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Power-hungry Computers!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:39 pm
by Fozzer
Unplug when not in use!.... :ugeek: .....

...or else!.... :shock: ....>>>> ... =san-diego

Its right!
My big Tower Computer is plugged in and running from early morning until bed-time, seven days a week, all the time I am at home (on my own)!
Browsing, typing, playing various games*, watching news and videos, listening to music, etc.

It actually keeps me company!

Unlike "Mobile/smart phones", it doesn't affect anyone else... :D ...!

(Only the Electric Bill affects me!).... :doh: ...!

Paul....*blasting the Aliens with my photon torpedo's...... :mrgreen: ...!

Re: Power-hungry Computers!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 4:28 pm
by OldAirmail
California! Where even clean air and water can cause cancer! :o

I will admit, though, that there must be something in the air & water to make so many people stupid.

As soon as I saw that it was about California, I stopped reading.

Anyway. My CPU is running at 800MHz as I type. When I run Prepar3d or FSX, it jumps up to just under 5.8GHZ. Newer systems already have power reduction built into the CPU & motherboard, not to mention the power saving functions built into Windows.

Re: Power-hungry Computers!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:14 am
by Sinkrate
Computer shmooter! If I lived in Cali, I’d need an entire power station to myself just to drive my air conditioning! :dance:

Here in sunny Gloucester, the heat from my power tower is enough to heat the room on all but the coldest days of winter. In summer, I have a huge room fan to assist cooling - so that’s one load of electricity to counter the effects of another load! :ugeek:

Demand side management? Phooey! Just build Sizewell C now and start planning the next dozen. :whistle: