Flysimware and baptism of flight

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Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby Delta Tango Nine Two » Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:43 pm

baptism of flight
(below you will read a true story)

flysimware just released as FREEWARE to the cessna 182k skylane (before it was payware)
It only comes with one model, and ONE texture (the sky-blue N2627K)

I decided to do a simple and easy repaint....(you know I love retro or retired, very worn, or flight school "carbon fiber," or modern liveries)
(old planes have many stories to tell)
I changed the light blue stripe to the N2627K for a red one, and I added a black engine cover...with white rivets....also I removed the light blue stripe from the wings...and I added a new vertical fin (there are 3 types, red -white, red-black, and white-black) (the one in the photos is the white-black vertical fin)
the VC had seats with a VERY ugly brown color ... (I softened it) along with blue upholstery on the doors (also softened)

as a "mini review" of this FREEWARE model...
It has an animated gps in the cockpit, an animated checklist, very good night lights... and most importantly... the navigation with this model is VERY good... it is compatible with fsx radios (I ADDED THE PANEL OF RADIO default and worked perfectly fine) (in the photos you can see that the nav radios caught the DME from a vor)
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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby Delta Tango Nine Two » Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:52 pm

baptism of flight
This story is real (it happened to me)
....I love aviation...but I've been terrified of heights since I was a child (poor me) :doh:

South America 2017, (with all that this means: poverty, very low quality aerodromes, poor professionalism, ... but with good and pleasant people .... and old planes, some too worn) (general aviation, small planes)
I was on vacation on the coast, when a small plane with a powerful loudspeaker announced that it was doing "tour" flights (from 20 minutes to half an hour) for a few "few" of money (pesos)... at the nearby aerodrome... .
only I like aviation (nobody in my family likes this)... but they liked the idea of ​​going for a walk...
the next day we went to the place that was "called" an aerodrome... there were no fences, barriers, no security, no people,...the site was completely open...just a "house" with a high antenna... .very tall grass, 5 small planes scattered around the place (a cessna, 2 pipers and I think a twin-engine beech)... and in the distance a robinson r44 police helicopter parked. I approached all the planes, took photos, nobody came to see me, and I did not see people.
my family parked the car at the entrance of the house "sporadic atc tower".. we had lunch there....
then a man came out of a mobile home, we approached him and asked him about the ad... he said it was him, and that the cessna (old and silver) belonged to him. I live in South America there are a lot of poor what he thought was "cheap"...for us it was "expensive"... (3 people on the flight = 1 month's salary)...he He went to "warm up" the cessna...he said he would leave in 20 sister, my cousin and I decided to go....
...even though I was excited about getting on a plane for the FIRST TIME (not an airline plane like everyone else) he was very nervous about how high he would fly...he was determined not to look out the window on my side.

the pilot in the left seat, me as "co-pilot" in the right seat, my sister and my cousin in the back....there are no headset radios, just talking loudly.
From time to time he would say "check if the door is closed properly, sometimes it tends to open" (he checked himself stretching a little)
the runway was parallel to the the plane stayed on a runway heading as it climbed leveled at 1000ft (I think so...seemed so) turned 90 degrees to the right...heading for the coast. (when turned right window tilted to the ground...I just looked straight ahead and up at the sky). When reached the coast, turned 90 degrees to the right... and flew along the coast.
things change at a certain height...on land the water looked "dirty-brown"...from the sky it looked dark blue. ( family took pictures of everything)....the tallest buildings were little lego blocks.
when he was flying level and straight... without saying anything, and with a smile on his face, the pilot pushed the stick very fast.... oh god !!!.... it only lasted 3 seconds... but I felt like I was falling into the void.
then he leveled again, this time he warned us to hold on, (I laughed on the outside, but cursed on the inside to go through that experience again)... on the sides of the door, the cessna had some "straps" or handles. ..I held on to them. the pilot pushed the stick again...5 seconds of rapid descent. he leveled it again and applied power to climb...the climb was also impressive...
Something I noticed is that he hardly looked at the controls (attitude, vertical speed...etc)... and that's because they didn't work!!! (During the descent or ascent the vsi did not mark anything... old plane, cheap flight)
Last edited by Delta Tango Nine Two on Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby Delta Tango Nine Two » Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:53 pm

by the way... that day was VERY sunny, and almost cloudless.
when it was level again (parallel to the shore), he told me "take control, I'll take care of the pedals"... I grabbed the yoke, at first I was tense and tried not to feel that ugly feeling of falling (it means descending), he told me "turn to the right gently, without pushing or pulling the control, do not step on the pedals, I'll take care of it", gently I turned to the right (parallel to the shore I turn in the direction of the ground), I felt that the plane descended, so I very lightly pulled on the control until I lost that falling sensation "now to the left" (to the sea), straighten the control, and turn to the left, trying not to ascend or descend the plane (remember: I was in the seat right, and I didn't see any indicators...if they worked at all)
(when he said "take control"...I automatically said "I have control"...I guess he realized he knew something about flying...then I asked him several he assumed I knew something thanks to fsx simulator)


In the end, after a few minutes of maneuvering, he took control. straightened course again...turned 90 degrees to the right (to ground), 2 minutes later turned 90 degrees to the right...and aimed for the runway...landing was smooth...but I saw him very busy with the pedals, (wind?)

after that we took a picture, hello and farewell...he gave me a card with a phone number for a flight school...i said "yeah sure"...but really out of my league pay something like that. (besides that nobody would want to have someone who is afraid of heights as a pilot)

...many people fly in commercial airplanes every day, "fly by wire" and stuff.... I only flew in an old cessna...but I took the wires and direct controls... I had direct control of a small plane small.
summer 2017 atlantic coast, southamerica.
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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby Delta Tango Nine Two » Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:17 pm

sorry if some phrases are misunderstood... I use google translator to communicate with you
(I edited the text several times, to correct errors)
Cheers! <<q
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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby Delta Tango Nine Two » Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:11 pm

hahaha :D :D ..I still remember the adrenaline and nervousness (calm but stiff) when I took the controls... I felt the air go through the flight surfaces... I felt it through the yoke.

If you want to know which model it is, the link talks about it: ... 1&t=181532

hello, everyone... :D :D
It's been almost a year since I made the "N2627K RED" texture....I've learned a lot since I decided to do a "recheck" for the textures.....and was horrified :o :o that they looked terribly wrong. I explain:
the original texture is BMP DXT 5....every time you edit it and save in that format with the dxtbmp program, it "compresses" it...and purple spots start to appear...and realize when the WHITE color ends up being LIGHT VIOLET...(more information about this in the thread about the "737 project") instead of making some "little improvements"...I DROPPED EVERYTHING...AND REBUILD THE ENTIRE PACKAGE FROM Scratch ...and took advantage of it to add more features and options and fixes (that I didn't notice before) 8-) 8-) :dance:

all the improvements to this texture (if you want you can apply it to the default problem)

-now the saving format is DDS 888-8 32 Bits (without any compression, it keeps each image bit as it is)
-I passed all "white" surfaces (soft purple) to real gray scale (no more weird colors or purples)
-NEW: redone from scratch the 3 types of "N2627K RED" livery
-NEW: new FULL CLEAN texture...without additions, or license plates...
-NEW: Added more "color smoothed" VC details (part of this is made from scratch)

-the tips of the wings (including the original one that comes with the package) had INCOMPLETE color (marks were visible)... this was fixed
-CRITICAL: the TRIM panel at night SHINED A LOT...although this is a feature that cannot be modified... the texture was redone to "smooth out the brightness"... besides that originally this texture was incomplete.

for you to compare... the V2 file weighed 46Mb... this new V3 file is 233 Mb (I don't do any type of compression in any of my packages)
If it is not today... the file will be online tomorrow. greetings.

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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby darrenvox » Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:20 pm

nice work!!
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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby Delta Tango Nine Two » Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:44 am

thank you so much....

something i completely forgot to mention...(and that is not mentioned in the readme..about the changes made) that i changed the "blue" color of the was blue close to i first converted it to gray (with this I killed all traces of weird colors) and then I converted it to dark blue....this is the blue of the lines of the fuselage and the tips of the wings and rudders. (something that was not in v2) :dance:
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Re: Flysimware and baptism of flight

Postby CHUCK79 » Sun Jul 23, 2023 4:52 pm

Nice and sharp repaint! <<u
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