris
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