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Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:01 pm
by T-38Talon
Every time I have flown in FSX for the past few days I've noticed a tendency for every plane in my hangar to develop a lean to the left. It's a hard pull on takeoff which develops into a slow left roll if I allow the stick to return to neutral while in the air. It's incredibly annoying, especially seeing as I've tried almost everything I can think off to fix the issue except reinstalling FSX. I use a very old Thrustmaster Top Gun Afterburner joystick that I inherited from my dad and I'm wondering if it's now simply too old. I always make sure to place it somewhere where pets/boxes can't crush it, so it hasn't been crushed by anything. Does anyone have any advice on how I can possibly recalibrate it? Thanks for any advice!

Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:32 pm
by jime59
What OS are you running ?   
Have you updated your drivers ?

I run Windows 7 64bit and had a hard time locating usable drivers for my Top Gun HOTAS, it's the Force Feedback model. I need to know which OS you're running to offer some assistance with calibrating it.


Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:29 pm
by Fozzer
[quote]What OS are you running ?

Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:07 pm
by T-38Talon
Thanks for the replies! I run Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit. I did as suggested and tested the joystick. All the buttons/slider/Z-rotation operated perfectly and resorted to default when I released it.
If it's any clue to what's malfunctioning, whenever I use the slew mode the plane drifts gently to left with the joystick in neutral position. I might just have to dig out the reinstall disc tomorrow to see if that fixes the problem.  :-/
Thanks again for the suggestions!

Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:00 am
by jime59
These are the latest driver I could find for this Joystick and it works for both Vista and Windows 7 64 bit. Click updates then follow the info windows at the top putting in your info and when you get to the joysticks window, scroll down to your Afterburner.

Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:37 am
by Fozzer
Do you mean; "Slew" as in using the "Y" key, Or do you mean the; "Accelerate Time" option?
In both cases, as in normal flight when not using the Autopilot, you will need to have full control over the aircraft with the joystick/Yoke at all times, as in a real aeroplane, to counteract wind direction, buffeting, engine torque, etc, effects.

I wouldn't worry about it, you will get used to the strange quirks of flying an aircraft after a while....
.....Use the Joystick to control and; "fly" the aeroplane!... ;)...! are in control!

Paul.... 8-)...!

P.S. Note that even with the Autopilot engaged, you will still need to regularly correct the heading, (using the HSI heading bug), when being blown off course by the wind!

Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:31 pm
by Steve M
I never use slew mode so I won't speak to that. I would take a few minutes and check over your saved default aircraft for fuel and weight distribution and make sure the trim settings are in neutral position.
Pulling to centrifugel forces is normal in a single engine prop. But shouldn't be a problem, normally, in a twin screw or fighter plane, judging by your signature photo.   

Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:01 pm
by Gregorio
The first thing that comes to my mind is that your joystick may be sending undesired rudder commands to your aircraft. I do not know if the one you're using has the twist-for-rudder action, or if you have rudder pedals, but if the former is true, the joystick may be turning your rudder left and messing with your flight. This is because you mention that in slew mode your airplane is constantly turning. Hence I think that your hardware may be commanding that when it should not. It can be another command as well, such as the ailerons, but give a check on the rudder - maybe increase the deadzone of your joystick axes so that this effect is cancelled.


Re: Possible issue with joystick - any advice?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:37 pm
by T-38Talon
Somewhere along the line with all the checking and tweaking I've been doing the issue appears to have resolved itself. I fired up a C-130 this morning and managed a straight take off and level flight. Unfortunately, I have no idea what fixed it!  ::)

The slew mode I was using was the "Y" key. I do have a twist for rudder action. The screws at the base might be a little loose. It could be causing unwanted pulling. I need to check that out for the future.
The left pull behavior was being exhibited by everything from the T-38 to my C-130!  ;D

Thanks again for all the great advice, it helped a lot and I now have a wealth of information to use in the future.