Plan G-4

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Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:57 am

Just downloaded Plan G Version4
Shows on screen OK
Will not connect to FSX
Windows 10

Plan G Version 3 worked great so not sure the problem
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Canuck1955 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:32 pm

Works fine here. Have you checked that FSUPIC is selected under settings. Otherwise no clue. They do have their own forum and reply usually pretty quick.
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:45 am

Thanks for the reply Canuck1955

Have not done that yet

As I have a lot of Orbx I downloaded their freeware Volanta...not used it yet...
If you or anyone else has used it let me know what you think please...

I got frustrated with Plan G3 which worked for a good 2 or 3 years fine in FSX and downloaded Plan G4 which looked great but when connected to FSX would disconnect within 10 seconds all by itself.

Not getting any helpful info from the site I deleted both Plan G3 & 4 completely off this electronic gizmo

Anyone that knows of a good moving map and flight planner please let me know as have not tried Volanta yet and may have to reload Plan G4 again and try what Canuck1955 suggested

Oh and have been a member of Best Buys Geek Squad for at least 6 years and pay a monthly fee which I don't begrudge.....I might use them two or three times a year however after several hours of being on line with them yesterday they could not figure out the connection problem and that is with two different agents.

They suggested I contact Microsoft or Plan G both being a waste of time in my opinion as by the time they say Good morning it is Good afternoon

Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby zswobbie1 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:15 am

I'm using Plan-G (v4.2.0.282) without any issues, with P3Dv4.5 & Windows 11.
I'm also using Little NavMap as well. Also working seamlessly.
Once connected, both keep their connections, & I choose which one I want to use.
Plan-G is plain & simple, Little NavMap is a lot more complex.

I also tried Orbyx's Volenta, dumped it as I could not get it to work.
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:30 pm

Hi zwobbie1

Yes I deleted Volanta as too complicated

I use Windows 10 and FSX Acceleration and have downloaded Plan G4 twice
Downloads but will not stay connected
I also get a timed out error when starting G3 and G4

Not sure what I have done wrong installing

Little NavMap I found confusing as I guess you need to build your aircraft base somewhere in the system, I think that is the program that keeps track of all your aircraft

Short of moving my GPS to 2nd screen, enlarging it and use it as a moving map not sure what else to try
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby zswobbie1 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:02 am

I found that everything works when I start G-Map first, then the sim. That's the way I've always done it.
That's all that I can think of.
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:30 am

When I start Plan G not connected to FSX I get little blue squares saying a connection error and time out error

Was always starting FSX first then Plan G.....will re download Plan G4 and try an install again as everything has been deleted now

Thanks for the reply
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby zswobbie1 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:51 pm

Hi Doug,
yep, that's the way that works for me..
Start Plan-G, then the sim, then Connect - after the sim is running.

Hopefully it works for you.

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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:40 am

Hi Zswobbie1

Thanks for helping out.

Question: In Plan G3 (
File>Options>FS Connection Parameters

SimConnect Settings...SimConnect...FSUIPC...XPUIPC

My settings are:
Connect with SimConnect
SimConnect Settings:
Network Mode 1Pv4
Server Port/Pipe is 0

Also when I clicked on the little yellow folder on very top left of screen above File and Home...Map...Data...View
I get:
This PC>Documents>Plan G Files

Where is the Flight Plan just created in FSX located to download into Plan G3 :?:

Will keep working on this but these are the 2 above issues I have right now

Before I forget the next category below this one...Overclocking/Tweaking
Can you check my Post Clearing Flight Plans in FSX...I have Empty Cache checked in FSX but old Flight Plans still show up
Wonder if this is what might be slowing computer down :?:

Cheers Doug
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby zswobbie1 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:07 pm

Hi Doug,
I have not touched any settings at all, and they are basically the same, but using Simconnect (P3D)
My SimConnect Settings Index is 0
SimConnect 2(FSX/MSFS) is IPv4 & the Server Port/Pipe is 500, whereas yours is 0 - not sure what difference that makes.
I have not done much with flight planning so I cannot help you on that.

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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:09 pm

Thanks Robin
Much appreciated for help

Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:20 am

Hi All...

Ok...after much trial and error I have Plan G V3.1.4 up and running

Did a 4 hour simulated flight from Friday Harbor to Alaska...Plan G worked well and did a little experimenting

Now it is connected to FSX Acceleration in Windows 10

Still trying to Delete those supposedly Deleted Flight Plans which show up in FSX Flight Planner in a much lighter type

Also need to figure how to get all my simulated aircraft profiles along with Orbx Scenery Files into Plan G

I am sure Plan G 3.1.4 can be updated but I am not going to mess with that as that is how I got into the problem in the first place.

Any help or advice most welcome...feel free to message me also

Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
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Re: Plan G-4

Postby Flying Trucker » Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:39 am

Plan G-V3.1.4

The only Aircraft Profile is the Default Baron

I have 30 Payware Aircraft and some FSX Downloaded Aircraft
That's a lot of Profiles to type in
Now I found two sites that want close too + - $100:00 US

Could only find a few profiles that were free

I am wondering if this is a waste of time trying to find the aircraft (simulated or not) profiles
I thought with Payware they would be included even though there are many variations (models) or each real or simulated aircraft

Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated

P.S. Just tried downloading Plan G V4 such luck yet I am sure it downloaded the first time for me

Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
Flying Trucker
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