Download Ratings

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Download Ratings

Postby Club508 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:16 pm

Just another quick suggestion for the download section.
How about a ratings system for all the downloads so people can rate the things they download?   It could really help tell which things are really good quality and which aren't so good.  Just something like a 5 star rating system or something with a little thing underneath that tells how many people voted (to tell if it's just one hater or just one who just can't say "eh, it's not the best").

It can be kind of hard to tell by just the amount of downloads and the few Top Picks sections, as the amount of downloads could be very high because it looks like a cool download but it's really not so good. 

Nobody seems to really take the time to post in the Designer Feedback section (with the exeption of Jetranger that is, great job dude!), and this would be a great way for people to know how they did. People will be much more likely to do just one click of the mouse instead of having to go to a whole different section of the site, create a whole new account they might not even want, find the right section, and then type up a whole long paragraph just to tell them how they did.  Whew! WAY too long a process! And people wonder why so few reviews! :o

I just think it would be a great thing to help both downloaders looking for good quality and a quick and easy way for designers to get feedback on their works.  It's a win-win for everybody. :)

Well, sorry for the ramble, but I just feel like it has so many good reasons to do it.  Would it be possible and does anyone else think the same?  Different?
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Xpand » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:42 pm

This is actually a pretty neat idea! I usually direct the people who download my stuff to my youtube channel in order to get some feedback, but only like 10% of the downloaders actually take time to give feedback on youtube! This system will be much better!
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Jetranger » Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:49 pm

I usually Try to let everybody if a Download is worth a HOOT or not, if its of really decent Quality, and time was taken to insure everything works right and all the Textures are right.  I also try to make a YOU TUBE video of the Aircraft or Heli' that I refer to as well, problem is right now I'm so far behind on doing that and making a really decent Video takes lots of time with all the editing and flying to get the shots, I'm about 4 months behind , darn it, I figure a Video will show those intersteaded if they are really intersteaded or not ? I also post any aircraft modifications I've made too, such as swapping sound files, re-painting, swapping prop textures etc, so others will know too.  Last my Aircrafter Utility scanned my files it says I have about 3000 aircraft in my Sim, not including all my A.I. traffic from Traffic X. Utility (  I'm tryin - I'm tryin tho ~ !!! My YOU TUBE video channel -----} ( ) Image 
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Club508 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:45 pm

[quote]I usually Try to let everybody if a Download is worth a HOOT or not, if its of really decent Quality, and time was taken to insure everything works right and all the Textures are right.
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Jetranger » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:51 pm

Not too Long actually, bout' couple weeks  :D ;D :o ::)
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby pete » Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:37 am

The problem with this idea and why we don't do it is because you will get morons who have never designed anything and don't understand that skill is a progression, insulting a designers hard work  .. and it has often happened that a potentially great designer had quit as a result.

There are many of the great designers out there who started by creating models that would hardly be called great. But they progressed through encouragement and got to be supreme.

Unless you design yourself you have no authority to be a critic. Try it - then criticize -- & I guarantee you you won't criticize ANYONE!!
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Jetranger » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:46 am

What we really need is a Virtual Pretty Girl, walking around the Aircraft, and telling us about it, and all the features and things, kinda like how the Price is Right TV Show did back in the 1970's era,, now that would be somethin ~ !! ;D :o 8-) ::)
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Club508 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:10 pm

[quote]The problem with this idea and why we don't do it is because you will get morons who have never designed anything and don't understand that skill is a progression, insulting a designers hard work
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby pete » Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:50 pm

Yes there are a significant % who have quit due to put downs. Some have persisted and gone on to create Iris , etc but I have been pained to watch potential aircraft designers tell me 'I've got better things to do than spend 1000 hours creating a model for free for people to slap down' .....

Last edited by pete on Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby todayshorse » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:21 am

All i ask is a few screenshots so i can 'zipdive' and have a gander. I note most do, but a few dont.....i always included several screenshots in my repaints so anyone downloading could make a decision based on what they saw. If they dont like, then they dont download  :)

I know repaints aren't quite the aircraft themselves, but i never had anything nasty sent my way. I did get emails from as far away as Canada though about them.
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Club508 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:09 am

The only thing that might work would be a positive only - '5* rating' clicky. Click a great experience. That might work! (I'll think  about that!!)

That might be a good idea.  It could be kind of like what I've heard about facebook (I've never even been on the site, so don't blame me if it isn't like this).  Just a like button, but no dislike button. [smiley=thumbup.gif]

[quote]All i ask is a few screenshots so i can 'zipdive' and have a gander. I note most do, but a few dont.....i always included several screenshots in my repaints so anyone downloading could make a decision based on what they saw. If they dont like, then they dont download
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby G.K. » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:28 am

I don't design aircraft but I do scenery, mostly I modify the stock airports. I add a few generic buildings, maybe construct one or two custom ones.

I do this for my own benefit and enjoyment, as yet I haven't uploaded any for public scrutiny.....Somehow, I don't think I ever will, public applause is not my motivation.

This inevitably means that I get no feedback for my work and as a consequence my learning curve will flatten off.......I will never really be any good at it. This isn't a problem for me personally because I'm plenty good at other stuff.

I agree about the negative flames on youtube being off putting but If you are doing something for others how do you get it right without constructive feedback/criticism/praise?
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby monsieurG » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:38 am

Constructive feedback is a positive thing but as we know that is not what happen mostly.

Screenshot of repaint aren't too much help because what make a great model are the model detail and the VC. (Same for sceneries, etc -- detail.   8-) )
Last edited by monsieurG on Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Jetranger » Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:52 am

Kinda Maybe something like this, a Feed Back for other users maybe ??Image
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Re: Download Ratings

Postby Steve M » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:18 pm

I just check into the graphic forum above regularly and I find most of the good freeware with comments, opinions and screenshots.
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