new comers

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new comers

Postby Jean-Cyil Cergneux » Wed Mar 19, 2003 12:47 am

I recently discovered the mutliplayer option on my fs 2002 pro, but can't figure out how it works so far. I am aware of the IPTrade site and tried to follow the basis instruction to join a flight. The "join" icone never get lighted up. I have tried to post a flight and flown around airports several time waiting for someone to show up. I ususally gave up after 20 minutes...(I usually see that other session are open at that time as well) I read several tips but the "language" doesn't sounds familiar to me. So my question is : is there any site which explain from "A" to "Z" how to get this things working for "beginners" like me, who are not computer experts ?
Apart from a modem, a pc and fs 2002prom do I need something else ?
Jean-Cyil Cergneux

Re: new comers

Postby ozzy72 » Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:51 am

Hello Jean, welcome to SimV. Right the easiest thing to do is go over to, they run a whole system for MP (including ATC), you have to join and download a couple of programs (its free), and then you can join sessions and fly with others, there are full explanations.
Or if you wish to fly with just friends then just download FSHost from here (under utilities I believe), and read through the instructions. Then its easy. Any problems, don't hesitate to ask, we're here to help.

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Re: new comers

Postby jaythree » Wed Mar 19, 2003 8:55 pm

not wanting to confuse a newcomer with the complexityes of vatsim I offer the following:

one problem you may encounter is some firewalls will also stop you from connecting with a flight.  If you are using a router it is almost certain that it is stopping you.

step one after that is to find a session trade IP will allow you to find if there is someone flying and get the Ip of the session which you then enter into the ip box in the multiplayer screen of fs2002 after a brief search you should be able to connect.

A good multiplayer outfit, is the VUSAFs at
they specialize in multiplayer flight and are always willing to help someone learn the ropes.

if your looking for a civilian/bush flying type club I am now forming one at
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Re: new comers

Postby Jean-Cyril » Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:24 am

Ozzy, Jaythree,
Thanks for your replies.
Very appreciated. I think that this firewalls issue is to be investigated at my side. Looking forward to fly with other pilots, although being based in Cebu, Philippines, I do have a bit of a problem with the time zones... especially with US players...

Re: new comers

Postby jaythree » Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:28 am

one of the reason I suggested VUSAFs is the fact that they have a membership that is worldwide. Currently they are mostly US and European members, but from time to time they do see people from around the globe, and the times that they fly vary greatly. you might be surprised. but do take a look at thier site they do have some pretty good instructions for setting up a flight.  Simviation itself has some good doc's as well.
Last edited by jaythree on Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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