B-4 Up Grading Ram & Hardware Read This

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B-4 Up Grading Ram & Hardware Read This

Postby A_and_P » Tue Jul 01, 2003 2:10 am

When up grading mother boards, ram, video cards, operating systems I suggest that you read this first. You need to make sure the ram is the same mfg, part number and nano seconds. If at all possible I always by new ram out of the same box. In other words if I have 512 megs on 2 sticks and I wanted to up grade to 1 gig=1024meg of ram. I purchase the 1 gig= 1024 megs on 4 sticks.

The reason for this is the speed. you can have same mfg, part number and diffrent nano seconds This can create problems.

In other words if you ran 2 sticks of ram at 35 nano seconds. 2 sticks at 45 nano seconds.

Problems this could create. All the properties of file folders could and would or part of them would change.

You would be told that you have a virrus in your computer. Not So

Example if you saved a word file

Merry had a little lamb.

You may not be able to deleate this file. Or if you changed it to read,

Marry lost all her lambs.

It would revert back to the original Merry had a little lamb.

What happens is the Ram is running at two diffrent speeds, A computer process from the Mother board, CPU using the operating system trying to count in binary, the numerical numbers are corrupted.

Simply put this creates a black hole within varrious points in the system depending on the program and what the computer is trying to process. The windows operating system tries to work around the black hole, a computer runs from a bianary sytem, the bianarys gets corrupted because the ram is moving information at 2  diffrent speeds. Then it has to change files etc to compensate for the errors and find a work around within the bianary system and windows operating system.

All computers work on a bianary system. That is the way they count. See example below.

Decimal Hex Binary Hex Binary Decimal Hex Binary
0             0     0        14     E       28         1C   11100
1             1     1        15     F       1111      1D   11101

In other words 1111 =

1 group of 8 = 8
1 group of 4 = 4
1 group of 2 = 2
1 single = 1

Total = 15 (decimals)

therefore , 11111 (binary = 15 (decimals) = F (hex)

F is the largest numerical in the hex number system and it takes 4 bits to write the largest hex NUMERL F.

So every hex number:

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,and F is converted to a 4-bit binary number.

the computer has to convert the F8 to binary you would do the following.

F=11111, and 8 = 1000

Therefore F8= 11111000 written 11111 000

To convert hex 9A to binary

9 = 1001, and a = 1010

9A = 1001 1010

so to convert 101110 to hex first group the bits in groups of 4, start at the right move left, add zeros as necessary.

0010 1110

then you have to convert each group of 4 bits in binary to a single hex numerical numeral: 0010 = 2
and 1110 = E.

The Hex numnber is 2E

So when you are talking about 45 frames per second and processing time this is what your computer is doing using a binary/hex system.


Im not trying to confuse anyone or give you a lesson in Computer Technology. I would like to caution you when you start to add new hardware or software items.

The support here and advice you are getting is very good.

I recomend you do the following.

1. Get the MFG Model, Part and ID Number off the Mother Board.

2. Get the MFG Model Number and Part number off the Central Processing Unit.

Go to there web sight. Read tech support. If you have any questions send them an e-mail.

Caution do not purchase any hardware Items before checking out if your M/Board and CPU will handel it.

3. Do you have enough power supply? Check this out with the Mother Board MFG. Example a Pentium 4 with a 2 gig processor requires a minimum of 12 amps for the processor.

3. Total up the number of hard drives, Video Cards,  CDR, DVD, CDRW and Case fans, How much power does your operating system require. Go 30 percent over that total number of watts. Remeber you wouldnt put a lawn more engine in your P-51 and expect it to fly very far or even get off the ground. If you do not have enough power you will do damage to your computer.

4. What operating system do you have? Will your windows operating system support the drivers that are required for the new hardware or software items that you want to install.

5. I would not purchase Mother boards, Central Processing Units, Video Cards, Hard Drives that is on the leading edge of technology. I never purchase hardware items that has not been on the market one year. What are the bench test? Who did the bench test?

6. Advice While one video card will operate well in one computer it will fail in another computer. This depends on the application, mother board etc etc.

7. Always research your product before making a purchase with Mfg. THIS IS A MUST

8. Verify tech support if you need it? Ask your self How will I get tech support on this product?

9. If the product doesnt work can I return it to the store for a refund or exchange. Caution some products you cannot return such as software and some hardware items. This has to do with Copywrite laws.

Will my computer case handel the new hardware and cooling requirments? Computer cases are probably the least consideration when someone buys a computer. Oh this case is pretty???

Computer cases

1. Is it plastic or aluminum? Aluminum cools easier and does not hold the heat.

2. How many fans does it have and were are they located in conjunction of the Hard Drives. A good case will have 2 fans bring in air from the outside over the hard drives.

3. Is there enough ventilation to keep the case from having a vacum on the inside. If you have a vacum you will have cooling problems and dust problems.

4. How easy is it to replace power, mother boards and other hardware items.

5. Is there enough room to expand your system? How Many mother boards can you put into the case, hard drives, etc etc,

6. Is there a filtering system on the air in takes on the case?

This is just a few things to consider before making changes or considering a new computer or building one yourself.

I hope this helps you in making some decisions that could be very costly.  

Like I said earlier I personally would like to take the time to thank everyone at Simviation, Squadrons and Individuals that take the time to give recomendations,  create and provide support on a very enjoyable hobby.


A and P
Have A Great Day
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Re: B-4 Up Grading Ram & Hardware Read This

Postby congo » Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:50 pm

ImageMainboard: Asus P5K-Premium, CPU=Intel E6850 @ x8x450fsb 3.6ghz, RAM: 4gb PC8500 Team Dark, Video: NV8800GT, HDD: 2x1Tb Samsung F3 RAID-0 + 1Tb F3, PSU: Antec 550 Basiq, OS: Win7x64, Display: 24&
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