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Re: Should I wait for MSFS 2024?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:39 pm
by Dude player
FSX was the best. FSX steam has been stripped of all the best features, When I use MSFS 2020 the planes you get fly totally un realistic if you are familiar with FSX. However I installed freeware Bombardier Global 6000/E-11A and that is what I fly the most. Which ever platform you buy, The cheapest option will save you some grief when you fly the planes and Helicopters.

Re: Should I wait for MSFS 2024?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:59 pm
by Canuck1955
So what has been stripped out of FSX steam in relation to FSX? Seems no different to me. Serious question.

Re: Should I wait for MSFS 2024?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:56 am
by zswobbie1
Serious question...
The OP wanted to know about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024...
Why, on earth is FSX mentioned at all? Maybe those with FS2020 can advise, & the FSX'ers stick to their own forum.

Re: Should I wait for MSFS 2024?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:06 am
by Daube
Dude player wrote:FSX was the best.

No it was not :) Also, the topic here is MSFS and MSFS 2024. Not FSX.

FSX steam has been stripped of all the best features,

No it hasn't. Please don't spread fake news. FSX Steam is the way to go for people who still want to use FSX today.

When I use MSFS 2020 the planes you get fly totally un realistic if you are familiar with FSX.

Again, please stop spreading fake information. The MSFS flight models are much more elaborated than what FSX could ever offer. The default sensitivity settings for the controllers are radically different than what we had in the previous sims, and this can be a bit troublesome at first... until you realise you can actually alter these settings and adjust them to your liking in the game controls settings.

However I installed freeware Bombardier Global 6000/E-11A and that is what I fly the most.

This is a FSX plane converted to MSFS by a very kind person that has limited modeling knowledge. If you use that plane to evaluate the flight models in MSFS, that would explain why you got a wrong idea about MSFS flight models :/

Which ever platform you buy, The cheapest option will save you some grief when you fly the planes and Helicopters.

I don't understand what you mean here ?
MSFS 2024 is not yet available, so there's no "cheaper" option.
And the question is not about the prices, but about the features.

Re: Should I wait for MSFS 2024?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:19 am
by Daube
HauptmannII wrote:Should I wait for MSFS 2024?
I read that many simmers are having issues with MSFS 2020.

Concerning the issues, there's been a few, but there's also been quite a few updates in the meanwhile.
In reality, the experience is very pleasing already ;) Not bug-free, right, but enjoyable for sure.

I'm debating getting the basic MSFS 2020 to use until 2024 comes out, at which time I'll buy the 2024 Premium Edition. Is 2020 worth buying now, or should I wait for 2024 to get back into it?

This is hard to reply, since nobody really knows precisely what MSFS 2024 will bring. Also, we don't know when it will be released. Could be this summer, or Christmas. No idea :/
MSFS is just 60$ or so in its basic edition. Not a big financial risk, if you ask me ;)

Also, does my choice of hardware seem adequate?

I'm using MSFS on a computer which is way outdated compared to yours, and I'm getting some nice performance nevertheless. Of course I can't use the sim at full graphical settings, but even my moderate/low graphic settings are already very beautiful and enjoyable, compared to previous sims such as FSX or P3D.

You should also take the time to consider XPlane.
While the "base" sim (wihtout addons) might not offer as beautiful scenery as MSFS, the realism and level of details is on par. And when you add some addons into it, the graphics can really get impressive as well. Oh, and it has a free demo version, limited to a small area around Portland, and limited to 20 minutes flight (after that, you need to restart the sim). Pretty good to test.

Re: Should I wait for MSFS 2024?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:27 pm
by Canuck1955
zswobbie1 wrote:Serious question...
The OP wanted to know about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024...
Why, on earth is FSX mentioned at all? Maybe those with FS2020 can advise, & the FSX'ers stick to their own forum.

How rude. I take my looksee at comments from the Latest Forum Posts on the Home Page and do not necessarily look to see which forum I am in. It's a matter of quickness over attentiveness. I apologize profoundly for commenting in a forum I was not supposed to be in. And you wonder why simming is dying. Sheesh.