My biggest problem with the VA'S I have flown for is they all want to monitor your flight and will not allow you to do anything out of the ordinary like slewing and hard landings. One VA actually made you take a test in order to advance and it was like I was actually applying for a pilot for a real airline. It was crazy that asked you things like what is the max rotation of the B 737-200 engine or what is the ideal V1 and V2 speeds.
And the worst of this was you had to fly out of one of there hubs. I have flown for LIVEWIRE and DELTA and VATSIM I actually maxed out in livewire I was a Chief pilot and a Hub Manager. But it just got to crazy
All I want to do is to fly from point A to point B without all of the hassle of having to install ACARS or some other program to monitor your flights. What ever happened to ones word.
I mean if you have to cheat in your flights than why even flt at all.
The other problem was you had to use there aircraft so you could see another aircraft like you should. If you did not have the same aircraft in your fleet a plane would not show up correctly. Imagine seeing a Cessna 150 in front of you and when you got close you found out it was actually a B747-400.
I will stick to flying by my self and fly what and where I want to without any rules or regulations to mess with.