US Central Multiplayer Group

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US Central Multiplayer Group

Postby TruNorthSim » Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:10 am

USCENTRALLOGO_350.jpg (49.04 KiB) Viewed 8877 times


My name is Jack, and I have hosted the US Central multiplayer server and Teamspeak3 server since FSX was released on Steam. I would like to inform everyone of our group, which exclusively uses joinFS as our multiplayer client!

Our group welcomes players from around the world to join us in either our Virtual Airline or Military Operations. We are very friendly and urge newcomers as well as seasoned flight simmers and real pilots to join us! We encourage learning and engagement!

We no longer offer any sort of ATC service. If you would like ATC service, please use one of the popular 3rd party programs out there, such as Vatsim.

Top Reasons to Join Our Group

- 24/7 multiplayer server on our joinFS Hub
- 24/7 Teamspeak connectivity for all communications
- access to a collection of quality freeware that's free to download
from our server.
- access to aircraft updates
- access to our Virtual Airline hosted by to keep you engaged in civilian flights
- access to custom liveries
- ranking system for both our Virtual Airline and Military Operations
- customized achievements based on your time and how you fly
- access to group events, discussions, and live support
- fly with other players that share your passion for flight


- must be 18 years of age or older*
- must be willing to participate in training events
- must be willing to join our Virtual Airline OR our Military Ops
- must be willing to fly on our joinFS multiplayer server
- must be willing to participate and respect our rank system
- must be willing to use Teamspeak3. Voice chat is not required but encouraged.

If you are interested, please reply to this thread, send me a message, or contact me on Steam. My ID is JackRiordan.

Thank you!

*may be waived by admins based on level of maturity
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Re: US Central Multiplayer Group

Postby TruNorthSim » Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:55 pm

One of our Virtual Airline's many custom liveries. This one is for the Carenado Dornier 228. These liveries will be rewarded to members that continue to fly in our Virtual Airline.

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Re: US Central Multiplayer Group

Postby TruNorthSim » Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:15 am

Our new Airbus A318 livery...
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Re: US Central Multiplayer Group

Postby TruNorthSim » Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:18 am

Our new Aerosoft Twin Otter livery...

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Re: US Central Multiplayer Group

Postby TruNorthSim » Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:19 am

Our new Project Airbus A320 livery...

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