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Douglas Force,Part 4: Red Indicators

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:13 am
by Delta Tango Nine Two

hello, everyone... <<r

In this section, I will show the WHITE, RED, AND ORANGE models.
In addition to the basic additions (new bump, new wheels, safety markings, matte color sections (cylinders, exhausts, suspensions...etc))...I made the following modifications to these liverys:

livery "CONGO QUEEN" (all credit goes to its creator "Mako8841") ( now I call it "Whitie")
well, originally it's totally yellow on top :shock: it was a complete rework...
-I removed any logo or lettering on the fuselage...
-remove the "dragon" that was on the fuselage...
-I changed the color yellow to white...
-added a light blue "arrow" on the tail fin
-I respect the fact that the wing and fin edges DO NOT have black borders.
-I changed the propeller for a completely shiny silver one, without marks, only with white ribbons.
-I hardly added security marks (danger, propeller..etc)...

My idea with this livery is to make it look VERY NEW, freshly washed or fresh from the factory. Even the engine cylinders are clean. (compare them with the red livery)

livery BELGIAN AIR FORCE. (By "Bernhard" "B. Lechner." All credit for this beautiful texture goes to him)
(there was a confusion, "Jan Kees Blom" (jankees) made an identical livery... but with certain differences... I think that in this case, Bernhard's livery is more "complete", it has matt black anti-reflective paint on the nose, and small details more :) )

This is one of the liverys in which I invested the most time... as it belonged to an air force, it had GIANT logos and letters on the fuselage and wings...
-I deleted any reference to the belgian AF
-modify the red "ribbon"/"stripe" (just like the EX-PIEDMONT so that the end of the stripe matches the start of the vertical fin)
-added two red stripes on the tail
-I completely matted the edges of the wings and fins
-added the black matte texture of the fuel tanks in the wing root
-I added matte black paint on the sides of the engines
-Change the propeller for matte black ones with white and red ribbons
-obscured the cylinders, and the base cone of the propeller
-I respect and leave as is the fuselage safety marks

(my idea is that this livery is "heavy duty" (completely different from the dc-3 airliners, or the private "whitie")

livery ORANGE
(Formerly: "VH-MIN of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia." by "Jan Kees Blom" (jankees). All credit for creating this texture goes to him.)
This livery wanted it to be something exotic.....
-remove the logos and letters of the previous owner
-modify the orange color to make it more "alive"
-I kept the black paint on the nose (even the one on the cabin windows) (it's the ONLY livery with black windows)
-added the exotic "zebra" props :lol: (credit goes to jankees, these props were in the "keen borek" texture for the C-117)
-I kept and modified the orange color of the propeller shaft
-added three orange stripes on the tail
-I added anti-reflective black paint on the sides of the engines,
-added safety markings on the fuselage (emergency escapes in cabin and fuselage)
-and I added the matte black texture of the wing roots.
- darkened the engine cylinders
My idea here was to have a lot of black color, with a striking orange color...also, when turning, the propellers produce black and white circles. all these liveries (the nine complete ones of dc-3, those of the basler, and those of the C-117D) there are many details I suppose I forgot to mention, there really are many. Also, in each painting, modifying something is a TRIPLE job...
1-remove a license plate from the wing
2-but you also have to remove it from the "spec" file
3-and also remove it from the "alpha" layer.
:shock: :evil:

so I make sure that each wing, or fuselage, shines like new, and that each worn or dirty part (engine exhaust, wing edges) are completely matte,... and the safety marks (danger, propeller, and many others). markings indicating an exit door) are ALSO completely matt (as if they were pasting the ad on top of the glossy paint)

there is only ONE livery case where everything is matte (it will appear in part 5 :D :D )

Enough text, the photos appear in this order: WHITIE, EX-BELGIAN AF, and ORANGE.


Re: Douglas Force,Part 4: Red Indicators

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:22 am
by Delta Tango Nine Two

Re: Douglas Force,Part 4: Red Indicators

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:24 am
by Delta Tango Nine Two