Midsouth Virtual Air

News & Questions about Virtual Airlines, On-line interactive flying, etc.

Midsouth Virtual Air

Postby PilotManChase » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:52 pm

I'm not sure how many of you guys used gamespy until it's end, but for me it was a hard hit when it dissappeared. Sure, I use VATSIM, quite a bit actually. However, with the shut down of gamespy came the shut down of my ATC server. The website still exists here: http://www.atckmem.webs.com That server was my baby. I loved hosting an area for pilots to come and operate professionally. So, I was not just gonna sit there and take it. No, I decided to focus my time and energy into something else: a new virtual airline! And this time I decided to register a domain and everything! I am currently looking to expand my pilot base. New schedules are being added every day. Our airline features, but is not limited to, the Mid South area. I would love to see some of you guys out flying with us. If you are interested at all, you can check us out here: http://www.midsouthva.com If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me at cfreeman@midsouthva.com I hope to see y'all soon!
Ground hog
Ground hog
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Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:40 pm
Location: Memphis, Tennessee

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