Airport Charts not working

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Airport Charts not working

Postby hpwells » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:10 pm

Hello all, I just recently downloaded and installed Airport Charts from and when I start FSX the airport chart window shows up but I am unable to make any buttons or knobs work?. I can click on the .exe icon on my desktop and build the data base but there again, nothing works. I am hoping that I installed something wrong or something simple that I need to do to make this work.
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Re: Airport Charts not working

Postby hpwells » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:35 am

It seems that nobody on this forum knows about Airport charts which I downloaded from this site. Is there another site that I could possibly get some help or knowledge from??
Thank You HPwells.
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Re: Airport Charts not working

Postby Hagar » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:45 am

I can't find a file named Airport Charts on Simviation. Can you be more specific. A file name or link to the page I can download it from would help.

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Re: Airport Charts not working

Postby hpwells » Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:50 pm

I did some checking into this and found out that I downloaded it from The author is Holger Maass. I will ask the question on their forum and see if they can help me. Thank you for responding to my question.

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