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Postby DaveT » Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:19 pm

hi guys especially fozzer,
is there still such a thing as the sinv server for multiplayer fs2004? ive been on today but im not sure its still used these days

cheers Dave <<s
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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:10 pm

DaveT wrote:hi guys especially fozzer,
is there still such a thing as the sinv server for multiplayer fs2004? ive been on today but im not sure its still used these days

cheers Dave <<s

Hello Dave ....

Its all done via here...>>>

FS to do it!
FS Host Spy ...lists all the Multiplayer servers and their IP Addresses.
FS Host Client .....required to connect via FSX only.

Multiplayer for FS 2002 and FS 2004 is reached by the FS 2002/2004 Multiplayer drop-down menus...(easy-peasy!).

I use it for FSX and FS 2004 on occasions, but very few folks seem to use it nowadays....Its not as popular as it used to be in times long ago!

Its still handy if one (or more) of your FS Chums (from Sim V?) wish to fly together!

Sometimes there are problems with players not opening their Modem Ports for access to the Multiplayer Server(s)...getting disconnected!

Lots of help in the Sim V Multiplayer Forum!

Can be lots of fun, for tours, fly-ins, training, etc...

Paul...G-BPLF in Multiplayer!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:39 pm

Wonderful, thank you very much paul i'll see you there tomorrow (thursday) <<q fs2004 .a little rusty but im sure i'll get off the ground ;)
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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:06 pm

We used to have our own Sim V Multiplayer Server many moons ago, and it was popular amongst the FS 2002 and FS 2004 Simmers; but with the introduction of the new FSX (at the time) together with its association with the unpopular Microsoft "Gamespy" Multiplayer, the enthusiasm for Multiplayer dropped off, and the Sim V Multiplayer Server abandoned the scheme for both FS 2004 and FSX.
Without the complicated Multiplayer connection arrangement for FSX at the time, I suspect Multiplayer would have continued to engage more users!

Using FS Host the system still works for both FS 2004, and FSX (using FS Host Client).

....but it can be very lonely out there!.... :roll: .... :D ....!

Paul...G-BPLF.... :mrgreen: ....!

Tip: Pop the "FS Host Spy" and "FS Host" shortcuts on your desktop for immediate Multiplayer Server IP access!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:04 pm

All on my desktop ready to go and it seems to work just fine fingers x, im gonna try it in the morning probably about 2:30 pm for you,i moved to usa in 2014 from uk so ive gained a few hours :D and some sunshine LOL,thanks again paul see ya there i hope, Im semi retired now so i have a lil time on my hands :lol:
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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:39 am

FS 2004 Multiplayer.

IP Address...

Airfield: KTCY. (Tracy, Cal Central Valley)

Paul.... ;) ....!

Tip: To see each other's aircraft correctly, you have to use the DEFAULT aircraft!

Press "Enter/Return" for the Chat Window.
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:18 am

Excellent Multiplayer flight with DaveT....

Showing that FS 2004 Multiplayer still works OK!

Paul.... :D ...!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:22 am

Sure was fun for me having not flown in such a long time,much appreciated paul thanks <<q

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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:34 am

just tried getting on multiplayer but the server dont seem to be working :doh:

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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:51 am

DaveT wrote:just tried getting on multiplayer but the server dont seem to be working :doh:


Hello Dave....

Just fire up your "FS Host Spy" list, and pick any one of the Servers on the list, (except with the ones with a lock against need a password for them).
They are all available to use for free....(Just watch out for any restrictions).
The address I picked was just a sample address from the list!
You just need to let your flight sim chum(s) know beforehand, to use the same address before the flight!

I tend to use an address which is not being used by someone else, to avoid annoying someone already on there, and to prevent anyone getting kicked off the Server, due to "port" problems!

On the list, if you click on one of the addresses being used, (Pilots), it will show you who is on there, (name) may be someone you know!!

Happy Multiplaying!

Paul... :D ...!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:54 am

Thanks paul,but my chum wasnt there lol............. (fozzer) Happy Days <<q
it wasnt showing in my fs,so i couldnt host anything, it wouldnt let me

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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:29 am

DaveT wrote:Thanks paul,but my chum wasnt there lol............. (fozzer) Happy Days <<q
it wasnt showing in my fs,so i couldnt host anything, it wouldnt let me


Sorry Dave!

I was busy "Motorcycling" around North Carolina, Florida, and New England, with some Biker Chums (You-Tube).... :auto-dirtbike: ....!

Weather getting cold in the Northern reaches of the USA now!

...same as here in England!

Like Kehin Carburettor doesn't like the cold!.... :cry: ....!

P.S...Don't forget to pop over here for Bikin' stuff!....>>>> viewtopic.php?f=33&t=170020

Paul.....Brrrrrrr...... :( ....!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:38 am

haha you should of called in for a brew or something a little warmer,yes the temps are dropping by the day but still the sun shines,i remember christmas day last year was 74 deg, it felt like summer so it will be nice to get some cool air this year, hopefully. Catch you next time at kgso we'll fly the apalachians. :D

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Re: multiplayer

Postby Fozzer » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:54 am

DaveT wrote:haha you should of called in for a brew or something a little warmer,yes the temps are dropping by the day but still the sun shines,i remember christmas day last year was 74 deg, it felt like summer so it will be nice to get some cool air this year, hopefully. Catch you next time at kgso we'll fly the apalachians. :D



Put some photo's, etc, of your Can Am Spyder in the Motorcycle forum....

...and some details of your USA location and travels, etc!


Lots of folks seem to be interested!

Pilots and Motorcyclists have something in common....Fresh-air and Weather!

Paul.....Bike'll like it!.... :D ....!

North Carolina...Scary!...... :lol: ...>>>>

More interesting stuff!...>>>>
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: multiplayer

Postby DaveT » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:33 am

North Carolina...Scary!...... :lol: ...>>>>

hey paul ats just how tis here, jim toms da maan

Dave :D
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