windows for an older model

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windows for an older model

Postby Salcidomd » Sat May 11, 2013 3:01 pm

i am about 90% sure this has been asked before but with limited time ill just ask once more: is it possable to put clear seethrough windows on an aircraft that is not equiped with them already? I.E. i downloaded a boeing 2707 concept aircraft i think was modeled for an earlyer sim then FSX perhaps FS2002 it lacks has "painted on " windows but not actual see through is this mod possable without allot of headache?
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby OldAirmail » Sat May 11, 2013 3:26 pm

"...but with limited time..."

As I understand it, no. Then too, I'm not capable of doing it so lets hope that someone else has a better answer.

On the other hand a Google search for "fsx boeing 2707 download" did produce more than a few results. Unfortunately Google always produces more than a few totally useless results too.

I have never heard of these people before so be cautious. FSX Boeing 2707-200 SST from fsusa.blogspot
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby Salcidomd » Sat May 11, 2013 3:33 pm

i do know once upon a time i made a tailhook disappear from one of my NAVY aircraft by changing the color but dont know how i did it.. and i fixed it by replacing the old texture back in .... i remember talk about "channels" Alpha i think idk but ill keep experimenting
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby 1olehippy » Mon May 13, 2013 11:54 am

I did it on a 2k2 Cessna Cardinal, but I was much younger then. If I recall right, I used Paint and copied the texture of a transparent window & pasted it to the opaque one. Hey it worked 8 years ago.

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Re: windows for an older model

Postby Salcidomd » Mon May 13, 2013 8:08 pm

hmm maybe ill just try that what can it hurt right?
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby FoMoCo63 » Tue May 14, 2013 8:45 pm

I have done on .bmp's certain parts in a Paint Editor a black color with a black alpha and have made the parts translucent to nearly invisable with a very slight black hue present. Which allowed me to see right through the part to what was on the other side. This may work for you. Doing a white paint with a black alpha left a white hue in the tranparency, which also was nearly invisable. You could do this in any color for that fact, and with a black colored alpha channel the part was translucent, just with a bearly visable hue.

The alpha on .bmp's are rather touchy at times with some .bmp's it depends on the .mdl make up and how the designer wrote the alpha channel make up into the .mdl , which would allow you to do this. Other instances where the is no alpha present on the aircraft no matter what we do to the alpha channel, a reconfig of the .mdl file in a .mdl Editor would be your next best bet to get the alpha present on the .mdl file.

You cannot do this with a .dds file your effect would be the poor mans chrome, black paint and a black alpha.
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby Salcidomd » Thu May 16, 2013 2:22 pm

thats good to know FoMoCo63 and as for theis MDL editor...are you refering to FSDS? or is ther another program that allows editing of .MDL files?.....eithere way i learned something today!
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby FoMoCo63 » Thu May 16, 2013 2:59 pm

For 2004 models here is the .mdl editor called mdlmat, when you get to the page to view mdlmat and you see the yellow dot next to mdlmat click on that for the download. Also needed will be from the home page is the Latest version of the mwgfx DLL package to run the program(s).

For a FSX version of the .mdl editor Model Converter 1.3

The .mdl file I couldn't open with the 2004 editor opened in the FSX Model Converter 1.3 editor then. These programs require some reading on your part to understand how they work. The 2004 I figured out rather easily on my own, pretty simple program. The Model Converter 1.3 is a far more complex program. After time this program once figured out on my end is capable of changing certain items on models created with GMAX and a few other programs.

These helped me alot to paint parts that were not on the .bmp or .dds files anywhere. This was why I used these programs. I am currently working on trying to restore a alpha channel on a aircraft where it was not present to begin with the Model Converter 1.3
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby Salcidomd » Wed May 22, 2013 11:00 pm

hmm ima try that i wonder if it would also ad animations and or allow you to make textures for parts like ya said that either dont have textures or that i want to edit seperatly
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Re: windows for an older model

Postby garryrussell » Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:37 am

This is to do with materials. They are set for transparency or shine and the alpha activates whichever it is set for.

Large airliners do not have open windows as that would make the model too poly intensive as there is a few parts and a lot of polys to make each window.

OK so that where you are at.

Animations are something completely different and means the parts needing animations have to have cut outs made and the various pieces to fill the gap and make the animation in the cases of things like doors or flaps. This includes inner surfaces and whatever else is neede to make it right. In the case of doors an interior would have to be made complete with a floor, a major task and not one that can be done without the source files.

Even things like drooping nose and visors which you may be thinking about would need many part adapted or modified for that to work

Then the animation has to be coded to work and then the model complied to attach to code to the model.

All this mean texture mapping changes and configuration adaption.

As you see there is a lot to do even to add a simple animation even if you could do it...which you can't.
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