HJG April 2024 Releases

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HJG April 2024 Releases

Postby aerofoto » Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:58 pm


HJG (Historic Jetliners Group) has pleasure announcing its release of another 56 "NEW" and "UPGRADED" files for both FS2004 and FSX.

This latest release is entirely composed of textures for the HJG offered B707, B727, B737, BAe 146/ARJ, C-135, DC-9, MD-80, and MD-90 virtual flight line .... this time featuring liveries from Angola, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Malawi, Portugal, Rwanda, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Ukraine, Venezuela, and former Yugoslavia .... for sked/non-sked PAX/air freight, tourist charter, and military service operators covering the 1970's/80's/90's/and present day .... and among which an aeronautical development as well as a scientific research aircraft are also both included .... along with a couple of "concept" aircraft type/livery subjects too that nearly, but ultimately didn't", become a reality due to circumstantial changes within the corporate civil aviation world of the late 1960's and early 2000's.

This's a modest sized release by recent HJG standards but one which is non-the-less composed of some interesting, colourful, and historic aircraft subjects .... whilst work continues with the advancing of other projects slotted for 2024 release.

For further information concerning these latest HJG offerings refer to the groups following forum announcement .....

"HJG New Files Releases - April 2024"
https://tonymadgehjg.proboards.com/thre ... -15th-2024

All this .... and a whole lot more is available for "FREE" download from the HJG website located at the following address :


HJG/Historic Jetliners Group
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Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:48 pm

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