Ark Survival Evolved

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Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Dave T » Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:04 am

This game is free on Steam for the next six days.
Don't now if its any good or not as I haven't installed it yet, it's free at the moment so it doesn't really matter.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Daube » Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:24 am

I played it a looooooot, until a few years ago.
Although it's meant to be played in multiplayer, I actually played it in solo, and it was a thrill.
It's a first person exploration and survival game. You start almost naked, and you have to collect the materials to build basic tools, collect food, handle your hunger and your thirst, your temperature etc... all of this while being in a world populated with dinosaurs (all of which are hostiles and deadly...).

The nice thing is that you can actually learn new skills which unlock new objects you can build (each object require a precise list of components/ingredients and skills/knowledge/competences).
While you can kill and eat these dinosaurs, you can also tame them and make them your minions.
My favorite achievement was being able to capture and tame a pterodactyl, for which you can "build" a saddle, and then you can ride it as a horse... a flying horse !!
The game is that kind where you spend hours without noticing.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Dave T » Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:30 am

Thanks, I look forward to playing it.
It had good reviews, any game with Dinosaurs in it I'm in.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Daube » Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:18 am

Remember, it's actually better than a game with dinosaurs. It's a game where you can ride a dinosaur (actually you can ride most of them, excepted the smallest ones).
You can build your home, or a fort. You can park your dinosaurs inside.
I remember I loved so much some small "bird dinosaurs", which were the size of an eagle or a falcon. You could capture and tame several or them, then make them act as a flying escort/bodyguard. You could train them to attack small preys at first, then they earn levels, they become stronger, and you can make them attack much stronger/bigger targets. They were my favorite in the game, because with them by my side, it was finally safe to "walk" anywhere (you can get attacked by dinosaurs from anywhere).
Granted, they were useless in water or in caves (yes, there are caves to explore). For the caves, a tamed saber-tooth was much more efficient, I was said.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Daube » Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:18 am

Remember, it's actually better than a game with dinosaurs. It's a game where you can ride a dinosaur (actually you can ride most of them, excepted the smallest ones).
You can build your home, or a fort. You can park your dinosaurs inside.
I remember I loved so much some small "bird dinosaurs", which were the size of an eagle or a falcon. You could capture and tame several or them, then make them act as a flying escort/bodyguard. You could train them to attack small preys at first, then they earn levels, they become stronger, and you can make them attack much stronger/bigger targets. They were my favorite in the game, because with them by my side, it was finally safe to "walk" anywhere (you can get attacked by dinosaurs from anywhere).
Granted, they were useless in water or in caves (yes, there are caves to explore). For the caves, a tamed saber-tooth was much more efficient, I was said.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Daube » Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:23 am

Ah, just one advise:
In this game, you have to collect ressources by hand. Wood and stones at first, to make your basic tools, then later on more complex materials.
I would strongly advise you to spend some time in the settings of the game where you can adjust (sliders) how much material you can extract/collect at once, because the default setting is going to make it very long/cumbersome to build a single stone wall...

In the very same logic, you can adjust how long it takes to tame an animal.
Taming an animal consist in the following steps:
1- Attack the animal
2- "Damage" it enough to make it loose consciousness, but not enough to kill it. The animal will fall "asleep" on the ground.
3- during it is asleep, feed it by placing some nice meat (or fruits, if it's a vegetarian) in its "inventory".
4- keep doing that until the taming progress bar is complete.

This waiting phase in step 4 can be adjusted in the settings. Make it faster. MUCH faster. Because while the animal is asleep, any ennemi can attack it... and can attack you as well. You really don't want to stand there for too long.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Dave T » Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:02 am

Thanks for the tips, I will avoid the multiplayer as you usually get hammered by the experienced players and you lose interest in the game.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Daube » Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:35 am

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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Sinkrate » Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:47 am

Thanks for the heads up guys. Don't know how I missed this one. :doh: Reminds me of Far Cry Primal but seems to be more involved game-play. I'm on the lookout for a decent manual for it.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Daube » Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:28 am

From my personal experience, I would recommend you to invest more time in watching youtube video tutorials than reading the manual.
I did so just after writing my previous message(s) here and I was amazed at how much stuff I had simply forgotten, gameplay-wise.
This game is huge.
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Re: Ark Survival Evolved

Postby Dave T » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:11 am

I have watched a few clips so that I know what to do at the start of the game, thanks for the tips.
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