FSX Steam multiplayer

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FSX Steam multiplayer

Postby ShaneG » Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:06 pm

So back in the day, there used to be wondrous online sessions here at SimV. Is anyone here flying FSX Steam online?
I haven't tried it yet, so I was kind of hoping that others on here were already having a go with it, and I could tag along.
I didn't see any recent posts about online tours, or airshows, so I'm not even sure if such things are even possible in the Steam edition? :think:
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Re: FSX Steam multiplayer

Postby Ratty » Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:54 pm

Hi, Shane:

I've spent a lot of time on Steam multiplayer sessions, as well as FSHost, FSCloud, and JoinFS. It has always seemed to me that FS multiplayer should be loads of fun, but the problem, I think, is finding something that other people want to do. The other issue is, of course, the kind of planes you like to fly. For example, I lean towards vintage single-engine prop planes and have little in common with the people who drive tubeliners around.

I have a few ideas for races and other competitions. There are pylon courses at the Flight Simulator version of Reno/Stead (4SD), and I created a couple of airshow scenery files for FS9 that work just fine in FSX.

If you're interested in exploring possibilities, send me a private message and let's see if we can make something happen.

Ian Radcliffe
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Re: FSX Steam multiplayer

Postby tjitah » Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:41 am

Ratty wrote:but the problem, I think, is finding something that other people want to do. The other issue is, of course, the kind of planes you like to fly. For example, I lean towards vintage single-engine prop planes and have little in common with the people who drive tubeliners around.

I have a few ideas for races and other competitions. There are pylon courses at the Flight Simulator version of Reno/Stead (4SD), and I created a couple of airshow scenery files for FS9 that work just fine in FSX.

That has always been my problem as well. I like single-engine prop planes, especially vintage as well, and most multiplayer sessions are for tubeliners and/or flying long distances over several hours, which really don't interest me. I like your idea of air races or perhaps just a place to cruise around in our single engine props.
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Re: FSX Steam multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:24 am

Hello, Shane...

...long time...no see...!.... :o ....!

Fond memories, long ago, of our weekly FS 2002/FS 2004 sessions in Multiplayer using FS Host and FS Navigator.

A grand group of Lads at the time...long disappeared now! ... :cry: ...!


FSX was made more difficult when it didn't include a "Multiplayer" Option in the drop-down menu.

There were ways around it, (FS Host Client) but it did stop a lot of enthusiasts from joining in with their copy of FSX!

I do follow Multiplayer now and again, but it's mostly dead now!

Most/All of my Sim time now is spent just exploring the scenery of the USA in conjunction with my You-Tube Motorcycle rides.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp5lKG ... shelf_id=0

I like exploring! Cessna 150 Aerobat Aeroplane and Honda Rebel Cruiser Motorcycle!... :dance: ...!

Paul.... :D ...!
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Re: FSX Steam multiplayer

Postby ShaneG » Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:35 am

Fozzer wrote:Hello, Shane...

...long time...no see...!.... :o ....!

Fond memories, long ago, of our weekly FS 2002/FS 2004 sessions in Multiplayer using FS Host and FS Navigator.

A grand group of Lads at the time...long disappeared now! ... :cry: ...!

Hello again Paul! <<v

It has been a bit of time hasn't it?

I do miss those times online. Our tours of California, and Alaska were a lot of fun, as well as educational! lol
I took my first sim flight in years starting a LAX in a C152 last night. The scenery is so much better now in FSX with a few choice Orbx addons installed! :dance:

I still keep in touch with a few of the old crowd outside of here, hopefully I'll see a few more names I recognize.

Need to start posting a few screenshots again as well. My beloved StudioV looks like an abandoned building right now. :cry: :doh:
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