Member banned

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Re: Member banned

Postby jordonj » Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:06 pm

That's really his marmalade-thrower

This obsession with marmalade cannot be healthy, even for a moderator.
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Re: Member banned

Postby Bumper » Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:07 am


Not to drag this out too much ........ since I expect this whole thread likely will be deleted very soon

John, I said to Pete that I'm fearful of the damage that this has caused to the forum and your comment makes me think I was right. What you are talking about is censorship. It's a slippery road as any politician knows who starts doing it and already too many postings and threads about this have been deleted 'for the good of the forum'.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Well I happen to think that despite recent events these forums are a stronger and better place than that.

Dave, I have the greatest respect for you but I know that the Mods knew something was going on for over a week - and were having some fun. I hear what you say, but what of the 2 Mods who were directly involved? Not a peep from them, not a word of apology.

The mark of a true man is that his character is bigger than his own ego.

Being a Mod is a thankless task, we know that, but when you agree to become one you take on certain responsibilities. In the time of crisis these two guys were found badly wanting and if I were them I would be thinking about my own position. But I'm not.

CraigL, Nexus, jordonj and everyone else who has voiced their support, I am truly grateful and deeply touched. It's nice to know that I do have true and loyal friends here on the forums. Deep down I always knew there were even though I've been shaken by what's happened.

But now let's put this to bed and move on. Flight simming is what's important to all of us so let's get back to doing it. I think that these forums have learned much from these experiences and will come out of them even stronger and better so no more breast beating, criticism and witch hunts.

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Re: Member banned

Postby Saitek » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:52 am

Well I don't know what to say.... ::)
I thought the wretch was a true person. I can't believe how cunning this person really was, I know trolls are cunning - but I was completely taken on board. He/she carried me all the way - dumb idiot I am. I'm being more careful in the future anyway.

Rollerball, Stormtrooper - Please come back and stay. Otherwise this wretch will have suceeded in doing what they intended. Don't let them have any more sucess.
I'm sure you won't and I'm sure we'll all be the more wiser and the more careful in the future.

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Re: Member banned

Postby Fly2e » Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:20 am

Roger, thank you posting. Hopefully as time passes, you will land your plane back in this hanger!

Something I still think needs clarification here! First, nobody teaches you how to become a Mod. I think Savas does a damn good job for modding a couple of months now, he stays v. neutral, welcomes new members and is always willing to help out. He also only mods a few forums in which we need to cover for time zone issues thus having help 24/7 coverage. Ender was put in an uncomfortable situation. He is brand new at this and yes, he voiced his opinion but that comes with learning the ropes. My first week I was still voicing My opinion only to be slapped on the wrist by Pete telling me that, "As a Mod, you always need to remain neutral". That is one of the thing you give up when becoming a Mod, you have to bite your lip and stay neutral. It was Enders  first day and he was just acting accordingly. Remaining neutral is something that COMES WITH TIME and EXPERIENCE!

Also, us Mods have no set time to be here. We all volunteer. Pete's rule is "Come and go as you please and always remember to have fun, if you see something happening, act accordingly". So for people to be saying things about not watching a thread, did you check to see if any of us were even logged? My main sessions are Monday thru Friday 9 to 5.  I have a separate PC & Monitor on my desk dedicated to the forums. When I come home I will check in but that is when I am with my family and at night I like to get some stick time. By the time I logged on at 8pm Wednesday night, Ender & Savas were also on. Yes Ender voiced a bit of opinion, but I think he was just trying to get used to his new position. He didn't realize that in a situation like this, just lock the thread. I think you all expected him to just rise to the occasion but like I said, it takes time to learn how to act as a Mod in this place. As you can see, one slip up and it seems that all who support everything we do, are ready to burn us at the stake. I am not saying everybody, but from some of the feedback, I would say I am a bit surprised.

I think many think we knew everything that was happening and we wanted to watch this play out like a soap opera. Please, that is the last thing we wanted because as you can see, this is what winds up happening!!

Roger, I fully understand your point also. Your wisdom here runs deep and to have a "Newbie Mod" voicing his opinions on you about some little newbie girl, I saw your frustration mount, mine would too! I hope you know that this community fully supports you and your work and I hope you do return. Remember, the issue at hand lasted a1/2 hour and will only be remembered by a few who were logged. I want you to know that I and all here support you and I am sorry I was not logged at the time the fires started. I have always had utmost respect for you, Doug, Fozzer and many of the others across the pond who make this place what it is. Please accept my and anybody else's apologies.

Stormtropper, I do not know what happened. You defended Fli-Girl then just said I am leaving. You too were a positive member to this place, sad to see you go! Both of you should reconsider because you are bigger people than to have something like this make you leave this community.

See next post please!
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Re: Member banned

Postby Fly2e » Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:20 am

Here is somewhat of a "Time Line" again for those who think we were sitting on the pot the whole time!

1. For three weeks our new member Fli-Girl was just a normal newbie. Her sig shot was manipulated by somebody so the mods started a thread in the admin forum to start to converse about it. These conversations are not about marmalade bombs or drinking till we fall down, they are conversations about members, which Mod is going on vacation, messages from Pete, touchy topics. etc... So the "responsible" mods along with Pete tried finding out who possibly was "annoying" Linda. Be it male or female, it is not tolerated here! We all received Pm's from her saying it was OK and she appreciated the support.

2. Last week somebody contacts us and brings to light that the picture in Fli-Girls sig is a porn star and supplies a link and Pictures! Thus, our Fli-Girl thread starts to grow asking for proof and trying to find out what is really going on. Not that an image in a sig is offensive, but with all the "immature and aggressive" behavior by some members to wards Fli-Girl, we were trying to get to the bottom of it. Jeez, Fli-Girl post a picture and has a thread running three pages long in four hours!! Come on guys, this is not high school! It is an international Flight Sim Forum with many different ages and genders. Yes the Nice Shot posts were there, but some members were trying to get a rise out of her responses. She contacted a few of us saying that she had received a few PM's from somebody but did not want to say!

3. STILL, no reason to cause concern or alarms on the boards to anybody, nobody was doing anything wrong as of yet. Fli-Girl was playing nice so we just kept monitoring it. I say again, we are not going to slap a picture of a porn star up in the Caf
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Re: Member banned

Postby Fly2e » Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:20 am

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Re: Member banned

Postby JBaymore » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:41 am

Good documentation job, Dave... and thanks for taking the time to do that.
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Re: Member banned

Postby Woodlouse2002 » Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:25 pm

You don't come to the forums for 24 hours and look what happens! I missed the flame war of the year! Any chance of the minutes? It sounds like a potentially good read. ;D

P.s. How big is the topic on me in that little moderator cupboard of yours? :D
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Re: Member banned

Postby JBaymore » Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:57 pm

P.s. How big is the topic on me in that little moderator cupboard of yours? :D


I'll forward you a copy...... you got a clean 120Gig hard drive?  ;) :D ;D


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Re: Member banned

Postby SideWinder9 » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:15 pm

Again, very nice documentation Dave. I think you have handled this well. 8) 8) ;)

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Re: Member banned

Postby Pinchaser... » Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:55 pm

To all mods and Pete....thank you for dealing with this as you have.  we are all blessed to have this leadership here at simV.
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Re: Member banned

Postby Scottler » Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:19 pm

Since I was one of the ones who defended this moron, I just want to throw my two into the mix.

Here's how it went down from a non-mod point of view.   Member has a pic.  Seems harmless enough.  Member is attacked for said pic and accused of being a porn star.  No evidence is presented to back this up.

Now, with that scenario playing out, it's my nature to defend the attacked.  Had someone (anyone) said "Look, there's a photo that proves this", I would have immediately said "Okay, then something should be done" and let it go.

But by their own admission, the mods let this brew for how long while letting the membership make complete fools of themselves?  All they would have had to do was lock any thread immediately that dealt with this subject, and a lot of humililation could have been avoided.

I consider many of the mods friends, but I've gotta be honest and say that I think the ball was dropped here.  Ten pages of discussion when all they really had to do is start locking the threads while they investigated.

And before anyone says "Imagine what that would have made Fli_Girl feel like if she were real!"   It's only going to piss me off if I'm a troll.  If I feel its being done to protect me from attacks, and its explained as such, I'm going to be very appreciative.
Great edit, Bob.

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Re: Member banned

Postby Fly2e » Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:19 pm

[quote]Now, with that scenario playing out, it's my nature to defend the attacked.
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Re: Member banned

Postby JBaymore » Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:28 pm


Thanks for the kind words....... it is appreciated.  This has not been fun.


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Re: Member banned

Postby Pinchaser... » Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:19 pm

can we please put an end to this?  ::) we all know what happened, so lets just move on... this post event deliberation is making the situation even worse... what the troll wanted was disunity in the forums, and i hope we don't progress to that, so in our best intrests we should just drop it.  

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