Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

General discussion for CFS - the original European Air War Combat Flight Simulator

Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby dcunning30 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:14 am

As I have continued to procrastonate about plucking down my hard earned $9.99 and buying CFS at Wal*Mart, I was wondering what does CFS offer over CFS3, other than playability on older computers?

Thanks in advance!   8)
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby Sytse » Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:19 am

Better gameplay (at least, that's what everyone says...)
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby H » Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:47 am

Originally, I found it more user friendly since I found I could repaint planes just utilizing MSPaint (I've now advanced beyond that), although you're initially limited to the 256-color scheme. If you want to change the squadron number or put your own name below the canopy, it can be done without downloading any extra programs. The same for altering or making your own missions or changing the gunstation files (the stock Hurricane is only supplied with guns; I duplicated the plane's folder in another locale and renamed it; I did a repaint, added cannon and bomb capabilities, changed its .cfg file (file changes via notepad or wordpad) to indicate its new folder info and placed the folder back into the main aircraft folder. I did similarly with other planes.
Eventually, I wound up finding this site and its free downloads: a lot more types of planes and additional scenery, as well. Some are substantially better than the original stock. The CFS1 planes can also be utilzed in CFS2, as well as FS98, 2K or 2k2. With file changes, FS98 -- and some FS2k planes, if based on the same .mdl format and a little work -- will operate in CFS1.
As far as flying realism: the plane's vitals are contained within the .air file -- don't try altering this with a word processor (notepad/wordpad). If you don't like how the plane handles, someone should be able to assist with the .air file (there's an editor available for download should you want to do so yourself). Basically, for its install size and its basic operation, it compares quite well to CFS3, which I got but didn't like because of CF3's incompatibility.
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby Bombardier101 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:21 am

It's easier to install addons and something I just can't put my finger on...;)
Need a DP for your new aircraft? PM me for one!

My CFS2 Addons

Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery: http://www.simviation.com/cfs2scenery16.htm
IJN Bomber Force Campaign http://www.simviation.com/cfs2missions22.htm
WW&C France WW1 S
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby Mathias » Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:40 am

[quote]As I have continued to procrastonate about plucking down my hard earned $9.99 and buying CFS at Wal*Mart, I was wondering what does CFS offer over CFS3, other than playability on older computers?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby Padser » Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:07 am


Nostalgia - the mot juste! Just hearing that opening chord as the game starts sends a shiver down my spine... ;)

CFS1 is where I started out and I used to love it. I continue to go back to it from time to time even now and as Mathias says, the stock campaigns and the availability of outstanding freeware add-ons were (and are still!) excellent.

If you are more used to CFS2 and 3 you will find the implementation of the aircraft, damage models and visual effects in general relatively impoverished, but the game is still eminently playable. Try it - for $10 it's got be worth it (I think I have a spare CD which I will lend to you if you wish!)

DC - I think you are more of an offline than online player, but with add-ons such as TG2, CFO and BRH, CFS1 also offers better-than-CFS2 possibilities for online play with functional bombs and rockets, separate ground starts for different teams, shared ground targets, etc. You would need to find someone to fly with though - I don't even know if the Zone is still running CFS1...


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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby dcunning30 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:48 am

Thanks guys!

Yea, I am an offline player.
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby Bombardier101 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:30 am

I still must admit, the dynamic campaign in CFS3 was pretty cool! And the radio chatter actually in German! It was ok. But CFS1 is still great since I know how to install the addons for it. It's easier than '3'.
Need a DP for your new aircraft? PM me for one!

My CFS2 Addons

Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery: http://www.simviation.com/cfs2scenery16.htm
IJN Bomber Force Campaign http://www.simviation.com/cfs2missions22.htm
WW&C France WW1 S
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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby james007 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:25 pm

Dcunning30 I highly recommend you to Buy CFS1. I can almost guarantee you will enjoy it very much. It simply a fun simulator to fly with.

You will regret it if do not buy it. At 10 Dollars its a bargain.

Their are many down loads for it righ here in this same Website. I believe there is a German speach pakage that is very cool. I hope it still available.

The differene are great. CFS1 is perhaps the most immersing and simple in the Market period. Simplicity has its merit.

It was my first Sim and I it still have a place for it in my heart. Its a lot more fun than CFS2 or CFS3. They are all different and should be treated as such.

You should fly according to your mood. They are all great Simulation on their own term. I would buy them all if I where you since they are all classics.

A warning its not CFS2 or CFS3. When you fly in it just enjoy the flying and fighting. It does not have a easy to use Mission Buider nor does it have as many upgrades as CFS2 has nor the fun non historical campaign that CFS3 offers.

PS in the down Campaig and Missions section for CFS1 there are Pacific Theater Missions and Campaign available as well. Now thats kool. If you ever get tire of flying in Europe you can also change the menu if you want.

I hope I have been helpful

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Re: Honest Qestion about CFS vs CFS3

Postby H » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:09 am

As James mentions, there is a German chatter download. I use it, myself, even though I barely understand a word (barely do any better with script).
There are a number of downloadable missons and some campaigns. As I previously stated, if you ever get the urge you can open up notepad or wordpad and [re]create your own. At the moment I'm preparing an upload for WWI (Armistice Day is two days before my birthdate).
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