Foo Fighters

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Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:56 am

Foo Fighters: As many of you will know, during WWII, UFO's were called Foo Fighters.  There were several reports of Foo Fighters from night fighter and night bomber crews of both sides of the conflict.  What are your thoughts on using Foo Fighters in CFS? I have down loaded several, including the TIE fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, X-wing, A-wing, Fireball XL5, Supercar, Area 51 Flying Saucer, Colonial Viper, Klingon D7 and Alien Attacker. If Anyone knows of any others and where I can get them, please let me know. Also, has anyone done scenes and textures for the surface of the Moon?  ;)
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Sytse » Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:11 am

Hi Biggles!

What do you mean by 'using them in CFS' ?
If you mean using them in a normal dogfight, that would be pretty lame. But if you mean using them to have some fun... well, go ahead. It wont last very long, you'll get bored soon unless you're a totall UFO freak.
Did you know the area 51 thing can make a 360 turn by using rudder? pretty cool...
I've tried using some of them in dogfights (I was allowed to do so...) but I found it very hard to hit anything.  ::)
About the moon: I think you can get some other moons from the simviation download section. Look under utilities.
Don't know if it's any good though...

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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby denishc » Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:00 pm

 Way back in this forum someone posted that there was a "flying saucer" built into CFS1.  I think they said it was hovering somewhere around London.  Also I've heard of "flying pigs" and even Snoopy on his dog house!  Now how's that for "Foo Fighters".
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Sytse » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:56 am

Oooh yeah! There's something weird going on near stonehenge  ;)
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:27 am

Yeah, I've tried using jets vs Foo fighters/UFo's in quick combat and yes they are pretty hard to hit as they zip past so fast, and you do get bored after a while.

Its good for a few minutes fun though, imagine you are a WWII piolot flying a meteor or an ME262 at night and you encounter a UFO formating on your wingtip and no matter what you do you can't shake it off.  Thats the kind of thing that night fighters reported.

That bit About a UFO built into the game flying over London sounds interesting. Is that flying at Night?

Anyhow I was wondering if someone had thought of making a mission with Foo fighters or something.

No I'm not a total UFO freak (just partial) its just one of the many things I'm interested in. ;)
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:40 am

I've found a campaign in Simvation Missions CFS1 section, that I had missed previously.  Its called Invasion 1948. It involves UFOs vs WWII aircraft. Looks interesting, this is the sort of thing I'm looking for.

I love CFS1. :-*
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby H » Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:27 am

 Way back in this forum someone posted that there was a "flying saucer" built into CFS1.  I think they said it was hovering somewhere around London.  Also I've heard of "flying pigs" and even Snoopy on his dog house!  Now how's that for "Foo Fighters".

Actually, I've redone a Sopwith download to represent my own CFS1 WW1 Snoops; so, so close to an uploadable composite when my computer went haywire. I've just rebuilt my older computer and still need to retrieve some of the files (hope I don't have to redo them all :'() so let's see if I can get it done before my birthdate (ides of November) comes around :P.
Last edited by H on Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am

Hi H,
I wouldn't class a 'snoopy Camel' as a Foo Fighter. ;)  A Foo Fighter for me, is either a 'Traditional'
UFO or a Sci-Fi craft such as an X-wing, TIE Fighter, Colonial Viper etc.  However I love cartoons (overgrown kid me) and wish you luck in sorting out Snoopy and his Camel. Perhaps you will upload it to simvation and I can download it for my hanger.;D  I've seen a couple of other 'cartoon planes' of Muttley and Dasterdley in the CFS2 section. I wish someone would make Versions for CFS1.

Keep on QCing. :)
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby H » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:24 pm

Hi H,
I wouldn't class a 'snoopy Camel' as a Foo Fighter. ;)  A Foo Fighter for me, is either a 'Traditional'
UFO or a Sci-Fi craft such as an X-wing, TIE Fighter, Colonial Viper etc.  However I love cartoons (overgrown kid me) and wish you luck in sorting out Snoopy and his Camel. Perhaps you will upload it to simvation and I can download it for my hanger.;D  I've seen a couple of other 'cartoon planes' of Muttley and Dasterdley in the CFS2 section. I wish someone would make Versions for CFS1.
Keep on QCing. :)

Just as a note, the original foo fighter reports weren't what we now generally think of as 'alien' craft. They were usually classed as ball lightning because they were small "balls of light" that, sometimes quite erratically, whirled around their much slower hosts (conventional aircraft).
Maybe it was by little "fire ant-people" that they were manned -- er, anted ????
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Dan » Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:32 am

Yes, your absolutly right about there being a pig at StoneHenge - never seen it though!  :o
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Bombardier101 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:06 am

I beleive in aliens. So many other suns out there, got to be some more hopsitable planets? ???

I wouldn't class a 'snoopy Camel' as a Foo Fighter.   A Foo Fighter for me, is either a 'Traditional'
UFO or a Sci-Fi craft such as an X-wing, TIE Fighter, Colonial Viper etc.

The only real foo fighter is one of those balls of light that flies around WW2 planes. It would be nice if someone made one, now that I think about it maybe I could, I've got too much other things to do and so little time in each day. Sorry.

or an ME262 at night and you encounter a UFO formating on your wingtip and no matter what you do you can't shake it off.  Thats the kind of thing that night fighters reported

FREAKY! At night, in an Me262. That's a total freak out... "Jackal Five to Ground control, tuefel! zis thing will not get off me, ground control. Trying to shake it off...Himmel! It stays on me!" Real reports too! Crikey...weird... :-/ Put me to bed guys, I can't sleep... ;)
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:35 am

Hey H,  yeah, I've heard of Foo fighters refered to as ball lightning,   Also heard of UFOs refered to as weather balloons, the moon, marsh gas,  Venus or Saturn and the latest, Earth lights.  Tell that to the pilots who have seen these things.   ;)

I saw this program on TV (Discovery Wings) where these US night fighter pilots ( Flying Mosquitos in WWII) reported These balls of  light formatting off their wing tips and seeming to behave intelligently, as if it was playing with them.  So I said,(just for fun) imagine you are flying an Me262 at night (in CFS1) and this sort of thing happens.  :)

But I didn't mean this to be a serious discussion  on UFOs.  I just want to have a little fun trying to shoot them down or at least hit them in CFS1. :P

PS: I've seen ball lightning, in broad daylight, an extremely bright ball of light, about the size of a basket ball, it zipped around like crazy, then hit the ground and went off like grenade. Scared the hell out of me:o

Simviation is the best!  ;D
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:46 am

Hey Bombardier101,
I just love the way you created a word picture with your 'Jackel Five' radio chatter - with just a few words too. Thats just the athmosphere I'm looking for. Now if someone could only transfer that into a mission. ;)
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Sytse » Sat Sep 10, 2005 11:11 am

Oooh there's a nice little "Independence day fighter" in the CFS mixed section here on simviation.
Once I also had these huge city destroyers as scenery. They were hoovering above London and Paris. Dunno where I got them from. I think from simviation...
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Re: Foo Fighters

Postby Biggles125 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:54 am

Hi Pigeon,
Yeah, I've got the Alien attacker from 'Independence Day', a real mean looking thing, managed to hit it and knock some chunks off it, flying a Mosquito. ;D  Also downloaded the huge Alien Destroyer scenery from Simviation but not yet installed it. :-/

Keep CSF1 alive. :D
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