cant get joystick to work

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cant get joystick to work

Postby crusader59 » Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:09 pm

can anyone give me an idea as to why my joystick wont work with vista for my cfs? i think i have tried about everything and cant get it to work. any help would be greatly appreciated.

                                       thanks to all  :-/
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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby H » Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:45 pm

Understand that I've only advanced as far as XP, thus assuming Vista setup is similar.
1. Does the joystick (game controller) show up when you start CFS, click into Settings, then click into Game Controllers?

1b. If so, try calibrating it.

If not,
2. When you click into Control Panel, is it listed?

2b. Try adding it and once done, if necessary, repeat 1b.

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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby berk » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:31 am

CFS 1 loads in Vista just fine. Keyboard will operate game as usual, but a CH Combat Stick will not. Any advice short of another pc with XP? Berk
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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby H » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:46 pm

Is the joystick being recognized?
If so, are there any warnings  when trying to calibrate?

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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby ozzy72 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:07 am

Vista and Windows 7 sometimes require special drivers to make certain devices work. Try the manufacturers website and see if they do a specific driver set for Vista/7 for your stick ;)
I had trouble getting my Saitek pedals to work properly which is how I discovered this ;D ;D ;D
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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby Chris Cosgrove » Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:41 pm

I have a Cyborg Gold 3D USB joystick, and now that I am running a Win7 64 bit machine it works straight out the box on FSX, FS9, CFS3 and CFS2. One of the first things I did when I upgraded to Win7 was check Saitek's web-site for new drivers - to be told the default Windows ones work fine and there are no Saitek drivers available.

CFS1 'works' on the keyboard with the joystick disconnected - I did one flight to try it, an FW 190 out of Interlaken, and spun into the lake from about 1000m - but this does suggest that the basic CFS1 installation is correct, and that the problem is with the joystick.

My present line of thought is trying to edit the Device.CFG files to add my joystick. This is easy to do - it can be done in Notepad, or better still in some freeware software called Notepad++.

If you do decide to try this route - WARNING !
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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby Chris Cosgrove » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:00 pm

Win 7 64 bit fix for CFS1

Playing around with ( ie editing ) my device.cfg file did not produce the desired results - much innocent entertainment and some swearing, but no advance. So back to the forums. I make no claim for originality,

I found this solution referenced in another forum and tracked it down. The credit for the original solution goes to someone called 'Scramble Squadron Simon' and, for anyone interested in the original reference,

the URL is :-

The answer lies with your Combatfs.cfg file, which is in your CFS root folder. BEFORE you do anything else, copy this file to a safe location just in case things go pear-shaped ! Once you have copied it to

somewhere safe, delete the original file from your CFS root folder.

Next, copy the text of the Combatfs.cfg file below and paste it into any convenient text editor - Notepad, Notepad++, or whatever. Now, scroll down to the line that reads "Device= . . ." immediately after

[HARDWARE] and delete this line and the next one that starts "Mode= . . ." . Now go to your safely saved original file and copy these two lines from it. These two lines should reference your current video

hardware. I know they do in my case - an nVidia 9500GT with 1Gb of RAM built in - computers CFS1 was built to run on didn't have that much RAM on their motherboards ! Then paste these two lines into

your new file. Save it as Combatfs.cfg in your CFS root folder and you are done.

This works. I have just done it, fired up CFS1 in freeflight, found myself sitting in a Mk9 Spitfire at Interlaken and using a Cyborg joystick I could look around using the hat switch; the rudder control corrected

the Spitfire swing on take-off; the triggers worked the guns; and using the ailerons produced quite a nice flick roll. What more do you want ?

Thank you Scramble Squadron Simon for coming up with this solution, and apologies for a lengthy piece of text to copy,

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Re: cant get joystick to work

Postby No Dice » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:43 pm

easy fix, see here
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