Update. I found the CD & installed CFS1 to my Windows 10 Home 64-bit system.
As always with my sims I redirected the install path to a location outside the Program Files directories, in this case C:\CFS1.
To be on the safe side I ran Setup.exe on the CD as Administrator. I didn't bother registering it.
The sim runs fine but it couldn't detect my trusty SideWinder Pro joystick. This appears to be a common problem with CFS1 since Windows 7 & you get this garbled warning on startup. Although I could calibrate my joystick from CFS Settings it still wouldn't work.

I found several tweaks/fixes posted on the web. After trying for a while without success this this one finally worked for me.
https://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/82858-Windows-7-and-CFS1-joystick-problem-A-FIX!!! Please read the instructions carefully & back up any files before editing them.
CFS1 is now running perfectly. I'd forgotten how much fun it was.

Hope this is some help.