Contest pass?

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Contest pass?

Postby jetprop » Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:12 am

Me and blackace have been working on an idea to stop people who didn't read the rules entering the monthly contest.
before you post a topic in the contest sub-forum you have to pass a short test.
something like this could pop up:
(O stands for the option)

Did you read the rules for the simviation contest?
O Yes
O No

Is payware of any form allowed?
O Yes
O No
O Only REX.

Can you edit the shots?
O Yes
O No

This may be hard to imply but its just an idea. ;)
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Re: Contest pass?

Postby Dave71K » Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:52 am

Very good idea, we seem to have a lot of entries that missed the point this month.

I'm not a spoil sport but I made every effort to stick to the rules when I first joined this forum and I still do now.

I even asked for one of my contest entries to be removed because I couldn't confirm if I was using REX or not just because the clouds looked a bit to 'pretty'. I did a full re-installation of FSX just to make sure I could revert to default textures and enter the competitions fairly so to see other people using REX and arguing that they should be allowed to use it is annoying to say the least.

I would suggest however changing the questions slight though, making it more of a entry 'check list' than a test. Something along the lines of;

Have you read and fully understand the rules of this contest?
O Yes
O No

Does you shot include ANY form of payware including REX?
O Yes
O No

Is your shot edited in anyway apart from being resized?
O Yes
O No

Only if all the terms are met can the entry to but forward, this should at least make people aware that there are rules and we would like you to follow them .

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