Forums aren't friendly to people like me :/

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Re: Forums aren't friendly to people like me :/

Postby logjam » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:10 pm

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Re: Forums aren't friendly to people like me :/

Postby Apex » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:10 am

I've read most of the posts here. This post is about the repaint request ONLY, not about any religion-related comments pro or con here:

1. I did give some advice regarding your request.

2. Repainting is a complex process which requires time and skill. Time is everyone's nemisis, we just don't have enough of it. It takes time to develop enough skill to do stuff like repaints.
and it takes time to actually do a repaint.

3. So, asking someone out of the blue (hmm, pun there?) to do a very specific repaint, which in this case I personally perceive as difficult graphics-wise, is like asking someone to paint your house. It's a lot of trouble, takes a lot of time. Which we just don't have enough of.

4. I painted the exterior of my house all by myself in January 2013, working day after day outside (perfect weather, not hot, not cold), with the only company to be had being the vultures flying overhead much of the time (they come out from the Everglades in cooler, dry, weather better air currents).

5. So let's cut the stuff here and be very, very clear on this: If you want something done right, do it yourself. That's my philosophy in life. Painting my house was tough, but a great learning experience. Learning to repaint aircraft was tough, very, very time consuming, but another great learning experience. Doing stuff yourself is self-independence. "Never depend on anyone but yourself", so sayeth a retired defense attorney to me long ago when I was much younger. Words from a very wise man that I never forgot.

6. I rest my case.

7. Now if I may be excused, I need to find where I rested that case.
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