New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born !

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New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born !

Postby Woodylepic » Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:12 am

King Mountain USA Soaring scénery Here at Simviation !
St Raymond Mauricie province Québec Canada Air Cadet
FSX Schweizer 2-32 V2.31 At St Raymond Portneuf Soaring club

Hello there...
A new website for soaring on FSX in the vatsim network in North America was born !
The new Soaring Virtual Flight of Québec have the particularity of been open to all and totally free.
No Register and even teem speak need,
For the advanced Glider FSX user its very simple...
You just enter the website welcome web page (in French for the moment but I think about made an English version very soon.
Then download the Soaring flight task of the next week end, and you are ready to practice the flight .
(The principal goal was to be able to group some glider pilots the week end in an friendly environment under Vatsim network in a short period of time.
In the menu there will be 2 soaring class.
The vintage class (for the pleasance soaring witch glider of 1/25 max glide ratio)
And a Competition class Witch 1\55 glide ratio for the more advanced Glider pilots.
At the end of the friendly competition the 3 better time of each class will be Show for 1 week on the Glider pilot board.
Don't be afraid of the French language At CVVVAQ You can speak English all the time Because I'm totally bilingual.
Welcome Aboard to hall new and véteran glider pilots... and Have fun !
Here the website adress

Please visite me and sign my guestbook's and talk about it on the internet.
Thank you.
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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Jean Loup » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:34 pm

Woodylepic wrote:Don't be afraid of the French language At CVVVAQ You can speak English all the time Because I'm totally bilingual.
Welcome Aboard to hall new and véteran glider pilots... and Have fun !
Here the website adress

Please visite me and sign my guestbook's and talk about it on the internet.
Thank you.

I'm not afraid of the French language (born in Paris January 1943 :clap: ) but PROBLEM LOADiNG PAGE:
:violin: :violin: :violin:
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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Woodylepic » Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:15 pm


Have you try to update the page one or more time ?
I have get also some problem but after having updated the page a couple time its seem to work now.

I have compiled the webpage witch Frontpage 2003 and the new html5 format was not the standart format at this time, so I will probably have to get a new webpage editor.

I will try to correct the problem when I will have some time,

I'm realy sorry for that but until I get a new web editor I think the probleme will not get sorted ....

Thank for the info and come back later for other news. Bye.
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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Woodylepic » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:37 pm

Sorry ( did not permit to edit forum more tha 3 time

The web addres was

Try again like they said and you will be a winer....... lollllllll <<q
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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Fozzer » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:56 pm

The English Language version...>>> ... cvvvaq.htm

I hope you don't mind Woody!... :D ...!

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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Woodylepic » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:59 pm

Ya I'm sorry but I'm realy tire and did not have time to undo all error.

Just a little update to tel that A have rename the main page to

web addres

This will be the defenitive name...

Like I said I have just little time to made update to day..I'm realy busy this time...

I cople of files to move and I think it will be ready soon.. aniway It will be there for the guys That want tho soar in Québec in the futur...
I not mater if it will be popular or not... the principal is that it will be there...
Stey Tuned ! <<q
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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Woodylepic » Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:45 pm

Hello there...
Juste some news about m'y soaring website.
Soaring Virtual Club of Québec CVVVAQ is now Operational ...
Have just terminate the installation of a new Forum (Where You will be able to report Your flight, Organise your personal soaring flight witch friends, ans see the winners of the week end)

Welcome to all soaring pilots (Of All Nationality).
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Re: New Soaring Virtual Flight Clubs Glider website was Born

Postby Woodylepic » Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:11 pm

CVVVAQ have moved to this new website address. (No more add, and no more malware web page pop up at startup)

Have also add a forum where pilots can meet up, set new even, and talk about there flight.

Also 6 new FSX FAI Badge mission have been added (if you want to test your skill or just see what a soaring task look...

you will have the chance to fly from 5 different area... like Germany, France, England, New Zealand, and Canada...

Also all Wolf gang peper's Beautifull gliders models (and custom clubs models texture) will be added in the CVVVAQ Fsinn plane ans models zip files... and also updated each time a new personal models will be added to the soaring club, so you will be able to see all other CVVVAQ sailplanes in Fscopilots on each multiplayer vatsim sessions.

Welcome and come visit us at CVVVAQ ... the place for soaring in FSX <<s
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