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Re: 600K Warning on Upload Results

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:21 am
by BigTruck
Those of you who break the rules on image sizes and linking are singuarly selfish as you are slowing things down for other users who may not have as fast a connection as yourselves. Now that you've admitted who you are we'll be watching. Any breach will result in the thread being removed!
Don't say we didn't warn you...

Took awhile to respond eh? ;D

It's been observed for quite some time now, but we have turned a blind eye to keep the members happy.  Now they want to rub it in our face and brag that they just ignore it?  Personally I'm insulted, we do our best to make sure EVERYONE (including dial up users) get the full experience.  The reason these rules are in place is so that ANYONE can come and enjoy the site, not just broadband users.

I'm rather disappointed after reading some of these posts, SimV is a great family of SimPilots, but there seems to be a few black sheep...

Re: 600K Warning on Upload Results

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:40 am
by Mazza
Those of you who break the rules on image sizes and linking are singuarly selfish as you are slowing things down for other users who may not have as fast a connection as yourselves. Now that you've admitted who you are we'll be watching. Any breach will result in the thread being removed!
Don't say we didn't warn you...

Took awhile to respond eh? ;D

It's been observed for quite some time now, but we have turned a blind eye to keep the members happy.

Re: 600K Warning on Upload Results

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:25 pm
by Anxyous
Those of you who break the rules on image sizes and linking are singuarly selfish as you are slowing things down for other users who may not have as fast a connection as yourselves. Now that you've admitted who you are we'll be watching. Any breach will result in the thread being removed!
Don't say we didn't warn you...

What's better, waiting 1 minute for a page with six shots to load, or spend 1 1/2 - 2 minutes on loading two pages with 3 shots?

Just saying...

Re: 600K Warning on Upload Results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:13 pm
by themoon7x
how about having a seperate no-limit thread for high-rez pics in each of the graphical-related threads? i dunno what the server bandwidth situation is like with this site and if having those type of threads would cause any problems.....just a thought though.

Re: 600K Warning on Upload Results

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:38 pm
by th3flyboy
better idea, two versions of the site, one for high bandwidth, and one for low bandwidth with text only and pics as links. This would allow for the best of both worlds, and it would allow for users with slow connections to load in the text only, speeding up their experience in general, as they don't have to worry about loading pics on top of the page, and one for people with broadband which can load all they want. This way, if you can't handle one because of

Re: 600K Warning on Upload Results

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:47 am
by Brando14100
The site is pretty much text only right now.
