Image formats for screenshot section

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Image formats for screenshot section

Postby Ivan » Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:23 am

Is it possible to allow more image formats for the image upload mechanism.

The most important one i think about is PNG

Some testing showed that the same 800x600 bmp file could be compressed way smaller by using the PNG format instead of JPEG.

Only problematic stuff is transparency, but i dont think that many people will use that feature for screenshots.
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Re: Image formats for screenshot section

Postby Felix/FFDS » Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:36 am

IVan - the main "problem" is file size.  As long as the image file is within acceptable limits, I don't think we'll quibble about format.  Of course, the requirement to keep it as a jpg or gif is more because of the universaility of these two formats, but with practically all graphics/imaging programs and browswers capable of handling the PNG format I see no significant problem.

One thing the I've seen, though, when preparing an image for uplaoding to Simviation, I usually go through Paint Shop Pro's "export" tool and preview several of the formats - JPG with various compression levels, PNG and GIFs.  I've found that not always does PNG  give the "best" file size/compression....

Again, as long as the image is within limits (and viewable by most folks), I don't see a problem with a different format.
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