Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

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Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

Postby BOBC » Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:12 pm

I have purchased Plane Mechanic Simulator AGAIN from Steam, prior was GoG who wouldnt update allowing Hurri, Mossie and Wellington,.avoid GoG !
Installed onto new PC, saved the folder hoping something in it can be used to continue my career.
How is this done ?


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Re: Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

Postby Dave T » Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:26 am

The Steam saved game location for Plane Mechanic Simulator is hidden by default.

The default save game loacation C:\Users\PC Name\AppData\LocalLow\Movie Games\Plane Mechanic Simulator.

Hopefully you can just put your old save into this folder.

I'm currently half way through the Mossie, both engines in bits at the moment. I haven't really had any game breaking problems on Steam.
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Re: Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

Postby BOBC » Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:22 am

So very grateful to hear from anyone.
I have looked at both the address you say and see a few files in there, then look at the Folder with same name on C drive win7 pc and a lot more, but no files match,
I have a horrible feeling that as there is nothing in common with contents, pasting in all those from win7 GoG install will not work.
There has to be a career and settings file in that lot somewhere. but which one ?
see image.


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Re: Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

Postby Dave T » Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:37 am

My steam contents save folder matches the one on the left on W7.

Have you enabled show hidden folders on W10?

Appdata folder is hidden by default.

Gog games probably puts the save files separately from the game folder unfortunately I don't know where that is.

How far into the game did you get?

I'm part way through the Mossie & have various save's backed up.
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Re: Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

Postby BOBC » Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:21 am

I always have system folders showing (ghosted), being a PC whizz :-)

as we see GOG completely different to Steam.
just how do I get my career into Steam there ?

I got as far as having to take the engine totally apart, always refuelling after all is done !

winding the trestle up is a pain, got the hang of crawling and looking about after a while.

I just dont want to have to start all over again.

If someone is with Steam from the outset, and buys a new pc part way through, just where is the user career folder to carry on ?

why has this sim zero support from the developers ?

where is everyone, users etc ?

I can get an Me109E added if only they would communicate !

THIS SIM HAS HUGE POTENTIAL, its in the wrong hands, bit like Cornwall Council and Cornwalls aviation museum, or UK Govt and the multi million pound scheme for RAF Scampton they shot down.

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Re: Moving Plane mechanic sim career to a new pc how ?

Postby Dave T » Wed Apr 12, 2023 2:38 pm

The developers lost interest in it, I still have three more planes left to do after the Mossie.

I did find this but I don't know if it will help you or not. ... save_games
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