Help. FMC's/what's the secret????

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Help. FMC's/what's the secret????

Postby Funkycowboy63 » Sat Apr 05, 2003 1:00 pm

I have a number of add-on's that shiped with realistic, functional fmc's. (767PIC, A2KV3, Worl Airliners).  I wish to discover how to take these fmc gauges and install them in other aircraft that should have them but don't ( Corporate Pilot jets  2k2update, default heavy's etc.)  I have tried several times to take the Wilco Airport 2KV3 fmc's andinstall them on several different jets Ihave but the closest I come to success is the FMC window opening but when I attempt to enter a flight pllan I end up with a message on the FMC saying data base not available. I also attempted to import the 767PIC FMC to the default 747 and had even less success. It seems there are several bitmaps that go with that guage andI can't get them configured correctly to even display rightin a different plane.  Does anyne know how how payware FMC's are coded and how they interface with the planes they are installed in?  Does the air/model cfg have anything to do with the interface?  Would it be possible or me to use a model.cfg from a FMC equiped plane and alter the flight dynamics to match the plane I want to use it in thereby tricking the coding.  Thanks a lot for any education guys.
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Re: Help. FMC's/what's the secret????

Postby JohnP » Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:24 am

:)The thing to start with is the panel.cfg file where the FMC resides. You can open it with a file editor, such as notepad. Look for the FMC windows and the simicon that is used to activate it. Everything associated with it should be able to be copied and pasted into the panel of your choice. The problem that you may run into is that there are physical resrictions as to how many windows can be used with a panel. if you exceed the limit, The new gauge or window will not show up at all.
Hope this is not to confusing. Post again if you have any further questions.
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