What about X-plane?

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What about X-plane?

Postby Strategic Retreat » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:49 pm

The new forum is a screamer. Very nice. A lot of new sims too, with the P3D and the CFS series... but why oh why are you still neglecting X-plane at all levels?

Please, think about it.
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby pete » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:08 pm


Thanks for the suggestion. No Xplane right now for 2 basic reasons ..

1. We don't have Xplane addons
2. We did try (unless my memory is deceiving me) an XPlane forum some years back and it flopped.

We could try it again I suppose. Not much to loose -- except the xplane forum :P
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby Strategic Retreat » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:17 pm

pete wrote:Hi

Thanks for the suggestion. No Xplane right now for 2 basic reasons ..

1. We don't have Xplane addons
2. We did try (unless my memory is deceiving me) an XPlane forum some years back and it flopped.

We could try it again I suppose. Not much to loose -- except the xplane forum :P

With all due respect... are you saying that the forums for Flight, FS98, 2k and 2k2 (to take some names out of the metaphorical hat) are getting a lot of meaningful traffic? :|

Even if the traffic is low, at least there'll be space where someone could discuss that sim, and even if the main site has no add-on for it, as long you do not discourage outside linking to places where said add-ons are stored, I don't think this would be a real problem. ;)
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby pete » Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:00 pm

Well there is a big difference in deleting our established past and creating something for a brand we don't support.

Like I say - it's a good idea in theory. But not if it just means throwing our users off to other sites. That would make it pointless at this site.

Probably start it -- see how it goes. 8-)
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby ozzy72 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:38 pm

Hi Strategic,

I've been using X-Plane since v6 and do love it, however it seems to be a very niche market and just about all the add-ons nowadays are payware which is the sort of thing Pete is not pro on. Pete has to be one of the greatest advocates of the freeware experience and the hobby I've ever met and I feel he's right, one freeware designer is worth 100 payware people. It is all about simming not spending.
I've also got Prepar3d and I have to say I'm spending far more time on that and with FlightGear than X-Plane of late. The joys of freeware and the incredible efforts of people who develop these things just for the joy of sharing is something far greater than someone trying to make a buck, I've seen some dire payware in my time (I've also tested for some big league companies and been truly impressed at their products). I've also done a fair bit of freeware work in my time in flight dynamics.
It's all a balance, at the moment X-Plane is rather against the ethos of Simviation.

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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby Strategic Retreat » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:04 am

Hmmmm... it seems what I intended to convey was lost in translation... or maybe my command over English is still not so good... yet again... story of my life... every God-forsaken time I say something, NO MATTER WHAT, someone tries to glean hidden meanings out of it. Meanings that were never supposed to enter the fray. Kind of a curse I have on myself (one of the two, but the other is unimportant here), I MUST remember to write all sort of disclaimers and attached notes not to be misinterpreted, should not have forgot. :(

First. I am not criticizing the choice of supporting P3d, FlightGear and other lesser used sims. I do quite support the motion indeed. THIS IS WHY I cannot but remain stumped when a forum that DO support them just goes out of their way to ignore a, yes, admittedly niche sim... but surely a not smaller niche of the already talked of FlightGear.

Second. I am quite a supporter of freeware myself. The few payware I have go back to a period of time I "worked" as a reviewer for another site that shall remain unnamed, and back then payware flowed copious in my FS... but those times are long over and never had anything to do with X-plane, and I do not quite understand why it got out I was endorsing payware over freeware when I never even hinted at anything of the like. This said, for X-plane the freeware is quite numerous, and if you want, I can give some links to testify this statement.

Third. If the main site does not hold any freeware for X-plane, this doesn't mean someone could find themselves in hot water with a whatever add-on for their X-plane and search for help, or give sometimes interesting insights into said platform. A forum like this should be used to exchange knowledge about flight simming, and X-plane is hardly a submarine simulator.

Fourth. My suggestion was just that a suggestion. If you do not like it, just disregard my request. Do not shoot on the messenger, please.

Fifth. Your eyes are deceiving you. There is no fifth point. :P
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby ozzy72 » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:54 am

Sorry if I misunderstood you there SR, if it makes you feel any better I often end up talking total nonsense in my wife's heathen tongue! It happens to the best of us.
I think the bottom line is that at present we've not got a large base of X-Plane users here at SimV so it'd be a very minority forum, hence why we've not done it. I have on several occasions asked Pete for one but as he rightly says, it isn't going to happen until there is a bigger base of X-Plane users. So you and I will have to just sit in the corner and drink our beer like good boys 8)
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby pete » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:08 pm

Hi Mark ... We ARE going to try it out --- see how it goes :D

Not much to loose -- if it gets nothing --- well

The reason we keep the Fightgear one is that it IS a great sim -- or at least it could be if only people paid more attention to it. & as time goes by a lot is possible with it and google earth, etc. (FG should get a LOT more attention)
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby ozzy72 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:45 am

I'm having plenty of fun with FlightGear on my old laptop. Oddly enough the management are all out today. Guess what I'm doing in the office? :D :D :D
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby Fozzer » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:47 am

..its a funny old do... ;) ....

..but with the zillions? of Flight Simulators I have, dating from the early 1980's, on various Computers and Games Consoles, including the latest FSX, I find little enthusiasm nowadays for purchasing yet another new Flight Sim, with my present FS 2004 taking up all my time, every day, with so much enthusiasm and satisfaction!

..it does exactly what it says on the FS 2004 box!... :lol: ...!

I must admit, I spend all my time exploring the World on my existing Flight Sim, rather than messing about with new Flight Sim installations...

They generally get lost on my Hard Drive!.... :roll: ....!

I'll leave it to others ...life is far too short for me!... :lol: ...!

Paul.... :mrgreen: ...!
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Re: What about X-plane?

Postby Strategic Retreat » Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:23 am

ozzy72 wrote:I'm having plenty of fun with FlightGear on my old laptop. Oddly enough the management are all out today. Guess what I'm doing in the office? :D :D :D

What kind of laptop is that and what kind of performances can you get out of FG? :think:

I do have a low-powered laptop (Acer Extensa 5220) and would like to adopt a sim there too... but I fear it may be a loss of time... that I'd get only a slideshow even out of FS9... :|
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