Adjusting Fuel Consumption

Forum dedicated to Microsoft FS2004 - "A Century of Flight".

Adjusting Fuel Consumption

Postby parkcentral » Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:24 am

Hi all,

I would like to adjust the fuel consumption rate of several aircraft in FS2004, as they are too high (even with using autopilot/autothrottle, correctly programming the MCDU, double checking all the entries and a maximum economy setting, the aircraft is still consuming too much fuel).

My question: what figures do I have to edit in the aircraft.cfg file and what is their effect?

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Re: Adjusting Fuel Consumption

Postby garymbuska » Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:47 pm

Hi all,

I would like to adjust the fuel consumption rate of several aircraft in FS2004, as they are too high (even with using autopilot/autothrottle, correctly programming the MCDU, double checking all the entries and a maximum economy setting, the aircraft is still consuming too much fuel).

My question: what figures do I have to edit in the aircraft.cfg file and what is their effect?


I copied these line from the default lear 45 I am not sure which way improves fuel use I would suggest you make the orignal entries a comment by puting / at the front of the entry thus making it a remark then you can make adjustments untill you find the correct entry.
You might have to adjust the AIR file as well I am not sure. 8-)

fuel_flow_scalar        = 1.0                   //Scalar for fuel flow efficiency
fuel_flow_gain          = 0.0025                //Gain on fuel flow
Gary M Buska
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Re: Adjusting Fuel Consumption

Postby parkcentral » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:21 am

Thanks for the reply

I've tried it and the fuel flow scalar seems to do the trick. A higher value results in a higher consumption rate. It was set at 1,25 in the aircraft I like to fly (A320 famliy) Appearently the MCDU in the Sim works with a value of 1, no matter what the setting as I recon it was about a 25% overconsumtion (you could see the Extra Fuel On Board calculation drop till it reached 0 during your flight).

I'm not sure about the gain functionality. Perhaps the amount of energy gained from a pound of fuel? I did not test this item thoroughly enough to draw any conclusions.
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Re: Adjusting Fuel Consumption

Postby bettycooper » Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:43 pm

When you have several aircraft in FS2004, you can adjust the fuel consumption of all of them at once. To do this, you need to go to the Aircraft tab and select the aircraft you want to adjust. Then, go to the fuel tab and select the fuel type you want to change. Finally, click on the "Change Fuel Consumption" button. This will change the fuel consumption of all the aircraft in your fleet at once. io games

You can also adjust the fuel consumption of individual aircraft by going to their tab and selecting the aircraft you want to adjust. Then, go to the "Fuel Consumption" tab and select the type of fuel you want to change. Finally, click on the "Change Fuel Consumption" button. This will change the fuel consumption of that specific aircraft at once.
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