Excel Database of Airports?

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Excel Database of Airports?

Postby LTCSZ » Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:33 am

Does anyone know of a MS Excel compatible spreadsheet that contains all airport ICAO identifiers? Thanks,

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby Apex » Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:39 am

Try this:


I haven't checked it out, let us know how it is.

I Googled "MS Excel compatible spreadsheet that contains all airport ICAO identifiers" to find it.
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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:39 pm

Excel can be fun for doing your own projects, but there are a number of free solutions that are totally platform independent.

Give SkyVector a try.




Good for Visual or Instrument flights.


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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby LTCSZ » Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:44 pm

I was actually looking for an easy way to catalog the add-on sceneries that I have so I don't re-download or re-install another version over another...The .csv files are pretty good...I simply added a column called "FS2004" and placed an X next to the sceneries that I have installed...A few of the very small airports are missing from the spreadsheet, but I just added a line for them into the spreadsheet...I had forgotten about SkyVector...Great source of stuff! Thanks for all of the help,

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:56 pm

Great call Apex. :clap:

And a really simple solution, and much better than mine, LTCSZ. :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby Jetranger » Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:14 pm


I actually plan on making a Video tutorial, with actual Narration and posting it to YOU TUBE,,, soon as I get time.

I have found a very good way of Organizing all the Add On Airports in Flight Simulator, rather it be FSX or 2004, its almost fool proof, and you can't make a mistake by installing 1 scenery over another, "IF", you take the time to be Organized about it, and some pre-planning !

My problem, as was mentioned above, was that I did at 1 time install another scenery over the other of the same airport,, but not all in the same day or week or month.

I mean, we simmers might install an airport, then several months or years go by, and we forget what we have installed or what version , if theres an update.

The Answer to that solution was right in front of me, as is you all, as well, but heres a short preview of HOW I Organized my "Add Scenery" for FSX, so I don't inject a new scenery over an excisting scenery already there , and to add updates to current scenery if from the same developer !

Organization is the Key, can't stress that enough , "Organization" !!

taking time to be organized will Help you out in the long run !!

Heres How & What I do to keep my Add On Scenery Organized, so I can double check if necessary if I already have that Airport or City scenery add on' or whatever.

What I do is download the Scenery from whatever Flight Sim Web Site, to a particular place I have specifically chosen in my computer, in this case its a FOLDER named Add On Scenery located in my Pictures section of Windows

Then I open up that ZIP Folder , and "COPY" & "Paste" the contents of what was inside to another folder I have , so I may check and review all the Files associated with that scenery and to also DELETE un-necessary files that don't need to be in there , such as DIZ files or PDF read me files, the PDF read me files I save to yet another Folder for reference, outside of the Sim.

Once I've inspected and reviewed the Add On Scenery and "cleaned up" unwanted files (junk),

I then actually look up the actual AIRPORT, using SKYVECTOR to get the Airport IACO code, (example) = PKMJ Marshall Islands

I rename the Add On Marshall Islands , or whatever name "FOLDER", (NOT the ZIP Folder) - "Starting" with the Airport IACO Code : PKMJ

then the Name of the Airport

Location of the Airport = Marshall Islands or South Pacific

and LASTLY,,, rather the Add On Scenery is "FREEWARE" or "PAYWARE"

so in the end my Add On Scenery Folders look like this below

Folder : PKMJ Marshall Islands PW = (PW - stands for Payware)

another Example might look like this below

Folder : KMKC Kansas City Mo = FW ( FW stands for FREEWARE)

Reason I do this is because, I have over 170 different Add On Sceneries installed in my FSX / Acceleration, some I injected in there 2 years ago, and off the top of my head I can't remember if their Freeware or PAYWARE , hince the FW & PW at the end of the folder name, to help remind me of what the hell I got.

Also, if I see a new scenery on SIMVIATION or some other web site, that I'd like to have , I can easily check and "reference", my ADD ON scenery FOLDER in FSX, quicker than starting up FSX and loading up the Airport, picking a plane and etc.

Many times these ADD ON sceneries are "uploaded" to the flight sim web sites , - "with all kinds" of File / folder names that have nothing to do with the ID of the Airport.

So, one night I decided to see if FSX would recognize the scenery if I changed the Folder Names to what I wanted, and see if it'd show up, and Presto', it worked, like I listed above.

So then I spent the next 2 weeks, going thru and re-naming all my Add On Airports correctly with the IACO Airport codes and so forth.

In the end it was worth the time and "effort to re-organize", and re-name all those add on airports, now when I see an add on airport I'd like to have, I can easily "Verify" and research if I already have it installed in my FSX Sim, just by going to my Add On' Scenery Folder and scrolling down to the Airport IACO Code, which usually follow in Alphabetical Order, which helps even more !! :D

Keep in mind tho, that you'll have to un-install and Re-install the scenery your renaming, so the Flight Sim will recognize the scenery after changing its Folder Name !! very important , but worth the extra time in the end !

Heres an Example Screen Shot Below of how my Add On Scenery folders looks in FSX.

theres way more folders in my FSX SIM, than this in my Add On' Scenery section, but this should give you an idea of how much better organized it is and make it better for you to determine & decide if you want or need that new scenery or not, and also easier to UPDATE any current scenery that a Developer may come out with , 6 months or a year down the road , now you can easily find and decide !!

much better than the folder names that came with the original download

Example : an Airport somewhere who knows !!! ?????? :shock:

See My EXAMPLE below, how mine looks and is organized !


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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:18 pm

Good going Mr Jets. :D

You've made it even better than what you had before. :clap: :clap: :clap:

A question - Some areas are quite large & built up with multiple airports in that area. Do you just start the listing with all the ICAO codes?
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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby gwillmot » Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:53 pm

FS2004/FSX Airport Codes Converter
[ Download | View ]

Name: airport_codes_converter_v2.zip
Size: 9,105,815 Date: 01-28-2013 Downloads: 466

FS2004/FSX Airport Codes Converter. New in version 2: city now displays the country code, plus addition of country code converter. A simple Excel spreadsheet that will convert three letter IATA airport codes into four letter ICAO airport codes and displays the airport name and city. Also converts ICAO back to IATA. Really useful for members of virtual airlines. Contains over 40,000 airports. Requires Microsoft Excel (additional file contained for users of earlier versions of Microsoft Excel). By Simon Young.
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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby Jetranger » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:32 am

Airmail, I just start with whatever the Airport IACO code is, if an area has 50 Airports say Los Angeles for example or N.Y. or Miami,,, wel or say someplace NOT in the US, like all those Venezeula sceneries that one guy who posts on here , I just look up whatever the IACO code is and Name that Folder whatever it is, and it'll automatically fall into place, where it needs to be in Alphabetical order when I re-name the folder in the Add On' Scenery Folder.

One of the reason I list the IACO Code 1st, at the start is - its shows up - in the list when I go to look for it or do a check,

IF I were to list the Airport IACO Code at the end or last of the TITLE name of the Airport, it may NOT display the entire TITLE name, as you can see from my screenshot above .

That's actually how I started out at 1st, was using the Airport Name 1st , then the actual location / Country , then the Airport IACO code, well windows / Microsoft wouldn't display the whole TITLE I typed , and some of those Airports in other foreign countries have some fairly long names, and just wouldn't display the IACO code, which is what I prefer to type in the FSX Airport Selection / Locater when I want to go Fly to a particular Airport.

Also , I wanted a way I could go check within FSX what Airports I actually had for 100% sure, so I don't end up, dropping or Injecting a Freeware Airport over a good Payware Airport and ending up with muck.

Imagine having 150 or 300 Add On Airports in your Sim, and say theres a Display problem, sometime down the road with that particular scenery area, and you want to Investigate / Research the problem, the way it was originally , by just injecting the Add On's the way WE downloaded from web sites, you'd play Hell trying to locate the problem scenery Folder with the way the Folders were TITLED, (all kinds of goofy names), it made it nearly impossible.

The only thing that really Sucked I found out, was having to go into FSX - (and I assume 2004 works the same way ?? ), was having to "Un-install" and then "Re-Install" each individual scenery within FSX 1st, then having to go and Change the Folder name , and reload FSX and ADD each individual scenery again little time consuming !

What happens if you Don't do it this way, and try a Short Cut, thinking your saving time ?????

ERROR CODE: Scenery in area 101 NOT found !!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Yip, ask me how I know that :D :?

because I thought I could pull a "short-cut" and be "slick" and it didn't work !!! :twisted: :twisted:

So, as time consuming as it was and a total nuisance I had to do it this way, about 2 weeks worth of work really, little time consuming !

** NOTE some scenery ADD ON's will have additional Sceneries that go with them that need to STAY ON TOP in order to Display the scenery properly,,,,

So I attached a number to them so I know they have to stay on TOP of a required scenery and nothing can go between them when INJECTING a new scenery in to the Sim.


Liburary Scenery Objects for DUXFORD

Folder : 1 DUXFORD Lib Objects

Folder : IACO Code Duxford Airshow / ( off the top of my head I don't know what the IACO code for Duxford is, but the IACO code would be at the beginning of Folder title, followed by the Airport name, then the location COUNTRY/ UK ? of the Airport.

I list what country the Airport is actually located in the TITLE of the FOLDER so I know where it is just by looking at the FOLDER, without having to spend time loading up the SIM or looking it up on SKY VECTOR.

Some Countries I just don't care to Fly around in ( too Dangerous I might get shot down - joking :o )

Actually some countries in the Simulator are fairly boring, like Iceland and around the North Pole , unless I'm doing a really long distance flight VOR to VOR or High Altitude Airways trip.

I usually like to stay around the South Pacific areas, South America, Europe & UK areas and the Orient's JAPAN and those countries that Scenery Developers spend more time developing ADD ON sceneries it seems for those areas.

and the US as well.

The method works well if your willing to spend the time to Organize it correctly its fool proof and extremely easy to make locating ADD ON scenery easier and also locating where you'd like to Fly !

Just remember - to un-install and re-install the Scenery back into Flight Sim once you change the Folder Name !!!!!!!!!!!!! or it won't show up.

DELETE the Scenery 1st within Flight Sim using the SIM's ADD / DELETE Scenery window , so you don't end up with a boat load of "Scenery ERROR's"
Scenery Area in 150 can't be found ,,,,,,,,

then go and change your Folder name and re-install using the SIM's Add Scenery tool, then place the scenery in whatever Order you want using the UP/DOWN placer.

Below is another EXAMPLE of my ADD ON scenery Folder listed starting with the IACO code, followed by the name of the Airport , then the Country , and then rather its, FW or PW / FW= Freeware - PW= PAYWARE.

If you got a boat load of ADD ON sceneries YOU really need to know this stuff, whats PAYWARE and which is FREEWARE, really !

Would YOU really remember 2 years down the road what you installed in your simulator and rather it was PAYWARE or FREEWARE , would you really remember ???????

I can't and Don't unless I have something to tell me to Jog my memory, its like a sorta post it note of sorts, and I find the older I get , the more Post it notes I need, then again I need post it notes to remind me to look at the post it notes :shock: :o :dance: :clap: :shifty:

Notice the Alphabetical Order they Fall in ~ !!! :D

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby Jetranger » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:59 am

Actually I'd like to see All Scenery Developers Payware and Freeware start using this Folder Name method, so it'd be easier on everybody when we go to download the sceneries and inject them into our sims.

I have a feeling NOT everybody would be on the same page tho !

as it is now, the FOLDERS are named all kinds of unusual names, folders might have an airport name and may not and most definetly NOT listed what country their in location wize and NO IACO Code either usually.

it just makes a mess out of the ADD ON Scenery Folder within the sim, un-organized like that, hard to locate and find anything within the SIM itself to find a problem or see if you've already got that screnery or say another Developer came out with a better Scenery than the one you installed 2 years ago, now you can go look and compare or decide if that Airport scenery is already installed within Seconds, just saves a lotta time , and you'll NEVER rarely have to load up your simulator to go check, this way is much faster and easier.

Also makes painting Airport Objects much easier, when you can immediately go find that AIRPORT Folder, and select that File of that building and throw some Bricks or Stones on the side of it or repaint a Hanger Door ! :o

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby LTCSZ » Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:19 am

Thanks for all of the great ideas...Really appreciate the giant effort...(And I'd love to know what scenery that hangar door is in!)
Thanks again,

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby Jetranger » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:27 am

Steve , Hanger Door is located in Sonderburg,,, its a PAYWARE Aerosoft Scenery

tho nobody, but nobody will have the Hanger Door like I got, it didn't come that way I painted / pasted the Babe on there using my one of my paint program tools - PAINT.NET and Paint Shop Pro #9

Gotta tell ya, its difficult to land on her Strip tho,,, ya gotta come in Hard & Fast, not low & slow ! :D

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby LTCSZ » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:13 am

Whoo Hoo...Just don't go Tango Uniform!

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby BLAZE » Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:16 pm

DUDE! that hanger door ROCKS! :clap:

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Re: Excel Database of Airports?

Postby Jetranger » Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:10 pm

Blaze, Hanger caretaker Heidi, says thanks for the compliments !!!

she enjoys being admired !!

Scenery is from Aerosoft (Payware) : http://www.aerosoft.com/cgi-local/us/iboshop.cgi?showdsearchsonderborg:010010!0,6906037150,D12875

Sønderborg Lufthavn/Sonderborg Airport (EKSB, SGD). The airport is located on the island of Als in Southern Jutland, Denmark, a few kilometers from Sønderborg City.

NOT my Video but closer look at the Hanger

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