Cor, Blimey!....

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Cor, Blimey!....

Postby Fozzer » Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:30 am

...its definitely, deathly quiet, on the FS Host "Multiplayer" front lately!...>>>

No-one seems to be remotely interested any more in pretending to fly around with their bosom chums, on line.!

Far too busy posting fancy screen shots I suspect!... :o ... :lol: ...!

The novelty seems to have worn off in FSX, maybe due to its "slightly" more complicated connection (FS Client), compared to the ever-popular FS 2004 method, with its in-game, drop-down Multiplayer Menu.....which is easy-peasy!!

I am often chuffing around on the FS Host Multiplayer Server; in a world completely devoid of any Multiplayers whatsoever!

Its a very lonely Multiplayer World....Trust me!... :cry: ...!

Paul....with a Cessna 150, Multiplayer, and a very nice 6-pack of Lager.....anyone?.... ;) ... :lol: ...!
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Re: Cor, Blimey!....

Postby Tug002 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:11 am

Hey there Fozzer, as soon as I can find some time and if I can figure out how to do it I will give it a try. I have never done anything like that before and it sounds like a good chalenge. If I do figure it out I will try to use tug002 as my name so you will know that I am there. I pretty well use it for everything as I am prone to forgetting things :? specially how to spell :D

Keep smiling
Tug :)
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Re: Cor, Blimey!....

Postby G.K. » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:45 am

Tried online flying years ago, I can't remember which host though, I can't remember which version of FS I was using either. As I remember it was packed with youngsters crashing into things.

What do you get up to in a typical session?
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Re: Cor, Blimey!....

Postby Bass » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:54 am

Well Paul, i've been there as you know, and i found out i need a whole lot of multiplayer "training" to be sastisfied!!!
When we flew a short trip together, and you said I got you on my radar :shock:
WHAT..........!! I then dl'ed everything, planG, radars and you name it, but got confused in a "bad moment" back then, and left it all.
I might have a look again, but need to start all over! Got it all saved tho :think:

I deleted FS9, never used it, only got FSX and all Combat flights.
"Just try to be YOU"!............ Kurt 

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Re: Cor, Blimey!....

Postby Fozzer » Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:37 am

All the details for Multiplayer connection are given in the Multiplayer Forum here.

For FSX (only) all it requires are two small programs downloaded and installed, with two short-cut Icons placed on the Desktop...

FS Host Spy,
FS Host Client.

FS Host Spy shows a list of all the IP addresses available to connect to.
FS Host Client is a window to enter the IP address of your choice (both Players via PM Message, or a Forum Message).

Once completed and connected, with FSX running and positioned at the agreed (both players) location of your choice, pressing "Enter" will bring up the "Chat Window" for players to correspond with each other!

Most of the flights will take place over an agreed time and area, involving a Tour, Fly-in, Air Show, or practice flights!

Installing "Plan-G" and/or "FS Tramp" will provide a "Radar map" (similar to FS Navigator) showing the positions of all the player's aircraft in real time!

Ideal for teaching Radio Navigation, take-off+landing procedures, etc.....
...or just fun fly-arounds together!.... :dance: ...!

Paul....flying around...(or square)... :mrgreen: ...!

The connection for FS 2004 is very much simpler...(FS 2004 was specifically designed for Multiplayer!)
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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Re: Cor, Blimey!....

Postby pegger » Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:54 pm

Check out these sites...

There are plenty of folks still enjoying online flying together. No need for silly client software... Just look up a session, check out the servers websites maybe, and connect directly to the IP address provided using the FSX LAN connection option under multiplayer.

Most use some sort if bot to control the riff-raff. Some offer realistic atc. Some offer group hops. There's something for everyone. Kids who want to cause havoc are not so prevalent anymore with the demise of the Fsx built in gamespy session indexing system.
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Re: Cor, Blimey!....

Postby Fozzer » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:39 pm

pegger wrote:Fozzer,
Check out these sites...

There are plenty of folks still enjoying online flying together. No need for silly client software... Just look up a session, check out the servers websites maybe, and connect directly to the IP address provided using the FSX LAN connection option under multiplayer.

Most use some sort if bot to control the riff-raff. Some offer realistic atc. Some offer group hops. There's something for everyone. Kids who want to cause havoc are not so prevalent anymore with the demise of the Fsx built in gamespy session indexing system.

Got them as an option, but many of our usual flight simmers still use FS Host for connection to the various 24/7/365 FS Host Servers in the list, including the Simviation FS Host Server.
...we've got used to it now!... :lol: ...!

Paul.... :D ...!
Win 8.1 64-bit. DX11. Advent Tower. Intel i7-3770 3.9 GHz 8-core. 8 GB System RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7700 1GB RAM. DVD ROM. 2 Terra Byte SATA Hard Drive. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Saitek Cyborg X Fly-5 Joystick. ...and a Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower.
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