Win 7 64 bit fix for CFS1
Playing around with ( ie editing ) my device.cfg file did not produce the desired results - much innocent entertainment and some swearing, but no advance. So back to the forums. I make no claim for originality,
I found this solution referenced in another forum and tracked it down. The credit for the original solution goes to someone called 'Scramble Squadron Simon' and, for anyone interested in the original reference,
the URL is :- answer lies with your Combatfs.cfg file, which is in your CFS root folder. BEFORE you do anything else, copy this file to a safe location just in case things go pear-shaped ! Once you have copied it to
somewhere safe, delete the original file from your CFS root folder.
Next, copy the text of the Combatfs.cfg file below and paste it into any convenient text editor - Notepad, Notepad++, or whatever. Now, scroll down to the line that reads "Device= . . ." immediately after
[HARDWARE] and delete this line and the next one that starts "Mode= . . ." . Now go to your safely saved original file and copy these two lines from it. These two lines should reference your current video
hardware. I know they do in my case - an nVidia 9500GT with 1Gb of RAM built in - computers CFS1 was built to run on didn't have that much RAM on their motherboards ! Then paste these two lines into
your new file. Save it as Combatfs.cfg in your CFS root folder and you are done.
This works. I have just done it, fired up CFS1 in freeflight, found myself sitting in a Mk9 Spitfire at Interlaken and using a Cyborg joystick I could look around using the hat switch; the rudder control corrected
the Spitfire swing on take-off; the triggers worked the guns; and using the ailerons produced quite a nice flick roll. What more do you want ?
Thank you Scramble Squadron Simon for coming up with this solution, and apologies for a lengthy piece of text to copy,
Chris Cosgrove