What happened to the Computer ????

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What happened to the Computer ????

Postby Jetranger » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:49 pm

What happened to the computer ??? :? :doh: :idea:

I remember back in the day, like in the 1970's & 1980's talk was "computers" were the Future, they'll do everything for you or us, and, it'll do most of the "Thinking" and problem solving for you or us .

the wave of the future - Technology , they said ! :lol: :naughty:

Fast - Forward to about this time frame = Today

Software companies release newer supposed updated versions of whatever, apparently NOT thoroughly testing it out for whatever reason, and evidently some that work at those software companies, lack Vision and Techno' expertise ,,,

Major problems with Windows Vista back then

Now , Major problems with Windows 10 correctly functioning, like it should

Humans / People, spending "copious" amounts of time, hours upon hours, day after day, weeks into weeks trying to figure it out and Solve issues with software and "Computers" & their programs :o

What ???????

Wait a minute ~ but, I thought that's what "Computers" were supposed to do, is solve complex problems and issues and make life , well - simplier ?? :shock:

Naw ~ instead you've become your own Diagnostic technician, trying to solve a "computers" problem & issues so it can turn right around and cause you even more problems & issues - which in turn , cause "YOU" to waste even more of your time and lots of it - trying to FIX the problem & issue.

Now, this ain't exactly what they were saying 'back in the day", NOT at all what they led us to believe this new Techno' World would be like , not at all !!

So ~ whats happened that makes ya step back & wonder ???

Besides the obvious & latest windows problems ,,,,,,,,,

WE now have Humans walking around constantly looking at the Palm of the Hands while crossing a Street , without looking for TRAFFIC !!!

Their also so Pre-Occupied with those Palm Device thingy ma' jobbers, while DRIVING, their running into each other killing & murdering each other, everyday :oops:

Their Vehicles they drive are controlled by one of those supposed "Futuristic Computers" now they told us about , and their goin out of control and spinning wildly crashing thru convience stores & grocery stores , liquor stores etc :oops: :oops: :shock:

But I thought the "computer" was supposed to Correct and Fix problems , NOT cause even more problems ????

its a "computer" damn it !!

We've got Flying Thungys controlled by "computers" that were supposed to do everything, you just tell it what to do ~~~~~

Were ready for take off, to Los Angeles lets go, "Computer", and magically the "computer" was supposed to just do everything and get us there, magically

BUT wait ~ theres a software Glitch in the main control apartus thingy ma' jobber du' flunky'

FLIGHT Cancelled :doh: :doh: :doh:

then on Top of that - the entire Airport Terminal goes Dark and everythings shut down - for hours , days :doh: :doh:

So, out to grab a cab, but the "computer" in that is malfunctioning too so its broke down ???

They said, computers were supposed to make our lives simplier and Free Up more time - WTF ????

I should be able to tell my Computer, paint that airplane in this color and it just do it,

load up this Aircraft and Fly here and Land there, and it just do it

any problems or issues that arise, the "computer" was supposed to handle it, they said :doh:

it appears were so busy fiddling with the "computer" trying to get it do, what its supposed to do, were NOT getting anything done anymore, but - we've got plenty of Excuses for spending so much time on these "Techno Time Wasters", that supposedly somehow make humans lives supposedly simplier ?? :doh:

I believe "they" flat out lied to us :shock:

and the "internets" , that was supposed to be cheap affordable too,,, :doh:

so far prices keep goin up and service is still spotty.

sometimes it works - sometimes there ain't no "internets" :doh:
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Re: What happened to the Computer ????

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:52 pm

Nice rant, Mr Jetranger.

I think that I can spread a little light on this subject. That or manure. :think:

First lets go back the the first Prez Bush. I have nothing against him one way or another. Just another rich man out of touch with the average person. I wish I was just like him too, rich. :D

Anyway. He was in a store of some kind and noticed people scanning in items. His comment was something to the effect of "How ingenious the American tech sector is"!

Retail scanners had been in common use for six or seven years at the time. SEE! I want to be just like that! Too rich to know how the rest of the world works.

So that is part one of the problem, electronics have helped to make the world a dumber place.

Scanners came about because people couldn't ring up price tags properly.


Anyone over 60-65, ask yourself - How many phone numbers did you have know as a kid? How many do you know now?

To keep my rant short, let me say that computers are going out of fashion because people want simple entertainment.

And simple used to be another word for retarded.
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Re: What happened to the Computer ????

Postby Phyllo » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:06 pm

I agree with both of you, just want to add something else to rant about. ;)

"Sometimes, there ain't no internets" - yep, there is always the risk of having the connection to the internet disrupted for whichever reason.

Nonetheless, "everybody" wants to move our software away from our computers again now that we are happy to have enough power in it to use almost any software at home - and to put it up on servers without us knowing where the servers are and if we can access them when we want to use what we paid for. All this hype about "clouds" is in my view just a move backwards to old "supercomputers" doing for us what we could easily do on our own if we'd only put a little effort into it.
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