Boost lost after warp

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Boost lost after warp

Postby arfyhun » Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:23 pm

Greetings all,
   I'm slowly going through the missions and A/Cs which have problems that defy my best resolutions.

May I ask assistance on this one?

The mission is called 'Save the Lancasters'.
On take-off I can see +6lbs boost max. After warping (if I wait for the 500-odd miles to meet the Lancs I feel I may die of old age) all I see is -4lbs. I barely stay in the air.
I have replaced the sound file, no change- (all RAF single engine A/Cs have the same one aliased) and there is no similar problem in any other mission I have found yet. Just 'Save the Lancasters'.
It must be coming from the mission...Illogical?!
Can the mission dictate engine boost?
Not being au fait with the inner workings of missions, I have no idea where to go from here.

Any wisdom will be gratefully accepted.

Many thanks in advance.

Graham Sullivan. London.
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Re: Boost lost after warp

Postby H » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:20 pm

What are you flying? If you've run out of fuel you're not going to have much boost. For long warp destinations I cut my throttle completely (even cut the engine) before engaging the warp and reengage power when warping is complete.

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Re: Boost lost after warp

Postby arfyhun » Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:35 am

Crikey H, I never thought of that! I have warped a thousand times and never had the problem before. This is a '300-odd miler' until you arrive at the combat zone but it didn't cross my mind fuel could be a factor as the engine still runs. I do close the throttle before warping...mean I suppose but given the price of squirt here in England.......
In free flight yonks ago I once flew until fuel exhaustion and the motor stopped. Silence was NOT golden! Didn't walk away from that one. I'll reconfigure fuel load and try again.
Glad to know I can open a question when if you think a second about it I had the basic answer in my question.

Many thanks H.

Will report back.

Graham Sullivan.  London.   
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